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Imaging MaPper for AtmospheriC observaTions IMPACT AQABA campaign

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Presentation on theme: "Imaging MaPper for AtmospheriC observaTions IMPACT AQABA campaign"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imaging MaPper for AtmospheriC observaTions IMPACT AQABA campaign
Enno Peters, Andreas Richter, Anja Schönhardt, Lisa Behrens, Mareike Ostendorf, Folkard Wittrock, John Burrows and Mihalis Vrekoussis.

2 IMPACT: Motivation I Plume Mapping
Monitoring of stacks, volcanoes, ships etc. Quasi instantaneous observations of NOx chemistry along plume Quasi instantaneous emission estimates Lelieveld et al., Science Advances, 2015 Understand the Earth System

3 IMPACT: Motivation II 2D-Variability
Mapping of pollution around a station Detection of gradients and transport Under some conditions also emission estimates Understand the Earth System

4 IMPACT: Remarks Telescope only needs to be rotated to have full 2d mapping All viewing directions are measured at the same time No waiting for telescope movements Less problems with transport / cloud movements interfering with the measurements + Poorer slit function Readout of image takes time Field of view (FOV) of instrument is large  Problems with varying illumination vertically Small spectral range [VIS] - Understand the Earth System

5 IMPACT: “Anatomy” ANDOR Shamrock 303i Understand the Earth System Imaging spectrometer (spatial information is preserved) Telescope is connected via optical fibre bundle to spectrometer Fibre bundle consists of ~50 sorted fibres (same order at both sides) Telescope: Commercial objective (ca. 45° total FOV), focused on fibre bundle (single fibres see different elevation angles) One entire 36 step scan every 15 minutes + one zenith-sky observation Video camera included in telescope for scene documentation

6 IMPACT: Data analysis Imaging example NO2 DSCD Example Scan (15 min)
Understand the Earth System Obstruction by single tree Obstruction by other telescope Obstruction by high trees

7 IMPACT: Data analysis Understand the Earth System

8 IMPACT: Logistics I Continental outflow of pollutants towards the marine lower troposphere (COPMAR) DFG project. Understand the Earth System

9 IMPACT: Logistics II Understand the Earth System

10 IMPACT: Logistics III Understand the Earth System

11 IMPACT: Logistics IV Important:
To know the roll and pitch vessels’ angle in high resolution (ideal 0.1s, acceptable 1s) [provided by the high precision gyro information of the vessel] Synchronize measurements with ship’s time. To be unaffected by the exaust-plume To have open view (azimuth-zenith) Understand the Earth System Distance of the telescope and the instrument (~10m) limited by the length of the optical fiber HR = 1 person to operate the instrument on board the vessel

12 Thank you for your attention
Mihalis Vrekoussis and the UB-IUP team

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