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Regions Area that shares common characteristics Examples:

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Presentation on theme: "Regions Area that shares common characteristics Examples:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regions Area that shares common characteristics Examples:
Physical Regions Land formations Climate Human traits (language)

2 Regions of the United States

3 Northeast Region Birthplace of our nation Boston- American Revolution
Philadelphia- declared independence First factories/ fishing Large cities New York, Washington, D.C. Appalachian Mountains

4 Southeast Region Long growing season, rain, good soil
Cotton, rice, peanuts, fruits, tobacco Hurricanes Furniture making Oceans- tourism Rivers- Mississippi- transportation Civil Rights Movement – end segregation- equality

5 Midwest Region Changing weather Land flat and good for farming
Oats, wheat, corn Influenced by Europeans Chicago, Detroit

6 Southwest Region Culture influenced by Native Americans and Spanish
Flat and dry land- deserts Weather is hot and dry Grand Canyon

7 West Region Rocky Mountains Lewis and Clark explored
Disneyland, skiing, hiking Movie business, computers Las Vegas – Salt Lake City, UT Hawaii made by erupting volcanoes/Alaska farthest from equator People came to west seeking adventure, opportunity (gold and silver) and sunshine

8 What region is this?

9 What region is this?

10 What region is this?

11 What region is this?

12 What region is this?

13 What region is this?

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