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Philip Augustin TSS Chair
TSS Chair Report Philip Augustin TSS Chair Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Overview TSS Activities Update on Action Items From October PCC Session Short Circuit Data Collection Joint User Group (JUG) White Paper the Purpose of WECC basecases System Review Work Group (SRWG) Modal Validation Work Group Approval Item: Guidance paper prepared by WECC REMTF Project Coordination/Review Project Rating Status Annual Study Program (Approval Item) System Model Validation MOD-033 BCCS Alternative Geomagnetic Disturbance Study Update TSS Modeling Data Security Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Action Items from March PCC
Send replog items notification(s) to PCC/TSS represenatives. Update Assembled a task force to work out details for sending notifications. Task Force is Considering: New fields have been added to the replog which currently dominates the count of log items Improvements have been made to search criteria for every field. The replog is provided with the review cases. References to the NERC standards have been removed from the replog Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Action Items from March PCC
Take the list of problematic models from the UFLS Assessment Report to the MVWG for review and provide a response. Update MVWG/PPMVDTF has received the cases that the UFLS Review Group (UFLSRG) used for the study Plan is to create a list of model issues and suspected errors. The list of data errors will be provided to SRWG to be addressed. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Action Items from March PCC
Direct the SRWG to review the possibility of moving the 10-Year Heavy Summer case earlier in the schedule so it is finalized 10 years out instead of 9. Update: SRWG has received the survey responses on the 2017 basecase compilation schedule and they will be reviewed and considered. SRWG will provide a response at their next meeting Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Action Items from March PCC
Review and update the Area Coordinator and Sub-Area Coordinator definitions and references in the Data Preparation Manual and Base Case Compilation Schedule. Update SRWG will remove references to Area Coordinator from the documents. Develop a scope, methodology and process to gather and store short circuit data for a WECC-Wide database and report on that process development and the schedule for implementation. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Short Circuit Data Collection
Option 1. Provide data in a format that would allow sequence data to be included in the planning/operating base cases. Pro’s Con’s Transmission Planning uses this process/program Not tested for interoperability with other software packages (i.e. not a SCD program). Might not be useful for SCD programs Need to verify import and export is comparable to other software Format version has to be determined Bases cases would require additional buses to define 3-winding transformers and/or generator sequence data Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Short Circuit Data Collection
Option Maintain a protection “case” in an interconnection wide sequence data base in a “universal format.” Separate from planning cases, but available to all the functional roles. Pro’s Con’s No added cost associated with purchasing new software. Software vendors to export and import “universal format”. Or Spend internal resources to write in-house scripts/programs to import and export Documentation and interoperability are prioritized Might not be so easy to convert into all the software programs Need for program verification with available software. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Short Circuit Data Collection
Option 3 Build the “protection” data base in either ASPEN or CAPE sequence data base format. Pro’s Con’s Relatively less work for System Protection Majority of WECC’s System Protection are ASPEN users so cost is less for majority ASPEN’s DXT portability needs so be tested Accurately defined sequence data (CAPE) Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Short Circuit Data Collection
TSS Scope Improve power flow and dynamic models and data (SRWG and MVWG) Modeling Remedial Action Schemes Improved mapping between planning models and the WSM (WBRTF) Software improvements and addressing compatibility issues (JUG) Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Short Circuit Data Collection
Recommendation: Send out poll to find out how many WECC members are users of each available software Still to be determined: Which group is the best fit to work out the seems issues Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
JUG Action Items Western Electricity Coordinating Council
White Paper: Purpose of the Basecases
TSS Formed a task force to develop a short summary narrative on the “purpose of base cases” to be included within the basecase compilation schedule for future approval: Due high turnover at SRWG this has been expanded into its own document. The paper is intended to help new data submitters understand what needs to be submitted: Discussion on the purpose of the basecases, Detail to be submitted during the basecase development process (with some tips and tricks) How the basecases are intended to be used. Group is looking for feedback on: The modeling of planned outages and planned projects, Modeling of load levels, the differences between the operating cases and planning cases, and any additional topics that should be included in the white paper Western Electricity Coordinating Council
System Review Work Group (SRWG)
2016 Base Case Compilation Schedule Updates: SRWG has received the survey responses on the 2017 basecase compilation schedule and they will be reviewed and considered. TSS discussed PCC’s suggestion to move up the 10 year summer case and SRWG will respond. SRWG will also discuss combining the timeline for heavy and light cases that start from the same topology. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
System Review Work Group (SRWG)
Annual update of the Data Preparation Manual (DPM) Changes proposed to be in the next version of the DPM include: Explicitly model bypassed elements Disallow “multi-section lines” Require bus type field Minimize multiple SVD on buses Populate Substations record Populate Balancing Authority Area Remove the term Area Coordinator Western Electricity Coordinating Council
SRWG Representation Log
Data Improvements Status update: Added turbine type and gen on BES bus to replog New case check implemented in the spreadsheet mimics PPMVTF checks Huge spike in total counts due to added search for Missing Turbine Type ~2000 Future changes, remove all NERC standard references, No subtotals for standard/non-standard Mapping the generators between the WSM and Planning Cases Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG)
