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Huagen Xu IKP: T. Randriamalala, J. Ritman and T. Stockmanns

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Presentation on theme: "Huagen Xu IKP: T. Randriamalala, J. Ritman and T. Stockmanns"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulation Study for One Tentative Geometry of Luminosity Monitor Detector
Huagen Xu IKP: T. Randriamalala, J. Ritman and T. Stockmanns 24 June, 2018

2 Outline Brief introduction of this work Simulation study process
Results and Discussion Summary 2018/6/24

3 1. Brief introduction of LMD
What having been done: Basic concept design of Luminosity Detector, double- sided strip silicon sensor to reconstruct theta (thus t). The reconstructed theta based on double-sided sensor is dominated by small angle scattering, 6.2GeV/c with 300μm silicon sensor. Thinner sensor is expected but might not be double- sided and only short strip Motivation for new tentative geometry: Thinner sensor, 150μm or less Single-sided strip and with two segments Theta was determined by strip 2018/6/24

4 Sketch of single sided sensor
Strip on Left Segment Beam 50μm 2cm 5cm 5.33 cm 3cm 1. Sensor will cover 3-8mrad, be placed at z=10.8m far from IP Right Segment 2. Dimension: 2cm x 5.33cm x 5cm x 150μm (thickness) 3. 16 sensors placed at 4 planes, 4 sensors/plane (up and down, left and right), 20cm between the neighbor planes 2018/6/24

5 2. Simulation study 2.1 MC simulation Input and Setting:
Geometry definition with ASCII file, including sensor, beam pipe , vacuum box VMC : Propagation: Geant3, Geant4, Fluka 2018/6/24

6 Energy loss information Hit position on the detector
Generator: Box Generator, antiproton with momentum 6.2GeV/c coming from(0,0,0), Theta:2-9mrad, Phi: 0-360 MC: TGeant3 Field: None field is on Events: 10000 Output: Energy loss information Hit position on the detector 2018/6/24

7 MC Results MC output will be used as the input of Digitization
MC Hits 3D plot MC output will be used as the input of Digitization 2018/6/24

8 2.2 Digitization To simulate the detector response of the interaction with incident particles Output: Channel ID, FE module number, Charge, Time etc. Strip parameters and FEE parameters: Pitch = 50 μm Strip structure (e.g. Strip direction, two segments) Anchor point (start position to count strip number) Front End Electronics module (e.g. APV25) FE channels of each module (e.g. 128chs) Noise (e.g electrons) Threshold of signal (e.g electrons) 2018/6/24

9 Strip Structure and Charge distribution
Strip on Left Segment Right Segment Anchor Point Beam Anchor Point Here, σ of charge diffusion as a function of sensor thickness, of the sensor) Charge diffusion was taken into account 2018/6/24

10 Engergy Loss & Digi Charge
Conversion constant between Eloss and electrons = 3.61 (eV/e) 48.21 keV ~ 1.335e+4 1.263e+4 ~ keV 2018/6/24

11 Channel ID, FE module and count of channels
Channel ID, FE Module number and Charge will be used as the input of Reconstruction of hits 2018/6/24

12 2.3 Reconstruction Based on the digitized data to calculate the information of incident event. Left Segment, Right Segment Beam Output: Information of incident event, i.e. hit position, deposited energy etc. Center of Gravity: If more than 1 strips fired by one hit, it will give more accurate position information 2018/6/24

13 Reconstructed information

14 MC Reco 2018/6/24

15 2.4 Tracking theta determination
Theta determined by strip Theta resolution : 0.02mrad 2018/6/24

16 Theta determined by fitting 4 Recohits: 0.092mrad
Theta determined by fitting 4 MChits: mrad 2018/6/24

17 3. Discussion 3.1 Advantage and disadvantage of this geometry
Beam axis θ θ’ Pellet size: 25-40μm lateral spread σ ≈ 1mm inter spacing 0.5-5mm δθ = θ’ - θ Transversal smearing with σ ≈ 1mm will result in δθ ≈ 0.1mrad for determined θ Longitudinal smearing has got little effect, e.g. 5mm result in δθ of 0.003mrad 2018/6/24

18 Theta resolution (by strip) : 0.058mrad
Theta resolution (by fitting 4 Recohits): mrad Theta resolution (by fitting 4 Mchits) : mrad Particle emitting from a square area with side of 2mm +1 -1 2018/6/24

19 3.2 Face the challenge from the solenoid field
Field On Field Off 3.2 Face the challenge from the solenoid field BoxGenerator, Beam Particle: antiProton; Beam momentum: 1.5GeV/c; Fixed theta: 5mrad; Azimuth: 0~360; MChits XY view 2018/6/24

20 Peak of MCHits Theta RMS of MCHits Theta Field On Field Off On - Off
20 Field On Field Off On - Off 2018/6/24

21 3.3 Beam transverse emittance
Beam transverse emittance: <1 mm mrad Theta resolution: > 0.3mrad (simulated based on double-sided sensor,300μm) By Tsito 2018/6/24

22 4. Summary A tentative geometry of LuMo with single-sided strip was studied with PandaRoot framework The performance of LuMo with single-sided geometry was discussed, the theta resolution would be dominated by the target size; The final resolution of theta (thus t) would be dominated by beam transverse emittance. 2018/6/24

23 Thanks for your attention!

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