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Gamma and Ancillary Detectors Simulations Overview

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1 Gamma and Ancillary Detectors Simulations Overview
Outline: Why Simulations ? Some examples Simulation tools review Major developments for NP Marc Labiche EGAN th June 2012, IPN Orsay

2 Motivations for the simulations ?
Design of next generation of (multi-)arrays or optimisation of existing ones. Efficiency Resolution (energy, position, time) Cost effective solution in supporting the development of new detection technologies. New facilities with new beams, new intensities, new physics and background to deal with. R&D requires many potentially costly choices on technology selection. Well informed decisions can be made via state-of –the-art simulation methods.

3 Motivations for the simulations ?
Very useful to test and develop new algorithms data processing: PSA data analysis: addback, tracking reconstruction Preparations of experiment proposals and data analysis/interpretations

4 g-ray arrays for nuclear spectroscopy world-wide
Existing: - Semiconductors (Ge) AGATA (demonstrator) in Europe , EXOGAM , UK-France, MINIBALL at CERN, GASP in Italy, TIGRESS in Canada, GammaSphere in US, EUROBALL in Europe, JUROGAM in Finland, GRAPE in Japan, … - Scintillators Crystal Ball (NaI) in Germany, Spin Spectrometer (NaI) at Oak Ridge (US), Chateau de crystal (BaF2) in France, Dali (NaI) in Japan, … Future: - Semiconductors (Ge) AGATA (full array ) in Europe, GRETA in US, … - Scintillators CALIFA (CsI) at FAIR, PARIS (LaBr + NaI) at SPIRAL2, SHOGUN (LaBr) in Japan, … √ : arrays known to be simulated with GEANT3 or GEANT4 AWG Bratislava

5 Examples: Crystal Ball (NaI) EXOGAM AGATA CALIFA (CsI) EXOGAM
(demonstrator) EXOGAM with BGO & cryostats CALIFA (CsI) PARIS (LaBr3 + NaI phoswich) AWG Bratislava

6 Also, ancillary detectors
AGATA ancillaries: CALIFA + Si tracker : PARIS (cube configuration) + GASPARD: Neuron wall Miniball EXOGAM See Thursday session (M. Palacz)

7 Courtesy of C. Michelagnoli
INFN Padova AGATA week 2010, Lyon

8 Courtesy of C. Louchart (Saclay)
AGATA week 2010 Lyon

9 Courtesy of D. Bloor University of York AGATA week June 2012, GSI

10 Courtesy of D. Bloor University of York AGATA week June 2012, GSI

11 Simulations for detector designs
R3B CALIFA R3B target recoil Si tracker Scintillation process simulated in GEANT4 (provided optical properties of the material are known)  determine Optimum shape/angle of the crystals for light propagation Califa barrel with CsI(Tl) crystals Propagation of optical photons in the crystals p de- HI beam Simulations provided a count rate estimation in every micro-strips of the 3 layers Si array.  define electronics requirements. - de- = main background contribution. - use of thin absorber in worse cases. 2 1 3 3 Si layers

12 Simulation validation

13 PARIS & AGATA codes vs NIST
Some discrepancies between NIST and GEANT4 (either PARIS or AGATA) are observed. At least between 100 KeV and ~500 keV, GEANT4 under-estimates the attenuation.

14 Particle transport codes
Native GEANT4 (C++) HEP Open source - Toolkit Well documented with excellent forum. FLUKA (Fortran) Source code distribution via additional registration procedure MCNP/MCNPX (Fortan) Los Alamos NL Source code distribution restricted GEANT 4 most used by NP community Virtual Monte-Carlo simulation framework FAIRROOT Choice of different transport codes: GEANT3, GEANT4, …(more?) Geometry definition based on ROOT CAD to ROOT converter

15 CAD interface for GEANT4 interface
Christopher M Poole et al., arXiv: v1 [] – May 2011 Commercial solutions Non-commercial solution developed by the Medical Physics community

16 What else is needed ? More event generators based on realistic physics models Simulation framework (linked with a database) To deal with multi-array setups To deal with multi-configuration setups = Objectives of the ENSAR JRA-5 : Similations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe – SiNuRSE

17 SiNuRSE tasks and subtasks
Task 1: deals with the event generators and their benchmarking evt gen. for light-ion induced reactions (CEA and U-Liege). evt gen. for heavy-ion induced reactions (GSI). evt gen. for elastic proton-nucleus cross-sections and p-n exchange reactions with focus on exotic nuclei (UCM). evt gen. for beta-decay including delayed particle emission (n, p, alpha) (CSIC). a g-ray evt gen. for neutron capture electromagnetic cascades (CIEMAT). an evt gen. for fusion-evaporation reactions (IFJ). a software tool to use cross-section from correct (neutrons & ions) low energy reaction database, in GEANT4

18 SiNuRSE tasks and subtasks
Task 2: deals with the development of virtual Monte-Carlo platform Based on FAIRROOT framework (USC) Implementation of a parameter database (RUG, GSI) Detector integration - documentations (IFIN-HH, ISS) Task 3: simulation of complex detection systems Response of a neutron detection system (ATOMKI) Response of a calorimeter (USC) Response of a fast ejectile and heavy-ion detector (RUG)

19 Summary A lot is going on in terms of simulation development in NP.
Future facilities: FAIR, SPIRAL2, HIE-ISOLDE New projects/collaborations: NUSTAR (R3B, Hispec/Despec,…), AGATA, PARIS, … Recognised through the funding of the SiNuRSE JRA5

20 Thanks to: AGATA collaboration NUSTAR collaboration
PARIS & GASPARD collaborations SiNuRSE

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