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Expressive Arts and Design Understanding the World

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1 Expressive Arts and Design Understanding the World
Maths We will continue to develop our number formation and counting skills along with some addition and subtraction. We will be looking at size order and measuring using capacity and comparing and sorting. We’ll also be learning to recognise the hour and half hour when telling the time. Literacy This term we will continue to learn new phonic sounds , blending them together to make words. We will be continuing to read Ditty books in small groups and practicing writing short sentences thinking carefully about our sounds. Linking to our topic we will be writing recounts and instructions. We will be visiting some Traditional Tales and producing small pieces of drama work. We will be practicing our letter formation and reading a range of texts during our guided activity time. Owl Class. Term 5 Stonehenge PSED This term we will focus on keeping healthy and good hygiene practices. Communication and Language We will continue to develop our speaking and listening skills and ensure that we take turns listening to each other and responding in an appropriate manner. We will also be taking on the role of characters from Traditional Tales through drama and role play. Physical Development During our PE sessions we will be developing our athletic skills, our ball skills and working as a team. We will also continue to think about the effect exercise has on our body. Expressive Arts and Design Our weekly singing sessions with Caroline will continue. We will also be listening to, and putting our own movement and actions to music and beat. Linking to our topic we will be recreating Stonehenge and building a variety of houses from some Traditional Tales. Understanding the World We will be investigating how friction affects movement in our Stonehenge work, having a go at inventing ways to move objects using pulley systems. We will also be looking at the local area in our walk to the Post Office.

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