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Regional PTC Call April 21, 1:00 pm EST
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2015 STD Treatment Guidelines
Dissemination Plan
Objectives Introduce the STD Treatment Guidelines to medical and healthcare professionals who are unaware of the guidance document; Ensure physicians and healthcare providers who currently use the STD Treatment Guidelines are aware of changes in the updated document; Encourage use of STD Treatment Guidelines among target audience; Continue to establish DSTDP as a resource for accurate information about STDs.
Audiences This strategy aims to reach healthcare providers and decision makers directly and through partner organizations. Primary Target Audiences: Medical and healthcare professionals who diagnose and treat patients with STDs. Institutions where patients are diagnosed and receive treatment for STDs. Third parties who function as opinion leaders and/or can access medical and healthcare professionals. Secondary Target Audiences: Medical schools Nursing schools State and local health departments Pharmaceutical companies
Communication Challenges
Ensuring that the target audience is aware of all of the content in the Guidelines. Making sure the content is clear and useful for the target audience. Printing budget for collateral materials may not meet the needs of audience demand. Difficulty reaching providers in the private sector.
Tactic: Disseminate messages via provider-focused websites and publications.
Announcements to partners Collateral Materials (Pocket Guide, Wall Chart, App, Website) Medscape Commentary & Online Banners blog Did You Know/Have you Heard The Doctor’s Channel Sermo Director’s Commentary in Scientific Journals Epocrates DocAlerts MDLinx Podcasts Webinars
Tactic: Use social media to drive providers, partners, and decision makers to resources.
STD TX App Twitter Facebook National Public Health Information Coalition STD Communications Toolkit (
Tactic: Leverage relationships with partners to disseminate messages.
Partner Publications Standard PowerPoint Slides Present or Exhibit at Medical/Professional Association Meetings & Conferences Communications evaluation will focus on reach, using process measures
Course Code Changes for 14-1407
Course Code Finalization Process
Reviewed training data Evaluabilty Assessment suggestions and challenges with course codes Conversations with PTCs with split intensives Review and approval from regional PTC coordinators, NEC, and CDC
Eliminated use of 360 for precepting students
What changed? Standardization is needed for coding STD intensives with split didactic and practicum sessions Eliminated use of 360 for precepting students Eliminated webinar course code, added online course modules Removed ASI course codes but kept numbering as it impacts other CDC reporting Split grand rounds into 3 different categories to better capture audience, content, and focus Inaccurate coding impacts ability to report effort and resource allocation accurately
Need more standardization to accurately capture impact of PTC training
Why Now? Inaccurate coding impacts ability to report effort and resource allocation accurately Course coding now linked to type of post-course evaluation participant receives Need more standardization to accurately capture impact of PTC training Title of course does not matter but coding of course does
National Evaluation Center Update
NNPTC National Evaluation
Focused on priority evaluation questions from PTCs and CDC captured in Evaluability Study Is the NNPTC reaching the new primary care audience in addition to STD experts? Is NNPTC training changing provider practices? More PCP screening for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis Treatment according to most recent guidelines Sexual history Use of 2015 CDC Treatment Guidelines Changes aligned with State Health Dept AAPPS measures (Assessment, Assurance, Policy Development and Prevention Services)
How can we improve our training?
What Will We Measure Who are we reaching? Profession, work setting, novice/expert, direct care of most vulnerable populations Will compare worksite location with priority geographic areas identified in regional needs assessments (based on epi and/or service gaps) How can we improve our training? Satisfaction with trainers, teaching methods, course content, participant suggestions
Immediately Post-Training
Confidence in knowledge of how chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HPV present clinically Confidence to obtain the appropriate specimens and select most accurate diagnostic tests Confidence in knowledge of current screening, treatment, and management recommendations Intention to screen most-at-risk populations for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV Intention to take sexual history Intention to discuss HPV vaccination with patients in the appropriate age categories
Three Months Post-Training
Self-identified changes in practice Shared what was learned What interfered with you applying PTC training What helped you apply PTC training Screening appropriate populations for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV Taking sexual history Discussing HPV vaccination with patients in the appropriate age categories Use of 2015 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines
Evaluation Process When you enter a class into the learning management system, you will see a menu of evaluation forms. Choose the one that covers the topics presented in that training. Evaluation questions will come from the Question Bank(QB) except for unique trainings such as a national webinar on a topic not in the QB. A link to the online survey will go to the class coordinator prior to the class. We ask that the trainer share this link with encouragement to complete the evaluation the last few minutes of the training on mobile phone, tablet or computer. Each student will get an with the link at the end of the training – and up to three reminder s. 3 months after training each student will receive up to 4 s asking them to complete the follow-up survey. It would be helpful if trainers told trainees to expect this and encouraged their participation.
Evaluation Process Expectation is that the NEC evaluation will replace existing evaluations for CDC purposes When a PTC provides CE credit we ask that you add a link to your CE online survey at the END of the NEC survey or pass out the paper version after encouraging people to complete the NEC survey There will be paper versions of all the surveys posted on the NNPTC website. If you use a paper survey please enter those data into the electronic data base. IN MAY THERE WILL BE TRAINING FOR HOW TO USE THE EVALUATION SYSTEM. THE NEC WILL BE AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU WITH THE SYSTEM AS WE EMBARK ON THIS NEW JOURNEY TOGETHER.
THANK YOU Questions?
Course Code Changes for 14-1407
Course Code Finalization Process
Reviewed training data Evaluabilty Assessment suggestions and challenges with course codes Conversations with PTCs with split intensives Review and approval from regional PTC coordinators, NEC, and CDC
Eliminated use of 360 for precepting students
What changed? Standardization is needed for coding STD intensives with split didactic and practicum sessions Eliminated use of 360 for precepting students Eliminated webinar course code, added online course modules Removed ASI course codes but kept numbering as it impacts other CDC reporting Split grand rounds into 3 different categories to better capture audience, content, and focus Inaccurate coding impacts ability to report effort and resource allocation accurately
Need more standardization to accurately capture impact of PTC training
Why Now? Inaccurate coding impacts ability to report effort and resource allocation accurately Course coding now linked to type of post-course evaluation participant receives Need more standardization to accurately capture impact of PTC training Title of course does not matter but coding of course does
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