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working group activities overview

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1 working group activities overview
AGATA Simulation working group activities overview Marc Labiche 17th AGATA week, IPN Orsay - 5th Oct 2016

2 Outline AGATA SWG – recent activities
GANIL-SPIRAL2 ICC Workshops on simulation AGATA Code – recent/future developments GPS & GDML capability Additional Ancillaries Update on Simulated Photopeak efficiency curves Simulated efficiency & P/T curves for GANIL Configurations Validation of simulation / GSI source run

Recent Activities (1/2) ICC Simulation workshop (Nov 2015): Presentations and Tutorials on: AGATA code (M. Labiche) Including a demo with LYCCA and a demo on Simulated Time Stamped data SToGs toolkit (O. Stezowsky, I. Companis) Detectors available: PARIS, AGATA, EXOGAM, FATIMA, N-Wall, DIAMANT, … All Geometry are defined in gdml format Could become the new framework for AGATA in if more and more users start using it and develop it. (Connectivity to GammaWare & Femul) All slides are still available here:

Recent Activities (2/2) New ICC Simulation workshop 29th Nov -1st Dec 2016 Presentations and Tutorials on NPTool framework User friendly framework (GEANT4 + ROOT) MUST2, GASPARD, MUGAST, TIARA, HELIOS, PARIS, FATIMA …. Built-in event generators for the kinematics of direct reactions. Also GDML compatible AGATA geometry could easily be exported into NPTool New GitHub repository for gdml files:

5 agata/branch/GANIL/trunk/macros/gps
Recent developments GEANT4 General Particle Source GPS allows the user to simulate realistic sources (ex: 60Co, 152Eu, …) Now also available in the AGATA code: ./Agata –gps Ex. Macros also available in the GANIL branch svn repostory: agata/branch/GANIL/trunk/macros/gps However: Issues with some intensities ! 152Eu

6 Recent developments GEANT4 GDML capability added
Implement Mechanical structure Easy to include as ancillary: ./Agata –a N id HoneyComb is invoked as ancillary with id number: 26 Ganil vacuum chamber + target frame has the id number: 27 OUPS (unique id not yet attributed) Import/export detector from/to other framework

7 Future developments Other ancillaries (?) NEDA DIAMANT (?)
Not yet part of the AGATA svn repository. Based on AGATA Code, but not defined as ancillary yet ! DIAMANT (?) No update received. Existing geometry file in ASC to be updated ? New chamber to be added Diamant as currently defined in ASC

8 Simulated Efficiency & P/T curves
(after tracking with mgt) Setup: - Nominal - 10ATC+1ADC at backward angles Isotropic source (Mg=1) + Vacuum Chamber + Anisotropy (E2 ) + Beta beam=10%

9 Simulated Efficiency curves (Nominal)
Isotropic source with and without Chamber

10 Simulated Efficiency curves (Nominal)
Adding E2 anisotropy + Anisotropy E2

11 Simulated Efficiency curves (Nominal)
Adding bbeam =10% + Anisotropy E2

12 Simulated Efficiency curves for the compact configuration
+ Anisotropy E2

13 Simulated P/T curves (Nominal)
Isotropic source with and without Chamber

14 Simulated P/T curves (Nominal)
Adding E2 anisotropy + Anisotropy E2

15 Simulated P/T curves (Nominal)
Adding bbeam =10% + Anisotropy E2

16 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.84(9) Calorimeter 3.30(2) 4.21(8) So: ~20% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~33% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

17 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.84(9) Calorimeter 3.30(2) 4.21(8) Actually, 23 crystals were considered in the simulations So: ~20% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~33% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

18 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) Full energy peak efficiency @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.55(14) Calorimeter 3.30(2) 3.71(17) Now for 21 crystals ! So: ~7% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~12% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

19 Summary Implementation of GEANT4 GPS & GDML capability
New “Ancillaries” added to the ASC svn repository using GDML But NEDA & DIAMANT new chamber still needs to be added Vacuum Chamber has a significant attenuation impact on Efficiency & P/T ratio at low energy. Any Ancillary detector inside the chamber would also have an impact E2 Ang. Corr. and bbeam (10%) have also an effect on Efficiency but almost none on P/T, as it seems. Simulation of the GSI source measurement have been corrected but still overestimate the experimental efficiency. GANIL source measurement would also be interesting to compare with.

20 Fin

21 Simulated Efficiency curves (Nominal)
Isotropic source with Chamber

22 Simulated Efficiency curves
Isotropic source Chamber

23 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) P/Texp (%) P/Tsim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.84(9) 18.3(2) 22.5(6) Calorimeter 3.30(2) 4.21(8) 32.2(3) 42.5(10) So: ~20% discrepancy on the Core Common Efficiency ~33% discrepancy on the Calorimeter Efficiency

24 Simulation validation
GSI source run with 21 crystals N. Lalovic et al. NIM A 806 (2016) @ 1172 keV eExp (%) eSim (%) P/Texp (%) P/Tsim (%) Core Common 2.38(2) 2.55(14) 18.3(2) 23 Calorimeter 3.30(2) 3.71(17) 32.2(3) 42 Now with 21 crystals

25 agata/branch/GANIL/trunk/macros/gps
Recent developments GEANT4 General Particle Source GPS allows the user to simulate realistic sources (ex: 60Co, 152Eu, …) Now also available in the AGATA code: ./Agata –gps Ex. Macros also available in the GANIL branch svn repostory: agata/branch/GANIL/trunk/macros/gps GEANT4 GDML capability added Implement Mechanical structure Easy to include as ancillary: ./Agata –a N id HoneyComb is invoked as ancillary with id number: 26 Ganil Vacuum chamber is invoked as ancillary with id number: 27 OUPS (unique id not yet attributed) Import/export detector from/to other framework

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