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Writing Rule #1: Remembering your PURPOSE & AUDIENCE

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Rule #1: Remembering your PURPOSE & AUDIENCE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Rule #1: Remembering your PURPOSE & AUDIENCE

2 Text Message from a Friend
Hey Dave, Pancake finally went splitsville from his old lady….Says he buying the first round. Wants to know when your available. Hit my cell. L8er, Readzo

3 from a Student From: Tammy Johnston To: David Besst Subject: hey im on the waitlist for your class and wondered if theres prolly a chance of getting in i really need this class so what should i do thanks nathan

4 Email from a Student hey best,
From: To: David Besst Subject: hey best, I was at the doctors yesterday for a infected spider bite & couldnt turn my paper in and wanted 2 see if I can bring it next week without it being late. PLEEEEASSSSE  LET ME KNOW! thanx

5 from a Student From: Blanca Chavez To: David Besst Subject: Taking a Quiz Early Hi Professor Besst, This is Blanca Chavez from your English 50 class that meets from 10:30-12:35 p.m. on M/W. I was wondering if I could take Reading/Vocab Quiz #3 early because I have a work conflict on the day of that quiz that I can’t reschedule. If I can’t take the quiz early, I understand as well. If you could get back to me at your convenience, I would appreciate it. Thank you, Blanca Chavez

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