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Year 4 – Health Miss Christie

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Presentation on theme: "Year 4 – Health Miss Christie"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 4 – Health Miss Christie
Physical and Emotional Health (adapted from Friendly Schools Plus: teacher resource: Middle Childhood 8-10 Years).

2 Discussion Physical pain and emotional pain

3 Example Scenario Aaron was riding his bike. He bumped into John and knocked him over. John had a cut on his arm and it hurt. How was Aaron hurting? Physically or emotionally? Why?


5 cut

6 Scenarios 1. Taylor felt hurt when one of her friends did not invite her to her birthday party. 2. Jack felt hurt when some kids in his class laughed when he gave the wrong answer. 3. Suki's dog bit her on the leg and it hurt. 4. Jaslyn was hurt when some students called her a nasty name. 5. Radjid fell over at basketball and grazed his knee. It hurt. Then some kids in the team laughed and that hurt too.


8 Picture links Vector-arm.jpg

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