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Douell’s Lesson Plans – 2nd Grade – Northside Elementary

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1 Douell’s Lesson Plans – 2nd Grade – Northside Elementary
Unit 1 Week 2 Dates: Aug. 21st – Aug. 25th HH Higher Order Questions: Math What is the relationship between addition and subtraction? Why is ______ the value of _____? Can you walk me through the steps to solve this problem? How can you tell the difference between an addition sentences and a subtraction sentence? Higher Order Questions: ELA How would you describe the relationship between Ruby and Sana at the beginning of the story? How would you describe their relationship at the end of the story? What might happen if you behaved this way in your family? Can you defend Ruby’s decision to help Sana? How would you act toward your sibling? How would you end the story differently? Compare and Contrast Ruby and Sana. Spelling: went tell pet job fog not tug hut tub bun fix has one or see Pattern Words top fun Keywords: invited fair plead aside share scurries Sight Words: could find funny green how little one or see sounds Math Vocabulary: part whole add sum addition sentence plus equals join subtract difference subtraction sentences minus separate

2 Monday Tuesday Daily 5 -- 7:50 – 8:10 Math Language Block
Aug. 21st – Aug 25th Daily :50 – 8:10 Daily 5: Practice Read to Self/Read to Someone/Word Work Introduce Work on Writing and practice Writing Part 1 8:10-8:40 Activity: 8:45 – 9:25 Writing Part 2 9:30 – 9:45 Math 9:45-10:30 Lunch:10:30 – 10:55 Language Block Center Rotations 11:05 – 12:20 Enrichment Centers 12:20 – 1:20 STEM/ Science 1:20 – 1:45 Recess 1:45 – 2:05 Narrative Focus: A Famiy Event – Students will complete a bubble map about their picture Narrative Focus: A Famiy Event – Students will use their bubble map and develop a topic sentence Use green sentence paper Topic 1-5 Stories about comparing - Topic 1-6 Connecting addition and subtraction Grammar: Introduce complete exclamatory sentences. Review Declarative, Interrogative and imperative – Have students write 5 exciting sentences. Phonics: Review Short e, o, and u make more words w/ the Short e, o, and u. Read: TSW reread Big Red Lollipop. They will work in pairs to compare/contrast Ruby & Sana. Interactive Notebook – Exclamatory/command. flaps w/ sentence Grammar: Introduce complete imperative sentences. Review Declarative and Interrogative – Have students give you examples of all 3 Sentences. Phonics: Look at Short e, o, and u find them in the spelling words Read: Big Red Lollipop Make a story map of the problem/solution TSW complete the sentence sort. Work on any unfinished work Work on unfinished work. Quality Character: Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun, Have Courage! Quality Character: Stand in My Shoes, Show Empathy

3 Wednesday Thursday Friday
Practice Work on Writing and building stamina Introduce Listen to Reading Talk about expectations, build stamina, practice put all of the Daily 5 components together. (oh mercy me!!!) Writing Work on developing 3 – 5 detail sentences.. Use yellow strips of detail sentence paper Develop closing sentence – Use red strips for Closing sentence Edit for capitalization and punctuation. Rewrite our corrected sentences neatly on writing paper - attach to large construction paper and put family photo with it. Math Topic 1-7 Problem Solving: Addition and Subtraction Daily Grade Topic 1; Lessons 4-6 Go over the practice test work mat. Topic 1 Test Grammar: Nearpod 4 types of Sentences Whole group. Keyword Practice: Complete the Vocabulary Practice Sheet -s, -es pockets on constructions paper Read:: Wednesday Surprise Students will work in pairs to complete a 5 W chart. Grammar and Phonics: TSW color short e words red, short o words green, and short u words blue. They will then use at least 6 of the words to make sentences: one declarative, one interrogative, and one exclamatory Read: Abuela - TSW work in groups to verbally answer 5W questions.. Interactive Notebook – Exclamatory/command. flaps w/ sentence Unit 1 Week 2Reading Test Spelling Test Unit 1 Week 2 TSW take the Frontrow pretest Make Super Sentence Headbands. ELA Enrichment Statement and Question Scramble Rhyme time with the spelling words and phonics skill Work on any unfinished work STEM Quality Character: Bubble Gum Brain, Make Mistakes – Have Growth Mindset! Quality Character: Team Work Isn’t My Thing, Teamwork Quality Character: My mouth is a volcano, Respect/ Blurting

4 Individual Conferring Touch Points
Reading Goal Strategy Names Touch Points Individual Conferring Touch Points Date Lesson Teacher Table: Teacher will be reading with students one on one and observing the students behaviors to determine needs. Independent Work: Study Island Assignments (based on their own individual needs) Working with Words: Word Sort with spelling words, Working with plurals (nearpod) Working on Writing: Journal entries, Practice stretching sentences Read to Self: AR with book review cubes and AR test and SEESAW Learning journal Read to Someone: Practice EEKK (Elbow to Elbow, Knee to Knee) Reading Group 1 Reading Group 2 Reading Group 3 Reading Group 4 Reading Group 5

5 Individual Conferring Touch Points
Math Goal Strategy Names Touch Points Individual Conferring Touch Points Date Lesson SKILL GROUP: Teacher will be observing the students to determine what each student needs. INDEPENDENT: Work-mats Teacher Table – working on group needed skills (see below) TECHNOLOGY: Math fluency apps, CREATE: We will begin working on our math journals Math Group 1 Math Group 2 Math Group 3 Math Group 4


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