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AP Biology Discussion Notes

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1 AP Biology Discussion Notes
Monday 10/03/2016

2 Goals for Today: Be able to describe the flow of energy & nutrients in the ecosystem Be able to understand and describe interactions between organisms and between organisms and their environment.

3 10/03 Question of the day What elements are found in Carbohydrates & in what ratios?

4 Characteristics of Carbohydrates
Ratio – Carbon – Water Carbo – Hydrate(Water)

5 What is Ecology? Ecology
The study of interactions between organisms and between organisms and their environment (list 10 themes)

6 What are 6 most common elements in ALL living things?
What 4 molecules do ALL living things share?

7 Where do organisms get the nutrients/elements they need?
Ratio – Carbon – Water Carbo – Hydrate(Water)

8 Movement over land by wind
Figure 55.14a Movement over land by wind Evaporation from ocean Precipitation over land Precipitation over ocean Evapotranspira- tion from land Figure Exploring: Water and Nutrient Cycling Percolation through soil Runoff and groundwater 8

9 Burning of fossil fuels and wood
Figure 55.14b CO2 in atmosphere Photo- synthesis Cellular respiration Burning of fossil fuels and wood Phyto- plankton Consumers Figure Exploring: Water and Nutrient Cycling Consumers Decomposition 9

10 Decomposition and sedimentation
Figure 55.14c N2 in atmosphere Reactive N gases Industrial fixation Denitrification N fertilizers Fixation Runoff Dissolved organic N NO3– Terrestrial cycling N2 NH4+ NO3– Aquatic cycling Denitri- fication Figure Exploring: Water and Nutrient Cycling Decomposition and sedimentation Assimilation Decom- position NO3– Fixation in root nodules Uptake of amino acids Ammonification Nitrification NH3 NH4+ NO2– 10

11 Where do organisms get these elements/nutrients?
Heterotroph- Autotroph – Hetero= different – consumer – relies on biotic factors Auto = self – producer, relies on abiotic factors Troph = feeding

12 Producer vs. Consumer Producers Consumers

13 Photoautotrophs (b) Multicellular alga (a) Plants (d) Cyanobacteria
Figure 10.2 Photoautotrophs (b) Multicellular alga (a) Plants Figure 10.2 Photoautotrophs. (d) Cyanobacteria 40 m (c) Unicellular protists 10 m (e) Purple sulfur bacteria 1 m 13

14 The MIRACLE OF LIFE! Inorganic Organic Photosynthesis
_________ energy ________energy Is this important? The MIRACLE OF LIFE! Inorganic Organic

15 Autotroph or Heterotroph?
I eat rocks, which are an ______ factor. Does that make me an Autotroph?

16 Venus Flytrap?

17 Food Chain Should always start with a ____________.
Arrows show the direction of energy flow.

18 Is a food chain a complete look at the interactions in a community?
Grass Rabbit Fox Cougar Is Grass the only thing a Rabbit eats? Are rabbits the only thing a fox eats?

19 Food Web A more complex look at Energy interactions in the community.


21 Anything strange about this food web?


23 Energy Pyramid/Trophic Levels How much energy is LOST between each level?
10 units 100 units 1000 units 10,000 units

24 Energy Pyramid Where do you think the energy goes?
Organisms use energy in each level and with each energy transfer/transformation some useable energy is lost.

25 Nutrients vs. Energy Nutrients, such as..
Nutrients are cycled, but energy is not! On earth there is a one way flow of energy from the _______.

26 Populations A Population consists of all of the individuals of a species that live together in one place at one time.

27 Population Growth Limiting Factors Any factors that limit the size of a population in a particular area.

28 Population Growth Carrying Capacity (K): The maximum population size that an environment can sustain. Based on LIMITING factors in the environment.

29 Construct a graph Construct two graphs of a population over time. Let one graph show UNLIMITED growth, and the other show a population LIMITED by some factors.

30 What belongs on the X-axis, as the Independent variable?
Y-axis could be Population size, or number of individuals – the DEPENDENT variable

31 Questions so far?

32 Trophic Interactions Read through Part 1 of the case study and answer the questions on your sheet. You may work individually or in groups. Come with questions tomorrow, but I want you to have attempted all of the questions.

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