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Arlington Heights FFA Lamb & Goat Essentials.

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1 Arlington Heights FFA Lamb & Goat Essentials

2 Purchasing The initial purchase cost is the 100% responsibility of the student and family. The exact cost should be determined by the family, student, and advisor; based upon the student’s interest level, time, and goals. As a range, please expect to spend no less than $400. (The average students typically spend is between $400 - $600.) Costs may differ based upon quality of the animal, availability, expenses related to raising the animal experienced by the breeder, time of purchase, and time the animal will be shown. The teacher will travel and select the student’s animal. As soon as the animal is purchased the student and family become responsible for its daily needs.

3 Breeds - Sheep Fine Wool Fine Wool Cross Dorper Southdown Medium

4 Breeds - Goats Boer

5 Housing All animals are housed, fed, and maintained at the AHHS FFA Ag Facility. Students must pay a barn fee at the start of every show season. All students and parents must sign a contract agreement to keep animals at this location. This agreement is a method of holding students liable for their animal and the cleanliness of the facility. A monthly mandatory barn cleaning is schedule to maintained the barn. Students who fail to show up for barn clean up or send someone in their place will receive a referral as per the barn contract.

6 Feeding Lambs and goats must be kept on a high quality ration and be fed daily. The ideal feeding times for twice daily feedings would be on 12-hour increments (ie: 7 AM & 7 PM). The most important detail in successfully feeding any species of livestock is consistency. Create a schedule that works best for the student and maintain that schedule throughout the show season. Feed is purchased at Russell Feed Store – several locations; I prefer the Benbrook location. Or you can go to Bryant Grain in Aledo (a little cheaper sometimes). All feed information will be provided by the advisor. The beginning feed will cost around $15 for a 50 pound sack. Lambs can be expected to eat approximately 4 pounds a day, while goats will consume around 3-4 pounds daily.

7 In addition to feed, all animals need to be fed alfalfa hay.
The best method for purchasing alfalfa is for a couple students to go together and purchase one bale. As the show season progresses, we will change the amount your animal is fed based on its needs. We also highly recommend feeding supplements to help increase muscle. There are many different types of supplements so it is best to speak with the advisor before purchasing. The most important thing to remember regarding feeding your animal: Always ONLY take advice from the advisor that selected your animal. Other individuals may offer advise but they do not see the animal on a daily basis. Properly feeding an animal is essential for their overall health and their success in the show ring. The items mentioned above and the feeding recommendations by the advisor are all proven by years of success.

8 Work Students are required to regularly work with their animal to ensure it is fully prepared to attend shows. At the beginning of the process students will halter break their animal. As time goes by, along with additional instruction, and attendance at shows students will begin to “brace” their animal. Bracing is how the animals are presented to the judge at the shows. Daily practice is required for students and animals to become successful in the show ring. As the year progresses, students should be able to brace their animal in 20-minute intervals.

9 These animals are very similar to athletes and must be exercised.
Muscle is one of the main things they are judged on. Walking is good at first but running is going to be the best way to help build muscle. We have a track and treadmill for animals to use. Before using treadmill animal must be completely halter broken and advisor must show you how to safely use it.

10 Shows Shows are an opportunity for students to showcase their animal and all of their hard work and dedication. We try to attend a few Jackpot Shows prior to the big shows in the fall. Jackpot shows are on Saturdays or Sundays. All jackpot shows have an entry fee ranging from $20-40 depending upon the number of rings at each show. The most important show we attend is the Tarrant County Junior Livestock Show. This show is when we hope to sale their animal. This show is considered terminal for sale animals. Which means if they make the sale, the student does not get to keep their animal. Don’t make sale then we highly recommend they are put on the meat trailer and get market price. We do not allow them to come back to the barn. Students will also attend 1 major show, Fort Worth. Entry fees for county and major shows range from $20-30.

11 Eligibility UIL rules apply to FFA activities!
In order to participate in a show you MUST be eligible. Advisors will check grades at progress and six weeks. If you are ineligible you will be notified that you cannot participate in whichever show is taking place. If you are ineligible so is your animal.

12 Supplies Below is a list of supplies that need to be purchased for your animal project, along with a brief description of the item and an approximate cost. Make sure the exact items mentioned below are the exact items purchased. Many “off-brands” or other choices are available, it is necessary to purchase the items listed as they are the best option for your animal.

13 Lamb & Goat Blankets $24-28 Students must have 2 blankets per animal.
Do NOT get the fleece or mesh blankets. Goats should be sure to the blankets with the whole for the tail. $24-28

14 Halters The top picture is my preference for halters. The snap makes it easy to attach animal to fence. But the nylon one in purple works as well. Do NOT get the halters that buckle. $10  DO NOT GET THIS TYPE OF HALTER FOR LAMBS OR GOATS.

15 Muzzles Every lamb and goat exhibitor is responsible for getting their own muzzle before the first show. Be sure to get the correct muzzle for species and the size of your animal.

16 Goat Chains Goat exhibitors must have a show goat chain.
They will use these to show their animal. Must be bought well in advance of the first show.  DO NOT GET THIS TYPE OF GOAT CHAIN.

17 Lamb Wool Cards All lamb exhibitors MUST have a wool card so they can brush our their lamb’s legs EVERY DAY!

18 Have on Hand These items are recommended to have on hand.
Neosporin is great if the animal gets a scrap or is pinched with clipping/shearing. Alka-Seltzer is used if they becoming bloated. (Rarely happens and should only be given when authorized by an Ag Teacher. Vetericyn is in my opinion the best treatment for ringworm and other skin issues. It is on the high side of cost, but is well worth it. (Can get a Russell's Feed)

19 Other Items Always good to have towel for your animal. Great at shows to do some last minute cleaning. Also highly recommend having barn boots/shoes that are left at the barn. Cuts down on tracking things home and smelling up your car and house. Plus rubber boots are great when you have to wash your animal.

20 Additional Information
AHHS FFA Website Mrs. Shands Contact School: (817) Cell: (817) (welcome to text)

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