TSS approved the white paper “Value and Limitations of the Positive Sequence Generic Models of Renewable Energy Systems.” Provides a brief discussion of the recently developed second generation renewable energy system models, what they were developed for, and the limitations in their applicability Approval Item Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG)
System Model Validation Task Force (SMVTF) was created to report to MVWG. The SMVTF Charter has been approved by MVWG. This task force is intended to continue system model validation work. Provide a more formal process to develop and distribute disturbance cases, which can be leveraged by PCs to use for their own MOD-033 compliance. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG)
Plant Model Validation and Data Task Force (PPMVDTF) Is compiling a list of suspected baseload flag errors and will provide it to SRWG Reviewing the generators identified in the UFLS Report Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG)
HVDC task force will help determine whether the Transbay HVDC line can be modeled by the generic VSC HVDC model. Conventional HVDC point-to-point dynamic model specifications have been sent to software vendors for implementation. This model will be used by BPA for the upgraded Pacific DC Intertie (PDCI) HVDC lines. The interface for the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) HVDC point-to-point model between power flow and dynamics is still being discussed. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG)
Other Activities: A common format is needed for transient RAS modeling. GE has implemented the steady state RAS modeling in PSLF. There is little interest within MVWG on additional relay modeling. The WECC Approved Dynamic Model List is being cleaned up by software vendors. Comments and filling in the blanks Updating categories to include: never approved un-approved Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG)
Two 1 ½ day Workshops in 2016: San Diego CA in March (Coincidences with MVWG meeting) Portland OR in August. A half day each on: load modeling renewable energy modeling (including energy storage) generator modeling and validation MVWG is also planning a MOD-033 workshop as part of the June MVWG meeting. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Project Coordination The active three phase rating log is available on the WECC website. Search on WECC website for “Path Rating Logbook Active” TSS members have been asked to review the Path Rating Process Logbook to make sure all projects are listed and that the information is up to date. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Annual Study Program Report
The WECC Annual Study Program is conducted to: Provide high-quality base cases for WECC member and WECC staff use, and to provide an ongoing reliability and risk assessment of the Western Interconnection electric system Assess interconnected system security under anticipated stressed conditions and scenario conditions Provide five operating cases (heavy and light loading conditions for summer and winter, and heavy loading conditions for spring) for the upcoming year. Review and perform general verification of system representation No special studies were requested by the PCC, OC, or the TSS. Approval Item Western Electricity Coordinating Council
System Model Validation MOD-033
WECC develops disturbance cases using WSM data. MOD-033 applies to PCs and does not apply to WECC (ERO). PCs can perform system model validation for MOD-033. WECC disturbance cases are available on the Peak Reliability website for entities that have signed the Universal Non-Disclosure Agreement (UNDA). Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
BCCS Alternative BCCS Alternative Task Force (BATF) to clarify the objectives of the project and to develop a plan to achieve those objectives. The Charter proposes a path to move forward. Capture Lessons Learned. Review and identify the objectives of the original BCCS. Create clear, SMART (Specific, Meaningful, Action Oriented, Realistic, Timely) objectives that are relevant to today’s modeling issues. Develop a vision of the completed project that prioritizes objectives into small, obtainable, independently useful milestones that can be implemented. Recommend levels of involvement for WECC members and WECC staff for each objective. A draft report of the task force’s findings and recommendations will be presented to the SRWG at its June 2016 meeting. WECC will discuss with NERC and FERC about the delay in delivering a BCCS by summer 2016, as was included in the Southwest Outage settlement. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Geomagnetic Disturbance/ Geomagnetically Induced Current
2016 Timeline Established for Data Submittal: January 31 – any data that is ready and available through the spreadsheet April 30 – all transmission line data, substation names , substation numbers, buses correlated to substations July 31 – all shunt information October 31 – all transformer information excluding core information December 31 – all remaining data requested in the spreadsheet including: transformer core information, substation latitude and longitude, and substation ground resistance Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
GMD/GIC Advisory Team Consultant Presentation on: Geomagnetic Disturbance Vulnerability Assessment Case Study. example showing the scope, assumptions, transmission system model, analysis methodology, results and relevance to NERC Standard compliance, and recommendations. TSS voted to write a RFI in order to hire a contractor to do a WECC wide study Western Electricity Coordinating Council
TSS Modeling Data Security
Per the WECC settlement agreement all RAS is required to be modeled for all WECC cases by July of 2016 The DPM requires RAS models be provided beginning in July of 2016 TSS & SRWG discussed a need to have tighter security for RAS modeling data, and the modeling parameters required for GIC data. SRWG emphasized that all modeling data (e.g. steady state, dynamics, contingencies, RAS, GIC) should be stored in one place. TSS created a task force to develop a proposal on how much security is required for RAS modeling data and GIC data, and then submit the proposal to WECC. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
GIC and RAS Security Task Force
Data Security Proposal: RAS models will be posted on the WECC website and available for use: Powerflow software development Base case development Accessible only to those with access to the NDA protected data The data is to reside in separate zip folders located in the same directory as basecases with conforming naming convention for easy searching The data folders will be visible to only the following Registered entities: Planning Coordinator (PC) Transmission Planners (TP) Staff of Sub-Regional Planning Entities Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Questions Western Electricity Coordinating Council
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