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Introduction to UN Team on AIDS in Mozambique (UNTAM)

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1 Introduction to UN Team on AIDS in Mozambique (UNTAM)
UNTAM Retreat 2-3 April 20008 Namaacha UNAIDS June 30, 2018

2 Overview Context Purpose Agency Composition Roles and Responsibilities
Joint HIV and AIDS Programme of Support Principles Monitoring and evaluation of UNTAM Recent Results - UN Comparative advantages Issues for consideration UNAIDS June 30, 2018

3 1. Context The establishment of Joint Teams on AIDS has emerged within the larger context of both UN reform and international efforts to improve aid effectiveness. In March 2005, London meeting on “Making the Money Work: The Three Ones in Action” established the GTT. Imperative to create Joint UN Teams on AIDS comes directly from the recommendations of the GTT issued in June 2005. Subsequently endorsed by the UN General Assembly September 2005 World Summit, UNAIDS PCB and the Executive Boards of UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, Global Fund.

4 1. Context (cont’d) In December 2005, the UN Secretary General directed all UN Resident Coordinators to establish a joint UN Team on AIDS at the country level with one joint program of support On 19 May 2006, the Chair of the UN Development Group and the Executive Director of UNAIDS sent to all UN Resident Coordinators a Guidance Paper outlining the “Proposed Working Mechanisms for Joint UN Teams on AIDS at Country Level”. Following report of the High-Level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence, and PM letter to the SG of 13 Nov 2006, decision to move ahead with the “One UN” concept in 5 pilot countries, including Mozambique, Rwanda and Tanzania.

5 Purpose Simplification and harmonization of UN support
Clear acountability lines Clarity and roles and responsibilities; division of labor Single entry point to technical support for partners Unified UN support within planning frameork UNAIDS June 30, 2018

6 Non Representative Agencies (UN Cares) FAO UNODC UNHCR UNIFEM UNDP

7 Roles and Responsibilities (1)
Resident Coordinator (UNTAM Chair) Formation of the Team Builds consesnsus on result matrix Ensures HoAs accountability UN Country Management Team (HoAs) Nominates staff members to the team Performance evaluation of the team Accountable for deliverables of agencie´s to the team Overall policy and programmatic guidance

8 Roles and Responsibilities (2)
UNAIDS Country Coordinator and UNTAM Secretariat Convenes monthly meetings for UNTAM Core Team Disseminates strategic information Policy and Technical Guidance Oversees implementation and identifies impediments Represents the Team to External Partners UNTAM Core Team (Technical Leads for each outcome area of the UNDAF and delegated members from agencies not represented through such leads) Accountable for the implementation of the Joint Programme of Support Each Teachnical Lead is responsible for overseeing a working group Each agency is lead on technical areas according to Division of Labor

9 Roles and responsibilities (3)
UNTAM Working Groups: Prevention Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Treatment Mitigation Mainstreaming and Gender Monitoring and Evaluation UN Cares Nutrition Reference Group Ad Hoc groups Responsibilities: Techical Leadership Focal point to government and partners Coordinate delivery of UNDAF outcomes Broker technical assistance

10 Joint UN HIV and AIDS Programme of Support
Enterity of of the UN´s support to the national Response: Strategic framework (UNDAF) Joint Program (common work plan and budget involving 2 or more UN partners) Annual Work Plan (WGs) Annual Work Plan (Secretariat) UNTAM Management Arrangements Document

11 Principles Promoting human rights Promoting gender equality
Supporting evidence-informed actions Accountability to funders and partners Effective programme management Change management –responding to national realities Applying the division of labour Evidence informed response Partnerships and coordination –aligning with national priorities Providing quality support –technical support and UN added value M&E –delivering on results Accountability for results Team work Unity of purpose

12 Monitoring and Evaluation of UNTAM
Core group monitors implementation through monthly meetings Extended UNTAM (Core group and all WG Members) monitors and evaluates performance through annual retreat (self-assessment) Implementation is reported to Program Management Team (PMT) and Count Management Team (UNCMT) through UNDAF Mid Term Reviews and annual proggress reports

13 Achievements: - UN Comparative Advantages
Policy and Advocacy Normative and technical support Capacity development Civil society partnerships

14 Achievemenst: Policy and Advocacy
Full engagement in national coordination mechanisms KYE – KYR Resource Mobilisation Predictable (and sustainable) financing for the national response

15 Achievements: Normative and Technical Support
Implementation of Public Sector Strategy / National Prevention Strategy GF grant management support Health and community system strengthening Assistance to partners in establishment and improvement of M&E systems Socio –cultural appropriate responses Mainstreaming activities –implementing, monitoring and evaluating PMTCT activities -implementing, monitoring and evaluating Mitigation activities -implementing, monitoring and evaluating Avoiding duplication of efforts

16 Achievements: Capacity Development
Health Human Resource Development Plan ( ) Health and community system strengthening Ongoing support to civil society organisations Targeted training, HR based approaches, M&E, etc

17 Achievements: Civil Society Partnerships
Impartiality and neutral broker MoUs Supporting civil society participation in national response Dissemination of HIV legislation

18 Issues for Consideration
Appropriate set of resources (technical and financial) Differences of capacity in UN organisations Effectiveness of WGs Sustainability Communicating as One Team - speak with ‘One Voice’ Consolidation of technical support Harmonization of operational procedures be harmonised between agencies Effective M&E

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