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Digitial Citizenship Online learning

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1 Digitial Citizenship Online learning
Week 2 conversations Consider the charts of the week’s conversations and activities handed out and available online. These define our boundaries. Note the text suggestions in the Digital Citizenship module. Digitial Citizenship Online learning

2 Lollipop Lollipop reactions Share your stories if you wish
Does it count for you and how much? This site which connects with your facebook profile is meant to shock you. To rend us all how serious this can be. The online module suggests a few sites and activities that can enagege you, catch you and generally help you put a level of importance on our responsibilities as a teacher to address digital citizenship issues in class. Erratic round robins

3 Scarred A teacher in New York was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stomp on it and really mess it up, but do not rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty it was. She then told them to tell it they’re sorry. Now even though they said they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, she pointed out all the scars they left behind. And that those scars will never go away no matter how hard they tried to fix it. That is what happens when a child bully's another child, they may say they’re sorry but the scars are there forever. The looks on the faces of the children in the classroom told her the message hit home. (Thanks Michelle Williams and Juli Rush for this one.) Check this on the Facebook page - ICT and Pedagogy

4 Pedagogical techniques
Awareness raising Buy in Immersion Celebration and sharing A hand out of the pedagogical strategies used in this weeks classes unpacks this model. You will practice it by being part of the 3 hour activities and completing your assignment. Inspiration map

5 Digital Citizenship module
A moment to pause to talk about why your own digital Footprint is an important investment and a part of your professional identity that you will want to protect The Digital Citizenship Module contains references to the text book and suggestion on how to use the selected passages to improve your assessment submissions and general understanding of ICT in learning. Digital Citizenship module

6 Digital citizenship for students
The tension between the purpose for schooling and increasingly narrow curriculum interpretation and increasingly prescribed curriculum means that it is quite difficult for teachers to address life skills. The game becomes one of interpretation, interpreting the curriculum through lens and making choices about content, contexts and pedagogy to address those life skills and life skill knowledge you believe is important. Maths Financial Literacy

7 Nine elements Digital access – full electronic participation in society Digital commerce – electronic buying and selling of goods Digital Communication – electronic exchange of information Digital Literacy – process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology Digital Etiquette – standards of conduct or procedure Digital Law - electronic responsibility for actions and deeds Digital Rights and Responsibilities – those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world Digital health and wellness – physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world Digital Security ( self protection) – electronic precautions to guarantee safety We will discuss examples of each and use the above list as an awareness raiser about what areas of digital citizenship you might focus on and learn more about.

8 Selecting an area to deepen
You develop your own priorities about what DC means for your classroom and work together with others to construct what it means for your school. Brainstorm several topics around Digital Citizenship you would want to address in your context. Write down every idea. Beginning a deep understandings process to unpack the subject matter for the scenarios of our online event and developing our knowledge of Digital Citizenship. 10 people will be extracted to develop an understanding of the socratic questions process. They will then use the question starters to assist groups to probe deeper during the Deep understandings process. Handout Socratic questions team

9 Deep Understandings Process
Brainstorm Every idea gets written down. Even jokes and asides may produce good ideas. Maintain the flow of ideas by avoiding discussion of ideas until all are written down. If your idea is missed in the rush, say it again. Your Question Why would your students give up the best part of their day in the best part of their life to come into your classroom to study this unit? What’s in it for them? What will they get out of it?” Small group work. To extract ideas

10 Begin with the question and brainstorm all ideas
Process Begin with the question and brainstorm all ideas Take one idea from the brainstorm and repeat the question and brainstorm around that idea. Take one idea and ask the question again. You will probably end up with six or so really deep statements about what you want students to learn. Significant Question Develop a significant question around each deep understanding that captures the essence of what needs to be learned. A process which deepens the expression of the core ideas in a curriculum idea or how a school might address an issue or opportunity.

11 Prep for the tutorial Develop a scenario to bring to the tut to share of a school situation. You will choose one and develop it to put to our online guests. Work the Digital Citizenship module including unpacking the sections of the text to support your thinking. Look at this

12 My version of online etiquette

13 Online learning What do we mean? Why talk about it for schools?
Courses and events and activities Structured learning – the written conversation The interactive learning conversation Two experiences this week. - using our modules and our online events. We will begin discussion of online learning in the next meeting .

14 Key terms online mentoring online learning e-moderating
computer-assisted instruction computer mediated conferencing virtual learning, connectivism , ICT mindtools. If you want to read ahead, look for these ideas.

15 Collecting up ideas You have been for 3 years now – so you can use a teacher-hat to reflect on learning that worked. Build a T chart of the list of online strategies and techniques you have experienced. Scafford your T chart - eg: Formal and informal Information delivery and interactive We need to realise we already have knowledge and experience and the next session will formalise that, develop it and place it in a theoretical context.

16 Example T chart Formal Informal
Webinar with video and follow up Q and A Asking a friend for help using skype Using Help sytems

17 T chart example Information delivery Interactive Web page reading
Forum debate Daily alert Chat in small groups

18 Rate your experience as a learner
Code your experiences in your table and place them on a Likert scale from Least effective to Most effective for you. Take the ideas and your rating to your group meetings about Assignment 1 Least Effective Most Effective

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