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INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NATIONAL registers OF RADIATION SOURCES CONTRIBUTORS Pedro Horta Rosário Environmental and Occupational Health Division Directorate-General of Health (DGS) A. Baptista Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/CTN) University of Lisbon A. S. Fonseca Regulatory Commission for the Safety of Nuclear Installations (COMRSIN)
SUMMARY Regulatory framework Registers: at DGS at IST/CTN at COMRSIN
Overview of data from all three registries Challenges Conclusions
regulatory framework Medical practices DGS Industrial practices DRE
AUTHORIZATION INSPECTION Medical practices DGS ARS e autoridades de saúde Industrial practices DRE Portugal does not have a single regulatory authority. However, regulatory duties are assigned to different institutions that, together, constitute the regulatry body. Research and teaching IST/CTN Nuclear installations COMRSIN COMRSIN Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Sealed Radioactive Sources IST/CTN IST/CTN
regulatory framework Directive 96/29/EURATOM Directive 97/43/EURATOM
Decree-Law 165/2002 (regulatory system) Decree-Law 180/2002 (medical practices) Decree-Law 38/2007 (sealed sources) Decree-Law 156/2013 (radioactive waste management)
Authorization process
regulatory framework Authorization process For all radiation sources For sealed sources For radioactive waste Import Holding Transport Transfer Management Disposal Clearance This diagram presents na overview of the existing authorization processes. First of all, in order to use any radiation source, including radiation generators, this practice must be authorized by DGS. Import authorizations for radiation generators or unsealed sources are also required and handled by DGS. If the practice involves sealed sources, then each of them needs its own authorization, that is handled by IST. These authorizations are required for import, holding, transport and transfer of sealed sources, and apply to all sources with activity above exemption level. More recently, new regulation was passed concerning radioactive waste. This requires an authorization to perform waste management operations and to send radioactive waste to disposal. Use Import Export DGS IST/CTN COMRSIN
register at dgs Register of authorizations for use of (all) radiation sources. All information was originally stored (and counted!) on paper. First digital index of authorizations was created in 2005, in use ever since.
register at dgs RAIS3.0 was used in tandem from 2007 to 2012.
IAEA support in migrating database from Excel through an expert mission. Migration was done in less than a week. Later limitations with Windows7/Office updates and restricted output possibilities (issuing licenses) prevented further use.
register at dgs Based on MS-Excel. 3 main tables: Applicants
Authorizations “Administrative history” VBA code to issue licenses and other documents. Adapted to the administrative processes through templates. Still keeps the data structure from previous migration to RAIS (generator number, asso numbers, etc.) Easily maintained and upgraded with new features. Not very robust, limited connectivity, few simultaneous accesses.
register at dgs Entities Authorizations History
Process number (Primary key) License number, year, issue date Type of practice Type of radiation generator, manufacturer, model, generator ID RPO name, Medical Physicist, IDnumbers Workload for x-ray generators Sealed sources included in the practice Un-sealed sources included in practice Process number (primary key) Name Address, Zip code, City Contacts VAT Number History Process number (Primary key) Name Action date Action type Input Number Output Number
register at dgs When a authorization is issued, all the data on it are automatically stored on the database. Issuing the authorization adds the radiation source to the inventory list.
register at dgs VBA Multiple templates (…)
We currently use this system to generate all relevant documents through templates. This applies to licenses, checklists for evaluating applications and other correspondence with applicants. Multiple templates (…)
register at dgs Identification of sealed sources provides a link between the registries at DGS and at IST/CTN. This is what our current authorizations look like. Each authorization has its own individual number. For radiation generator, the maxmimum allowed workload is also specified. If the practice uses unsealed sources, maximum allowed activity is specified, which then relates to authorized discharge limits. If sealed sources are included in the practice, the authorization identifies them specifically, by isotope and maximum activity allowed. The associated equipament is also specified.
register at ist/CTN This brings us to authorizations for sealed sources, which can be seen here. Each authorization for sealed source, issued by IST is specifically linked to the authorization for the practice issued by DGS. You can see examples for holding and transport authorizations here Source: IST/CTN
register at ist/CTN IST uses a custom-made solution.
Based on MS Access. Separate tables for registry of Entities, Sources, Authorizations,… Traces EURATOM documents. Source: IST/CTN
Register at ist/ctn Authorizations issued by IST/CTN (import, holding, transport, transfer) always include a reference to the authorization of use issued by DGS. Multiple authorizations are traceable to each source and holder. This image is a screenshot from the system used by IST. It shows, for a particular Entity, each source that it holds and which authorization for practice it has. If the applicant doesnt have an authorization to carry out the practice issued by DGS, they cannot apply to import or to hold sealed sources. Source: IST/CTN
register at COMRSIN Dedicated platform for tracking radioactive waste.
Allows external user-logins and viewing of application status. Streamlined to the administrative process, allows issuing of all relevant documents. Tables for: Entities Transporters of radioactive waste Authorizations for waste management activities Disposal authorizations The latest addition is an accounting system for radioactive waste. This was developed by COMRSIN, as an online platform where waste producers can log on and report or apply for disposal or waste management operations. Rest of the slide.
register at comrsin Like before, both the system and the authorizations issued by COMRSIN are always referencing the authorization for practice issued by DGS. Source: COMRSIN
register at COMRSIN This system is built-in with some reports and is still being adjusted. Source: COMRSIN
New law for Dental Offices
overview of data Additional HR New law for Dental Offices
overview of data Source: DGS
Authorizations for practice issued per year, per type
overview of data Authorizations for practice issued per year, per type (includes renewals) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017* TOTAL (IO+Ceph+CBCT) 2418 1237 904 1489 512 262 6822 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 321 376 383 479 170 108 1837 Nuclear Medicine 7 8 4 11 2 36 External Beam Radiotherapy 15 10 3 14 9 53 Brachytherapy (LDR+HDR+PDR) 5 20 13 61 Veterinary radiology 86 82 58 158 30 475 Industrial Radiology 319 171 151 281 189 72 1183 Research and teaching 19 52 3196 1897 1516 2461 969 480 10519 Source: DGS
overview of data Source: DGS
Top 5 most common manufacturers
overview of data Top 5 most common manufacturers Dental radiology Industrial radiology External Beam Radiotherapy TROPHY TROXLER VARIAN KODAK HEIMANN ELEKTA GENDEX SMITHS SIEMENS SATELEC ENDRESS HAUSER ACCURAY VILLA BERTHOLD LEKSELL Source: DGS
overview of data Source: IST/CTN
Radioactive Waste Disposal requests in 2016
Overview of data Radioactive Waste Disposal requests in 2016 Source: COMRSIN
Overview of data Source: COMRSIN
Data sharing List of authorized users available on the DGS website.
Sectoral information shared yearly with Inspection authorities. Information regarding sealed sources (picture) shared with Civil Protection, for EP&R purposes. Source: DGS
challenges Few resources available. Lack of dedicated IT-support.
How to handle bankrupcy situations (and associated authorizations)? Keeping track of all Annual Source Declarations (IST) and Annual Reports (DGS). Connectivity between existing registers is not automatic. Keeping track of un-sealed sources.
challenges Unsealed sources?
Conclusions The regulatory system in Portugal is distributed through several institutions. Dedicated registers exist that keep track of radiation sources. Registers are custom-made solutions by each institution. Although its not automatic, multiple cross-checks are in place between systems.
Thank you! Pedro Rosário
Special thanks to Mr. A. Baptista (IST/CTN) and Mr. A. S. Fonseca (COMRSIN)
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