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2 A Coat of Arms or Family Crest, also known as Heraldry has long been a symbol of a family's identity and values. Originally used to identify warriors dressed in armor, each knight chose symbols and colors to represent his family or clan. These family crests or coats of arms have been passed down throughout generations.

3 People in medieval times used personal and family banners and shields to express their identity and status in society.  Think of your school logo, or the logo of a professional sports team. These logos are so distinctive that you can recognize your school banner or your favorite team simply by their logo. Heraldry is the same kind of thing, but a bit more structured. 

4 Heraldry includes a family motto and a family coat of arms.
As time went on, a family's heraldry was recorded so that no one could copy the pattern or take it for themselves. Today, you can look up a family name and find their family coat of arms in the old records. There is usually a charge for this, but you can do it. The records are there. 

5 The concept of using a coat of arms as a form of identification goes way back to Roman times, and possibly further back than that. In Roman times, a coat of arm was used to identify groups of fighting men within the Roman legion. In the Middle Ages, a distinctive coat of arms was used to identify each noble family. Each item in the design had meaning.  

6 Once a coat of arms was adopted by a family, the design was placed on shields, embroidered on tapestries, and carved in stone throughout the castle or manor house. It was placed on swords and on banners and even burnt into the top of breads on special occasions. A family's heraldry was important. It said, "This is who we are, and we are special." That is heraldry.

7 Each noble family not only had its own heraldry, each employed a herald. A herald was a person. 
A herald's job was to make sure that the family's heraldry was properly used, displayed, and understood.    The herald was responsible for teaching the sons and knights of the fief to recognize the heraldry of other noble families. In these violent times, it was important to be able to quickly recognize friend from foe.  The herald also acted as the announcer or the scorekeeper at a joust. He shouted out what was happening, who was winning, and why.

8 Your Task Using the Shield Pattern you were given, create your own personal coat of arms. I will be the herald, and I must approve your rough draft before you can move on. This is done so that no two coat-of-arms are the same.

9 Choose a template

10 For Practice
You may use the computers up front to go to these websites if you would like to practice.


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