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SALTO TC Unemployment Guimaraes, Portugal

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Presentation on theme: "SALTO TC Unemployment Guimaraes, Portugal"— Presentation transcript:

1 SALTO TC Unemployment 7-13.06.2009 Guimaraes, Portugal

2 Getting to know each other: personal and professional dimensions
National realities of unemployment: statistics, factors provoking unemployment Content of the training course Links between unemployment and social exclusion Solution-based approaches to work on unemployment How can Youth In Action contribute to competence development? Good practices from YIA and beyond European youth policy developments Reflections on personal learning process/Youthpass . TAKE ACTION!

3 Why and how this TC? The sea of European youth field
SO what did we learn? Different realities: Local, regional, national, European, global…. Different actors: Young people, Youth organisations National Agencies of YIA SALTO Resource Centres (8) European Commission… courses… …….

4 About the topic: Unemployment is not a new concern but a growing challenge in current economic situation as well as a highlighted priority issue in European youth (policy) field; The importance of context in understanding characteristics of unemployment among youth in different countries; The importance of removing barriers for inclusion of young people who face unemployment (f.ex. keeping social subsidies while participating in mobility project); The links between policy, practice and research in combating unemployment among youth.

5 Life-Long learning competences: To live and work in international group: Co-operation skills English language skills (both work-related and in personal, informal moments) Learning to learn: new methods, reflection on your own learning process …many other…

6 And now we are ready to: Share the know-how from the training with colleagues in our organisations; Apply the know-how in our organisations & propose new activities; Start up new projects in Youth In Action programme (ideas for at least 5 youth exchanges but also meetings of young people and responsibles for youth policy in Action 5.1); Continue professional reflections and sharings started in a training course (through s, Facebook group etc) …

7 How can SALTO support you further?
Website of this training course Materials related to training course (objectives, programme, trainers etc)

8 How can SALTO support you further?
Practical inclusion publications : Later in 2009 there will be publication about how to work on unemployment through YIA, based on the know-how of this training course.

9 How can SALTO support you further?
Inclusion tools in SALTO Toolbox for Training Inclusion newsletters; trainings in SALTO European Training Calendar, trainers in TOY … all at:

10 Many thanks to: : Loesje International
Participants of the training course The trainers Portugese National Agency Guimaraes Municipality Hotels Fundador & Guimaraes Loesje International National Agencies of Youth In Action programme and Swiss Coordination Agency Youth For Europe . Other contributors: European Commission, European Youth Forum, Council of Europe, European Anti-Poverty Network etc

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