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Access Maeve McGoldrick – Policy and Campaigns Manager

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Presentation on theme: "Access Maeve McGoldrick – Policy and Campaigns Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 Access Maeve McGoldrick – Policy and Campaigns Manager How can the PRS be a housing option for with high and complex needs? The private rented sector – A home for all? Wednesday, 02 November 2016 #ahomeforall Sarah Walters – Inspiring Change Manchester Claire Frew – Glasgow Homeless Network

2 Sarah Walters: ICM Development Manager

3 What is Inspiring Change Manchester?
Big Lottery’s Fulfilling Lives aims to change the way services are delivered for people with Multiple needs Inspiring Change Manchester - 8 year programme Supporting people with 3 or more needs Testing out innovative approaches Bringing about systems change Accommodation problems Offending Problem alcohol or drug use Mental health, emotional well-being issues

4 Our Programme Objectives
Sustainable outcomes for people with multiple and complex needs ‘Manchester residents with three or more complex needs have improved health, wellbeing, housing, employability and reduced re-offending and these outcomes are sustainable’. People with lived experience at centre of design, delivery and governance of services ‘Manchester residents with multiple and complex needs have more opportunities for involvement in the services they need, and influence on decisions that affect them’ Introducing and promoting holistic and integrated approaches ‘Services share more information and better coordinate interventions for people with multiple and complex needs’ Bringing about systems change for people with multiple and complex needs ‘Commissioning of mainstream services respond to project learning, funding cost-effective evidence based interventions for people with multiple and complex needs’

5 Referral pathways – first 2 years

6 Housing Landscape in Manchester
Around 20,000 on waiting list for social housing Increase in rough sleeping figures (Oct 2015 figures) 27% rent in private sector 50,000 students from population of 500k DevoManc implications Barriers for ICM clients – exclusion from social housing lists, no statutory duty, unaffordability of some PRS, no guarantor, admin fees, no decent tenancy history and ongoing multiple complex needs Yet we have successfully housed clients in PRS

7 Housing First Access to PRS Scheme 2 year pilot Single people who are ICM clients Run close to HF principles Intensive long term support Private and social housing Shelter funded project Singles and families with lower support needs 6 months support Cash deposit (Credit Union links) Pre tenancy work/mediation with landlord

8 Good matching between landlord and tenant
Some keys to success Strong support offer Good matching between landlord and tenant Different products for different markets – Access to PRS and Housing First Evidenced record of success Relationship building Use of Flexible Fund (cash bonds) Landlords on board philosophically Renting privately for those with MCN is not an academic question - happens already

9 Our learning: Dedicated housing brokerage post Frequent home visits Peer mentors build relationship and work towards integration into community Creative solutions to increasing access to accommodation Quality of accommodation v availability

10 Any Questions. www. shelter. org. uk www. inspiringchangemanchester
Any Questions? Sarah Walters Development Manager

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