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The Periodic Table of Elements

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1 The Periodic Table of Elements

2 The Periodic Table of Elements

3 The Periodic Table of the Elements
We know that all “matter” is made up of very, very, very tiny spheres called atoms. Each square in this table represents a different kind of atom. There are over 114 different kinds of atoms (92 natural).

4 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Table organization is based on each atom’s makeup and the similarities of the properties of the various kinds of atoms.

5 The Periodic Table of the Elements

6 The Periodic Table of the Elements

7 The Periodic Table of the Elements

8 Table is usually displayed this way. (it takes up less space)
The Periodic Table of the Elements Table is usually displayed this way. (it takes up less space) We won’t discuss any of these elements in Physiological Chemistry

9 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Every kind of atom has a name and a “symbol.”

10 The Periodic Table of the Elements
All modern symbols are based on letter abbreviations Hydrogen (H) Every symbol starts with a capital letter. Oxygen (O) Iodine (I)

11 The Periodic Table of the Elements Some symbols have two letters.
Scandium (Sc) First letter is capital and second is lower case. Bismuth (Bi) Neon (Ne)

12 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Some symbols come from foreign languages. Tungsten (W) -- ‘W’ is from wolfram (German) Sodium (Na) -- ‘Na’ is from natrium (Latin) Antimony (Sb) -- ‘Sb’ is from Stibium (Latin)

13 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Some types of atoms are very common in air! nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, argon, neon, helium

14 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Some types of atoms are very common in dirt and rocks! oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium

15 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Some types of atoms are very common in stars! hydrogen, helium, carbon, oxygen, neon, magnesium

16 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Some types of atoms are very common in human bodies! oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus

17 The Periodic Table of the Elements (Columns are called groups)

18 The Periodic Table of the Elements
This is group 13.

19 The Periodic Table of the Elements (Rows are called periods)

20 The Periodic Table of the Elements
This is period 4.

21 The Periodic Table of the Elements
alkali metals (Group 1)

22 The Periodic Table of the Elements
alkali metals (Group 1)

23 The Periodic Table of the Elements
alkaline earth metals (Group 2)

24 The Periodic Table of the Elements
alkaline earth metals (Group 2)

25 The Periodic Table of the Elements
halogens (Group 17)

26 The Periodic Table of the Elements
halogens (Group 17)

27 The Periodic Table of the Elements
halogens (Group 17)

28 noble gases or “inert” gases (Group 18)
The Periodic Table of the Elements noble gases or “inert” gases (Group 18) All of the atoms in a group have similar properties.

29 noble gases or “inert” gases (Group 18)
The Periodic Table of the Elements noble gases or “inert” gases (Group 18) All of the atoms in a group have similar properties.

30 Consider these three halogens:

31 Consider these three halogens:
All smell like a swimming pool. All produce colored vapors. All are poisonous. All react rapidly with sodium to give edible salts. Groups in the periodic table are comprised of elements with similar properties.

32 Consider these three alkali metals:
Lithium (Li) Sodium (Na) Potassium (K)

33 Consider these three alkali metals:
All are shiny, soft solids when pure. All melt at very low temperatures. Lithium mp = 181oC Sodium mp = 98oC Potassium mp = 63oC

34 Consider these three alkali metals:
All react violently with water.

35 The Periodic Table of the Elements Hydrogen is an odd-ball!
Metals Non-metals Metalloids or semimetals Hydrogen is an odd-ball!

36 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Metals are . . . Lustrous Ductile Malleable Conductors of electricity Lower Left of periodic table Prone to losing electrons

37 The Periodic Table of the Elements
Nonmetals are . . . Not ductile Not lustrous Not conductors of electricity Not malleable Often prone to gaining electrons Upper Right of table

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