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The Executive BRanch Chapter Nine.

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1 The Executive BRanch Chapter Nine

2 Overview of the Governorship
The Texas constitution grants the Governor certain benefits but also provides procedures for his/her removal. Compensation and Benefits Annual Salary of $150,000. Full time Security Service for all official and non-official purposes Expenses covered for all official trips Not allowed to receive compensation from any other source but may make investments Staff Governor has over 250 staff members that are under his/her control Staff size has grown from ~60 in the 1960’s

3 Overview of the governorship Contd.
Succession Lieutenant governor is first in the order of succession followed by Speaker of the House, attorney general and chief justices of the 14 courts Governor and Lieutenant Governor usually try to both be out of state once during their tenure to allow Speaker of the House to act as Governor for the day Removal from office Impeachment by House and conviction by Senate are the only form of constitutional removal of Governor. 2/3 of the Senate must approve of Impeachment Once impeached, Governor can hold no state elected office and may be tried in court for any criminality James E. “Pa” Ferguson only Governor to be removed from office.

4 Informal Powers of the Governor
The Governor has many informal ways of influencing popular opinion and other politicians Interest and background in certain activities can change public perceptions. “Coyote Special”: Marketing campaign selling the same gun Rick Perry shot a coyote with. Can lead the path for politicians to come out in favor or against certain legislation through speeches and interviews Rick Perry speaking out in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana shifted public opinion and encouraged other politicians to do the same Family involvement can help gain support for governor or certain issues Laura Bush started a Literacy initiative Anita Perry hosted the Texas Conference for Women

5 Executive Powers of the Governor
Appointive Powers: Governor has ability to appoint any citizen to a wide range of positions All appointments must be approved with 2/3 Senate approval Approval is not needed for nonvoting student member on the board of regents of state universities Twice Perry circumvented customary procedure to appoint students to Texas A&M and UT board that applied directly to his office Many appointed positions serve 6 year terms so newly elected Governors must deal with carryovers Diversity of Perry’s appointments: 64% Male, 36% Female 75% White, 14% Latino, 9% African American Removal Power: Although Governor has sole ownership over appointments to boards and commissions, the office lacks any independent removal powers. May remove own appointees with 2/3 Senate approval May independently remove from own staff

6 Executive Powers of the Governor Contd.
Military Power Governor is “Commander-in-Chief” of the three military forces of Texas: Texas Army National Guard (19,100) Texas Air National Guard (3,000) Texas State Guard (2,000) Governor’s power is only superseded by President of the US to call State military services for national duty Governor is able to mobilize forces for relief and rescue Law Enforcement Power: Governor appoints the members of the Public Safety Commission that oversees: Highway traffic Driver licensing Criminal law enforcement In certain cases the Governor may assume command of the Texas Rangers a small squad of around ~160 members.

7 Executive Powers of the Governor Contd.
Budgetary Power Governor must submit budget to legislature for approval Governor has power to issue veto an appropriations bill or individual items via line- item veto If a Governor hints at using a line-item veto then the legislature may not even include it on the bill Medicaid expansion was never added to the budget because of Perry’s veto threat even though Texas would have received $76 Billion from federal government. Executive Orders and Proclamations Governor can issue Executive Orders to set policy within the executive branch: Create/Abolish Task Forces, Boards, and Commissions Governor also has the authority to issue Proclamations, official public announcement State of Emergencies Special Sessions of the Legislature Other ceremonial announcements

8 Executive Powers of the Governor Contd.
Economic Power Governor has control over efforts to attract investments and businesses Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) directed by Governor to attract and retain industries TexasOne a separate non-profit org Gov. Perry setup with the mission of attracting businesses from other states. Emergency Technology Fund (ETF) aims to help small to mid-size companies develop new technology

9 Legislative Powers of the Governor
Bill Signing Power While legislature is in session Governor has 10 days to approve of all bills and resolutions, 20 days when legislature is out of session If Governor does not veto or sign a bill after time limit it still becomes law Veto Power Governor can block any legislative bill with veto Line-item veto allows Governor to block funding to specific agencies This power puts Governor in a strong bargaining position with legislators Legislature in session can overturn veto with 2/3 majority vote in both houses Post-adjournment veto allows a Governor to veto bills that are pending once legislature is out of session, cannot be challenged.

10 Judicial Powers of the Governor
Appointment and Removal of Judges and Justices Governor can appoint judges to new courts or after a judge’s passing/resignation Gov. Perry appointed 250 judges including first African American, Latino and Latina to State Supreme Court Governor can remove any judge with 2/3 vote approval of both houses Acts of Clemency In 1936 clemency powers were reduced and a Board of Pardons and Paroles was established Only with recommendation from Board of Pardons and Paroles can the Governor grant a full pardon Full pardon frees person from all consequences of a crime Governor can issue a reprieve which suspends an execution order for 30 days Governor can lessen sentences through commutation of sentence with recommendation from Board of Pardons and Paroles

11 The Plural Executive Although the highest-ranking officer, Governor shares executive power with 4 other elected officials Lieutenant Governor Considered the most powerful position by some Acts as the President of the Senate Allowed to hold a paying position in the private sector while in office Attorney General Represents the state in civil litigation and provides legal advice to state and local authorities Can sue the federal government Other Positions Controller of Public Accounts Commissioner of the General Land Office Commissioner of Agriculture Secretary of State

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