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Oh Henry!.

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Presentation on theme: "Oh Henry!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oh Henry!

2 Hi, my name is Henry. I am 12 years old, and boy, do I love computers
Hi, my name is Henry. I am 12 years old, and boy, do I love computers! Go ahead! Look, I’ve heard the before!

3 Every time I think about computers, I get so excited I do the .
Laugh now, it’s okay. When I grow up I want to be a computer designer. Nothing will stand be me and my dream, it’s a big deal !

4 People think I’m from ……
or the because I love computers! My sister (I call her ) thinks that I am She always says, “What’s fun about those ?”

5 I am all butterfingers, so I don’t fit in at sports
I am all butterfingers, so I don’t fit in at sports. I can’t hold on to a ball to save my life! So computers are perfect for me. My mouse, keyboard, and me are the three mu .

6 My best friend and I both want to work with computers
My best friend and I both want to work with computers. We talk about it and plan and get so excited we around the room until my mom comes in and threatens us with a

7 You wait until my first payday and see the of money that I’ll be making – probably over ! We’ll see who’ll be laughing then! The End

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