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Quality Assurance Best Practices THANK YOU!.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance Best Practices THANK YOU!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance Best Practices THANK YOU!

2 Two Types of Testing Gameplay Testing “It’s too hard.”
“The hats should be blue.” “Why can’t we have bigger guns?” Bug Testing “Game crashes when I do this…” “Quest giver doesn’t reward me after I turn quest in.” “Barbie says ‘Ima kill you!’”

3 In Other Words Gameplay Testing is subjective and opinion based
Bug Testing is objective and fact based

4 The QA Department “The Ministry of Truth”

5 The QA Process Dev Team provides Test build QA Team Report defects
Dev Team Fix defects QA Team Tests new build QA Team Verify or reject fixes QA Team Tests for new defects Dev Team provides Test build QA Team Report defects Dev Team Fix defects QA Team Tests new build QA Team Verify or reject fixes QA Team Tests for new defects

6 QA Tools Bug Database Test Kit (PC, console, etc.) Test Plan
Headphones Video/audio capture

7 Writing a Bug Report Summary (Headline) Steps to reproduce
Expected Result / Actual Result (when bug is not obvious) A bug is literally a recipe for disaster.

8 Test Approaches Structured Testing Using Test Plan “Ad Hoc” Testing
Using Tester Instincts

9 Test Plan Written by Lead Tester
Exercises every feature and asset in the game Used as the basis of check sheets

10 Retesting Very important Random spot checking of old test plan items

11 Bug Database Bug # Summary Steps Location or Component Repro Rate
Severity Priority Ticket Summary: Give the bug a title that will be meaningful when searching the bug database Assigned to: Assign the bug to your departmental lead. Milestone: All bugs for the Demo should be assigned to First Milestone Bug Description: Please be sure to include the following in your writeup: Area of Occurance: Where does this bug occur? in the Demo? In Toolbench? When exporting from Maya? Steps: Write up the walk through that lead to the bug. Include Results and Expected Results. For example: Launch Demo (build 510) Advance to nearest NPC Observe The Character compared to the NPC (note: whenever using the "Observe" keyword, always specify what the reader should be looking at, otherwise it's meaningless) Results: Character appears flat shaded, while the NPC is lit from both the directional light and ambient light in the scene. Expected Results: Both the NPC and Character should be lit from both the directional light and ambient light in the scene. Notes: This occurs at the beach area as well, so it is unlikely to be caused by local lights. Work Hours Remaining: Fill in the remaining time allotted for this task if you are involved in a sprint.

12 Bug Severities A = (Blocker / Critical) Fatal flaw. No-ship issue.
Crashes, freezes B = (Major / Normal) Serious flaw. Can’t finish game, features don’t work C = (Minor / Trivial) Minor flaw. Glitches in artwork, typos, minor annoyances Priority: Assembla uses a numerical rating system. Please use the convention below: Priority: This is a measure of the severity of the bug. Assembla uses a numerical rating system. Please use the convention below: Hightest = A urgent: You are being blocked from working (e.g. game crashes) High = A: Progression stopper. This bug prevents progress through the game (e.g. fall out of world) Normal = B: Unshippable - not a progression stopper (e.g. broken setups or bad collision) Low = C: Superficial, but not up to our standards (e.g. ugly, highly visible assets) Lowest = Suggestion Urgency: This is a measure of how soon this bug needs to be resolved. This convention is not part of the Assembla ticket system and is noted in the body of the ticket: 1 = First priority. This bug should be addressed immediately 2 = Second priority. This bug should be addressed before the end of the current milestone. 3 = Third priority. This bug can be pushed to the next milestone.

13 Bug Resolution Bug Meeting Production QA Marketing
Every Open Bug is Reviewed Must Fix As Is / ISV Patch

14 Q&A Further Reading Game Testing: All in One – Shultz & Bryant
Game Testing: All in One Paperback – August 5, 2011 by Charles P. Schultz  (Author), Robert Bryant (Author)

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