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Teachers: Mrs. Jessica Cutler Mrs. Shannon Green PLEASE SIGN IN

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers: Mrs. Jessica Cutler Mrs. Shannon Green PLEASE SIGN IN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers: Mrs. Jessica Cutler Mrs. Shannon Green PLEASE SIGN IN
Welcome to Fifth Grade! Teachers: Mrs. Jessica Cutler Mrs. Shannon Green PLEASE SIGN IN

2 Agenda Policy Please check your child’s agenda daily-we put the day’s assignments and spelling words in it on Mondays. If your child loses the agenda, a new one must be purchased.

3 Homework Policy Your child is expected to complete homework assignments daily. Please check agendas. Sign study guides for social studies, science, and math tests. Students should read every night. Your child’s reading book log can be found in their binder. Please ensure they complete the summary daily. Those who complete the reading log attend monthly Reading celebrations. You received homework, behavior, and grading policies the first week of school. We are still waiting on Code of Conduct books.

4 Graded Papers Folder Your child will bring home a folder with his/her graded work on Wednesdays. Check Parent Portal for grades. The math book is available online-please see Mrs. Cutler if interested. Please review the work with your child and remove the work from the folder. Some assignments may need to be done again for a better grade-please send them back with revisions .

5 Grading Policy The following percentages are used in calculating final grades for each nine weeks. Papers are sent home in Wednesday packets. A B C D 59-below F Classwork Percentages Reading : Tests 40%, Quizzes 30%, Classwork 20%, Homework 10% ELA: Composition 40%, Grammar 30%, Spelling 20%, Homework 10% Math: Tests 40%, Projects 40%,Classwork/Quizzes 10%, Homework 10% Science: Tests 40%, Projects 40%, Health 10%, Classwork/Quiz 10% Social Studies: Tests 40%, Quizzes 30%, Projects 20%, Homework 10%

6 Classroom Activities Mrs. Green’s Class
Spelling: GT Class (24 Spelling Words) General Education students (20 words) Spelling Contract Read & Respond (weekly reading assessments) Word of the Day: Vocabulary instruction Social Studies Note Quizzes/Projects Social Studies Assessments/Homework *GT CLASS: Research driven

7 Transportation Please remember that all transportation changes must be made in writing through a handwritten note or a fax. Changes will not be taken over the phone or by . The official East Aiken car line tag has the East Aiken logo. When you come through afternoon carline, please display this tag in your windshield or clip it to your visor. Any person not displaying an official East Aiken tag may be asked to park and go into the office to pick up the student. Replacement tags are available in the office.

8 Dress Code Please remember that students may not wear flip flops, short shorts, or spaghetti strap shirts to school. Colored hair is not permitted at school. Students must wear tennis shoes on P.E. day. Head-wear may not be worn Clothing with offensive messages or inappropriate pictures may not be worn. Parents will be called to pick up students or bring a change of clothing for those who are not appropriately dressed.

9 Classroom Expectations and Discipline Plan
Our school uses a drama-based behavior management system called Acting Right, which teaches children to be calm, focused, and balanced in using their bodies and voices in appropriate and cooperative ways.

10 Classroom Expectations
1. Follow directions the first time they are given. (Focus/concentrate) 2. Keep hands, feet, objects, and unkind remarks to yourself. (Control your body and control your voice.) 3. During instruction, one voice speaks at a time. (Control your voice and cooperate.) 4. Have permission to be out of your seat. (Focus and balance.) 5. Participate fully in class and complete assignments in a timely fashion. (Focus/concentrate) 6. Exemplify honesty and respectfulness. (Cooperate and balance.) Failure to meet the expectations will result in silent lunch, loss of privileges, notes and calls home, and referral to the office.

11 Positive Reinforcement
Positive behavior will be rewarded accordingly: Praise Good notes home-look for Star Students Earn incentives (given at random)-stickers, pencils, ticket drawings, treats

12 No colored drinks or flavored water, please
Water bottles Water bottles that properly close may be sent to class. No colored drinks or flavored water, please

13 Birthdays If you would like to send cupcakes for your child’s birthday, please make sure they are store-bought and in the original packaging (with ingredient label). Please send enough for each child in the class(19 or 23). The box should be labeled and placed in the office. We do have students with peanut allergies Birthday invitations must be given to every student, if given out at school Lunch is at 12:05

14 Visits and Chaperoning Field Trips
In order to volunteer to chaperone a trip or to help in the classroom, you must schedule a time with Ms. Cassels to participate in a volunteer training. Make sure you have signed the parent observation/visit/volunteer guidelines.

15 How to help your child in…
Reading-know your child’s reading level, and read books near that level with him or her. Write answers using evidence from the book/passage. Language-review spelling lists each week, and insist on complete, lengthy sentences. Math-memorize facts, and encourage your child for the correct procedures she/he knows already. Math that’s difficult is just math you haven’t practiced yet. Science and Social Studies-review vocabulary and study by having your child ask and answer questions.

16 If you need to discuss your child’s behavior or progress, please sign up for a conference. Our planning time is 7:50-8:40. We can be contacted by and or via phone at

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