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Feudalism and Chivalry in Western Europe

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1 Feudalism and Chivalry in Western Europe
Chapter 13 Sec 2 & 3

2 Feudalism in Europe Feudalism: two parts:
1- political system in which nobles are granted lands that belong to their king 2- in exchange for loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on that land NEXT

3 Invaders Attack Western Europe
North: The Vikings East: Magyars (Hungarian nomads) South: Muslims (Africa) These invasions cause widespread Disorder and suffering NEXT

4 Conditions (causes) that lead to Feudalism
Political instability causes population to look to towards local war leaders for protection 2. Struggle over limited resources cause people to turn to local war leaders for safety, security and relative peace

5 In Europe: Roman Empire was eroding (on-going. Gone by abt 600 C.E.)
Social Conditions In Europe: Roman Empire was eroding (on-going. Gone by abt 600 C.E.) Political instability Invading Germanic Tribes Economic problems due to soil depletion, deforestation, silver mines petering out and silver gone to luxuries. People leave cities and move to countryside, accept protection of warlords. 12th thru 19th centuries Government weakened under the Edo period (800s to 1200s) and landowners gained more power. Government ran out of money in 1100s and started to fail. Daimyo hired samurai and engaged in civil war. Peasants pledged loyalty in exchange for protection. Ta-da! Feudalism!

6 A New Social Order: Feudalism
Feudalism Structures Society • A lord (landowner) gives fiefs (land grants) in exchange for services-protection • Vassals—people who receive fiefs—become powerful landholders (nobles, lords) The Feudal Pyramid (Europe)(Japan) • Kings (Shogun)served by nobles or lords (Daimyo) who are served by knights; peasants at bottom • Knights (Samurai) defend their lord’s land in exchange for fiefs



9 A New Social Order: Feudalism
Social Classes Are Well Defined • Feudal system classifies people into 3 social groups - those who fight: nobles and knights - those who pray: monks, nuns, leaders of the Church - those who work: peasants • Social class is inherited; most people are peasants • Most peasants are serfs—people lawfully bound to place of birth- but not slaves NEXT

10 Manors: The Economic Side of Feudalism
Medieval Manors: The Lord’s Estate • The lord’s estate, a manor, has an economic system (manor system) • Serfs and free peasants maintain the lord’s estate • The lord provides housing, farmland, protection • Manors include lord’s house, church, workshops, village • Manors cover a few square miles of land, largely self-sufficient Continued . . . NEXT

11 Manors: The Economic Side of Feudalism
The Harshness of Manor Life • Peasants pay taxes to use mill and bakery; pay tithe to priest • Tithe—a church tax—is equal to 10% of a peasant’s income • Serfs live in crowded cottages with dirt floors, straw for beds • Poor diet, illness, malnutrition make life expectancy 35 years NEXT

12 Harmful Effects to Economic Growth
Discouraged trade- (travel through rival territories) Tied peasants to the land preventing movement of labor Large taxes funneled to kings & nobles (non-productive) Peasants forbidden to set up their own businesses Wars destroyed crops and infrastructure No cohesive plan for development (lacked national unity) Trade with outside regions halted or reduced

13 Section 3 The Age of Chivalry The code of Chivalry for knights glorifies combat and romantic love. The samurai code in Japan lacked the concept of romantic love, but emphasized honor above all else. Called the Bushido Shoshinshu, it even called for a samurai to disembowel him or herself if the master was lost or the samurai was dishonored in another way. NEXT

14 Knights: Warriors on Horseback
The Warrior’s Role in Feudal Society • In 700s, mounted knights become most important part of an army • By 1000s, western Europe is a battleground of warring nobles • Knights rewarded with land; provides income needed for weapons • Knights’ other activities help train them for combat NEXT

15 Knighthood and the Code of Chivalry
The Code of Chivalry: a set of ideals on how to act • Knights are to protect weak and poor; serve feudal lord, God, chosen lady Love Poems and Songs • Knights’ duties to ladies are as important as those to lords • Troubadours—traveling poet-musicians—write and sing short verses NEXT

16 Women’s Role in Feudal Society
Status of Women: inferior to men Noblewomen • Can inherit land, defend castle, send knights to war on lord’s request • Usually confined to activities of the home or convent Peasant Women • Most labor in home & field, have children, provide for family • Poor, powerless, do household tasks at young age NEXT

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