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Mr. Franey September 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Franey September 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Franey September 2016

2 Introduction A little bit about myself
09/17/99 Introduction A little bit about myself I live in Bridgewater, where my wife is also a teacher, and my daughter is a 5th grader. 20th year teaching in Montgomery Undergraduate degree from Rutgers College Graduate degrees from Rutgers Grad. School of Ed. 2

3 Tonight’s Agenda Curriculum Overview
09/17/99 Tonight’s Agenda Curriculum Overview A Typical School Day in Your Child’s Life at School Class Rules Homework Report Cards Testing & Assessment Communication 3

4 Fourth Grade Reading Reader’s Workshop Format
Mini-lesson (Whole Class Direct Instruction) Independent Reading Individual Reading Conferences Reading Partnerships Interactive Read-Alouds Partnership with Teachers College Fourth Grade Reading Units Interpreting Characters: The Heart of the Story Reading the Weather, Reading the World (Nonfiction) Interpreting Fiction Book Clubs Reading History: The American Revolution Historical Fiction Book Clubs Mystery Book Clubs

5 Fourth Grade Writing Focus on writing instruction at all grade levels through Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Daily Format Mini-lesson (Whole Class Direct Instruction) Independent Writing Individual Writing Conferences Strategy Groups Share Interactive Writing Partnership with Teacher’s College Fourth Grade Writing Units The Arc of Story (Realistic Fiction) Boxes and Bullets: Personal and Persuasive Essays The Literary Essay Bringing History to Life (American Revolution) The Craft of Fiction Journalism

6 K-4 Mathematics Math in Focus
Math Workshop Approach Mini-lesson Whole Class Direct Instruction using a Concrete-Pictorial- Abstract progression. Includes opportunities for students to discuss concepts and big ideas in each unit. Practice Games, Activities, & Written Practice Small Group Instruction Infused Technology Fact Fluency Practice Problem Solving Experiences Tonight’s Year at a Glance document will provide more information about grade level topics. Students may access their textbook online at Think Central Student IDs are student ID followed by a period and the school initials. (example, VES). The password for all student is their student ID.

7 A Day in the Life 9:30-10:00 Morning Work & Morning Meeting
10:00-11:00 Math 11:00-11:10 Snack 11:10-11:50 Writing Workshop 11:50-11:55 Brain Break ( 11:55-12:35 Reading Workshop 12:35-1:25 Science or Social Studies 1:25-2:10 Lunch/Recess 2:15-2:50 Word Study & Read Aloud 2:50-2:55 Write Down Homework & Pack up 3:00-3:40 Special

8 K-4 Science and Social Studies
Exploration through 1580 Colonial America American Revolution Science Motion and Design Weather At all grade levels, there is an increased focus on non-fiction and informational texts in both Science and Social Studies.

9 Class Rules Treat others with kindness & respect.
Agreed upon classroom rules Treat others with kindness & respect. Respect each other’s personal property and personal space. Cooperate and help each other.

10 09/17/99 Homework Establish good independent study & work habits, reinforce learning. Should be able to be done relatively unassisted Expect about 30 minutes most nights split between math and literacy. Please also help you child practice their multiplication and division facts to 100. ( Homework assignment books arrived Tuesday Opportunity to make-up missed or forgotten hw I understand that our late dismissal time can make it difficult to finish hw on days when students have after school activities. If you could send me a note or a quick when this happens I would appreciate. 8

11 Classroom Assessments
Math: Stoplight Assessments after each unit Benchmark Assessment in Nov., Feb., & June Students will review for these assessments in class and a study guide will go home as well. Science and Social Studies Assessments for each unit

12 Standardized Assessments
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Reading and Math 10/24/16 and 10/28/16 PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) Testing window April 11 - May 13

13 Online Report Cards Three per year (December 23, March 31, & June 21)
No letter grades, instead student understanding of content is graded as proficient, partially-proficient, or non-proficient.

14 Band & Orchestra Lessons
Students will miss instruction when they leave for orchestra and band lessons. Students are responsible for making up any work that they miss while at music lessons. I will do my best to help them during recess or other times that present themselves during the school day, but it is their responsibility to make up what they miss.

15 Communication E-mail (best bet)
09/17/99 Communication (best bet) reminders from me about important dates (tests, field trips, school events...) please let me know if you haven’t received any s yet from me. Parent Pick-up notes are required this year & they help me remember to send students to parent pick-up. Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences November & 21-22 Optional Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences April 4-6 9 15

16 Wish List Tissues Please remember to send snack

17 Room Parents Mrs. Alpa Shah and Mrs. Michele Swain Thank you!

18 General Questions

19 Thank You for Coming Tonight!

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