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-Please bring a small snack to school everyday!

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1 -Please bring a small snack to school everyday!
Mrs. Schwartz’s Weekly News Week of December 12, 2016 Upcoming Dates: Dec. 15: 1 hour delay Dec. 21: Christmas Party and Pajama Day! Dec. 22-Jan.3: Christmas Break A Peek At Our Week: We had a blessed and busy week in Pre-K! We celebrated 70’s day, St. Nick’s Day, had an amazing Christmas Program., and went to mass with the school on Thursday. We also made Sandwiches for the Homeless on Tuesday. They enjoyed making them, and were very curious about how some do not have enough food to eat. It was very sweet! On Wednesday, Dec. 21st we will have a Pajama day in our class. We will read Christmas books, make hot cocoa, and enjoy each other before our 2 week break! No need to change your child before school that day!  Reminders: -Please bring a small snack to school everyday! Snapshots of Pre-K Star of the Week: Macie Mrs. Schwartz Pre-Kindergarten, All Day Find Us on Instagram: ext mrs._schwartz_alldayprek

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