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RAISEonline PANDA and PAT Merger Ed Price

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1 RAISEonline PANDA and PAT Merger Ed Price
Schools Statistics Team - OFSTED 28th September 2006

2 RAISEonline PANDA and PAT Merger Background Overview of RAISEonline
Reporting Data Management Guidance RAISEonline and OFSTED Inspections Live Online Example Reporting and Analysis for Improvement through School Self-Evaluation

3 Background “The PAT, which is software for school self-evaluation and target-setting issued by the DfES, will be combined with the Ofsted PANDA, so that there is one source of data which Ofsted and schools use, with both parties clear about what the data is telling them” Source: A New Relationship with Schools: Next Steps, 09 March 2005 This quote comes from the NRwS ‘Next Steps doc’ As part of the New Relationship with Schools, Ofsted and the DfES are working closely to streamline the provision of data analysis to schools by merging the Performance and Assessment Reports – the PANDA – with the Pupil Achievement Tracker. The merger of the PAT and PANDA will provide a wide range of analytical information from one convenient source as well as providing schools with a tool for reviewing their performance data in greater depth as part of their self evaluation and target setting. Currently, the data available about individual pupils and their progression is better than ever before, this package will make best use of this data. Purpose of this slide: Explains what the project is about and details what we use it for: School self evaluation Target settiing, To be used by all primary and secondary maintained schools in England (headteacher, teachers, subject leaders etc), LA advisors, inspectors and SIPs… source of info endorsed by Ofsted and DfES Perhaps will require a mention re Inspection and PANDA

4 Performance And Assessment (PANDA) Reports
An extensive statistical analysis of school assessment results Aids school self-evaluation, a major part of the inspection process Used by inspectors to inform judgements made about a school during inspection Produced by OFSTED

5 Pupil Achievement Tracker (PAT)
A software package which allows schools to import and analyse their own pupil performance against national performance data. Used in target setting for individual pupils Question level analysis allows schools to analyse by question attainment target and topic pupil performance in national curriculum tests. Produced by DfES

6 Why are we making this change?
To make better use of pupil level data To reduce burdens for schools by providing: A common set of analyses for schools, LAs, inspectors and School Improvement Partners Pre-populated, centrally available data Easy, online access To support schools self evaluation The collection of pupil data in PLASC combined with marks data from the tests provides has enabled more sophisticated analyses of pupils performance and potential. Some of these analyses are already in the PAT and as Ofsted look to develop them in the PANDA, it makes sense to combine these in a common analysis tool. Intention is therefore to build an online tool which meet the purposes of the PAT and the PANDA. Building on the existing products providing new analyses, although the existing target setting and question level analysis will be incorporated. Schools, LEAs, Inspectors, School Improvement Partners will all be able to access the same data One of the weaknesses of the PAT has been that unlike the PANDA the school has had to populate the software with its own results and other pupil data. Developing an online tool will allow centrally available data to be pre-populated Being online will also mean that schools will not need to download or install software or upgrades. The package will support the NRWS policy of improving performance through school self evaluation. Meaningful interpretation of the data will help schools evaluate the quality of their provision and help set challenging but achievable targets for improvement priorities. The package provides evidence that is the basis for the school’s self-evaluation; allowing schools to evaluate the overall standards that pupils attain and the standards attained by different pupil groups and understand their progress made over time. Analysis will help teachers review their practice and ensure that they are doing everything they can to raise the achievement of all groups of learners. Different aspects of data are compiled in a variety of ways this allows schools to understand when they perform more highly in some measures and lower in others so that their priorities for improvement and related action are based on data which are directly relevant and statistically reliable.

7 RAISEonline includes the following facilities:
Secure log on Reporting Summary reports, interactivity, drill down Saving and sharing Data management On screen amendment Import and export facilities Online tutorial, training and feedback facilities Password protected log on to ensure restricted access to info. Reporting - the focus of RAISEonline- go into more detail on next slide. Saving and sharing reports - outside e.g. a school will be able to share a particular bit of analysis with their SIP or LA. Within a school the different users set up will be able to share reports amongst each other. Data management – on screen if for example want to change the FSM status of a child or bulk upload e.g. some question level data. Tutorial and training – help users get up to speed quickly with the system Keen to receive feedback on system so can listen to stakeholder views through surveys and feedback opportunities

8 RAISEonline will enable schools to:
Examine context, attainment and value added data Explore hypotheses about pupil performance Analyse question level data for National, Optional and Progress tests Set and moderate pupil targets Password protected log on to ensure restricted access to info. Reporting - the focus of RAISEonline- go into more detail on next slide. Saving and sharing reports - outside e.g. a school will be able to share a particular bit of analysis with their SIP or LA. Within a school the different users set up will be able to share reports amongst each other. Data management – on screen if for example want to change the FSM status of a child or bulk upload e.g. some question level data. Tutorial and training – help users get up to speed quickly with the system Keen to receive feedback on system so can listen to stakeholder views through surveys and feedback opportunities

9 Reporting in RAISEonline
Reports are interactive, not static Allows schools to customise the analyses to meet their own specific needs Pupils can be grouped and filtered to examine performance in specific areas Allows schools to define their own filtering criteria e.g. teaching classes within year groups Customised reports can then be saved and shared amongst colleagues

10 Reporting in RAISEonline
Makes more use of extensive pupil level data available Pupil Level Annual School Census National Pupil Database Schools are able to identify pupils by name, with contextual and attainment data Under previous PANDA, it was not possible to

11 Data Management in RAISEonline
Pre-populated with data collected by DfES eg. PLASC, SLASC Schools can upload their own data from MIS – used in QLA and target setting Schools can also alter pupil data on screen and see the resulting effect on data analyses Audit report maintains a record of data changes made by schools Pre-populated – difference between unvalidated and validated PANDA. Time between two releases Pre-populated data is read-only. School changes and school uploaded data does not overwrite official data.


13 Guidance in RAISEonline
Tutorials customised for different user types Answers to FAQs “Help articles” available for every report Technical and analytical support available Telephone and support Feedback from users be used to ensure guidance is as effective and relevant as possible Users can feedback via the website

14 RAISEonline and OFSTED Inspection
RAISEonline will be used to inform inspection judgements once 2006 performance data is available Inspectors will use the Full Report as an initial point of reference for identifying inspection issues Issues can be investigated further using the interactive reports Schools and inspectors can share saved reports to aid dialogue prior to and during inspection













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