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Ancient Civilizations: India

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1 Ancient Civilizations: India

2 Geography & Environment

3 The Geography On which continent is India located?
Asia; India is a subcontinent of Asia

4 The Geography Indian subcontinent: landmass that includes India, Pakistan, & Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, & Bhutan

5 The Geography World’s tallest mountain ranges separate it from the rest of Asia Mountains to the north & desert to the east help protect Indus Valley from invasion

6 The Geography On which river(s) did the ancient Indians settle?
The Indus & Ganges Rivers which form flat, fertile plains

7 The Indus Valley Civilization

8 Earliest Arrivals About 7000 BC, evidence of agriculture & domesticated animals; by 3200 BC, people farming in villages along Indus River

9 Planned Cities By 2500 BC, people build cities of brick laid out on a grid system Indus valley called Harappan civilization after Harappa, a city Mohenjo-Daro is another city on Indus

10 Planned Cities Engineers create plumbing & sewage systems
Lanes separate rows of houses - which featured bathrooms!

11 Thinking Question… What does the city planning and attention to plumbing and sewer systems tell us about this ancient culture?

12 Harappan Culture Language:
Had writing system of 400 symbols, BUT scientists can’t decipher it

13 Harappan Culture Role of religion: priests closely linked to rulers
some religious artifacts reveal links to modern Hindu culture Trade: had thriving trade with other peoples, including Mesopotamia

14 Harappan Decline Signs of decline begin around 1750 BC
Earthquakes, floods, soil depletion may have caused decline Around 1500 BC, Aryans enter area & become dominant…

15 Clash of Cultures

16 The Clashing of Cultures
About 1500BC, Indo-European people called the Aryans migrated into the Indus Valley region

17 The Clashing of Cultures
The Aryans: Were male dominated nomadic tribes Herded animals (cattle) Were warriors Had no written language

18 The Clashing of Cultures:
From the clash of these two cultures came: Religious Writings Distinct Social Structure; the CASTE system Hinduism

19 Religious Writings The VEDAS: “Books of Knowledge”
Songs & prayers of the Aryans – passed down through oral tradition

20 The Caste System

21 The Caste System Aryans were physically distinct from people of India (lighter skin, taller) 4 castes, or groups based on occupation, develop to separate Aryans & non-Aryans

22 Caste System Untouchables: Outcasts = outside caste system
Brahmins: Priests Kshatriyas: Rulers & Warriors Vaishyas: Traders & Landowners, Merchants Sudras: Laborers & Servants Caste System Untouchables: Outcasts = outside caste system

23 Thinking Question: What do these body parts indicate about each of the 4 major castes? According to Indian tradition, the 4 major castes emerged from Purusha, the first human being who is identified with the creator god, Brahma

24 The Caste System People are born into their caste for life; hundreds of subgroups arise later Members of higher castes were considered more pure One was aware of his or her caste from childhood It was the FAMILY’S responsibility to teach children about caste, as well as their expected duties/behaviors Different castes were viewed as being different species Castes were separated from each other (location, housing, clothing, occupation, etc.)

25 The Caste System People outside the caste system: the Untouchables!
Considered spiritually polluted; ignored by members of other castes

26 Thinking Question… Even though castes were separated in society, different castes lived together in the SAME village – Why?

27 The Caste System If you were obedient to the restrictions of your caste, you would be reincarnated into a higher caste

28 Hinduism The Beginnings…

29 The Beginnings Hinduism: a collection of religious beliefs that developed slowly over time No one founder

30 The Beginnings BC Hindu teachers tried to interpret and explain meanings of Vedic hymns Create Upanishads - texts of religious teachings

31 Hindu Gods

32 Hindu Gods Brahman: Supreme god and universal world soul

33 Hindu Gods Hindus believed that Brahman was too complex a concept for humans to understand Worshipped gods & goddesses who served as links to Brahman

34 Gods - Many manifestations of Brahman
One Divine Essence Unity Gods - Many manifestations of Brahman Brahma The Creator Vishnu The Preserver Shiva The Destroyer Hindu Gods + millions of other gods

35 Hindu Beliefs

36 Major Hindu Beliefs Each person has atman – individual soul
Goal in life is to unite atman (individual soul) with Brahman (world soul) How?...

37 Major Hindu Beliefs Reincarnation:
The cycle of rebirth; people born to new lives Karma: Every action is punished or rewarded which determines course of new life


39 Major Hindu Beliefs Dharma:
One’s moral duty in life; varies according to caste, gender, etc. How might this reinforce the caste system??

40 Major Hindu Beliefs Moksha:
State of perfect understanding = freedom from rebirth Union with Brahman achieved Hindus choose own path to moksha

41 Impact of Hinduism Hinduism spread throughout Indian subcontinent
Jainism – New religion 500s BC; will not harm any creature; practice religious tolerance

42 Early Indian Empires

43 The Mauryan Empire

44 Mauryan Empire Established in 322 BC by the great Indian military leader, Chandragupta Maurya

45 Mauryan Empire Politically unites North India for the first time ever
Taxation supports huge army and creates highly effective gov’t


47 Asoka’s Reign In 269 BC Asoka, Chandragupta’s grandson, becomes emperor

48 Asoka’s Reign After many years of violent conquest, Asoka feels remorseful

49 Asoka’s Reign Converts to Buddhism & rules by Buddha’s teaching of “peace to all beings” Spreads Buddhism throughout India & other parts of Asia via missionaries; but tolerant of other religions

50 Asoka’s Reign Asoka’s Rock Edicts: Laws carved on rock pillars are placed throughout the empire Stress concern for other human beings

51 Asoka’s Reign Builds extensive road system with wells and shelters
Makes travel and communication easier Asoka dies in 232BC; Kingdoms soon break away

52 The Gupta Empire

53 Gupta Empire After the fall of the Mauryan Empire, India experiences 500 years of chaos Finally in AD 320 a strong leader known as Chandra Gupta (not related to 1st emperor!) starts Gupta Empire

54 Gupta Empire During India’s 2nd empire, there is a flowering of civilization, & rebirth of Hindu culture Chandra Gupta’s son expands empire with years of conquests

55 Gupta Empire Daily Life in the Gupta Empire:
Majority of Indians are farmers; family raises crops together Farmers have to contribute work to gov’t and pay heavy taxes Families are patriarchal – headed by the eldest males

56 Gupta’s Golden Age 320 AD to 535 AD:
India’s “Golden Age,” or the flourishing of arts & sciences

57 Gupta’s Golden Age Achievements in Science: Earth is round
Identify 7 planets Invent medical instruments, perform operations, set bones, write medical guides

58 Gupta’s Golden Age Achievements in Mathematics: Principles of algebra
Infinity & Zero Value of Pi Arabic numerals  1, 2, 3…

59 Indian Trade India has spices, diamonds, precious stones & good quality timber Trade routes called the silk roads connect Asia & Europe; Indians build trading posts in middle

60 Indian Trade Increased trade spreads Indian culture/religion to other places (cultural diffusion)

61 Yes! My silk is here! Yes! My money is here!

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