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Reminders/Upcoming Events

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1 Reminders/Upcoming Events
Kindergarten Weekly News April 28, 2017 Language Arts This week we finished our 3rd week for Wonders traveling from Here to There. We talked all about the Earth and Sky. We compared the daytime sky and night time sky. Ask your kiddo to tell you many of the interesting facts that they learned all about the moon. See if they can tell you about who is a person that studies stars and what tools that person uses too. Alphabet Fun This week we worked on reviewing all letters overall. We will be sending home our Alphabet folders for you to keep. Sight word review this week! Please continue to practice sight word charts at home. Science We have enjoyed planting in the courtyard with the help of Mrs. Hein. We even had fun seeing our special little turtle friends in the courtyard too…Chip and Rex. Math This week we have begun our final math unit on sorting and classifying objects by color, shape, and size. We are having fun sorting all kinds of objects into many different categories. See what kinds of things you can sort at home too. This week we will be sending home some homework to work on together too. Reminders/Upcoming Events Monday, May 1st ~Alphabet homework packets will come home. Tuesday, May 2nd ~ Kona ice fund raiser Wednesday, May 3rd ~ Math homework Thursday, May 4th ~ A sub will be in for Mrs. Jones Friday, May 5th ~ Alphabet homework packets are due Donations please: small zip lock baggies antibacterial soap tissues pipecleaners

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