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Ecclesiastes: Pilgrims in Exile

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1 Ecclesiastes: Pilgrims in Exile
“Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecc 12:13)

2 Part 11 – The Urgency of Joyful Giving (Ecc 10:20-12:12-8)

3 Literary Structure of Ecclesiastes David A. Dorsey (modified)
Poem about the insignificance of life; the vanity of wisdom. (1:1-18) B. Wisdom v. folly; failure to enjoy life apart from God. (2:1 – 2:26) Poem about time; God’s sovereignty. (3:1-15) D. Center: Fear God; enjoy life as God’s gift. (3:16 – 6:12) C’. Poem about time revisited; God’s sovereignty. (7:1-14) B’. Wisdom v. Folly revisited; how to enjoy life. (7:15-10:19) A’. Poem about life’s brevity revisited; the value of wisdom. (10:20-12:8) Conclusion: Duty of man -- fear and obey God, for He will judge. (12:9-14)

4 Hevel – Creation subject to futility because of Sin (Rom 8:20)

5 Fear God and Keep His Commandments Trembling Trust
Compare with Faith: Acknowledgement of God Knowledge of God – His Holiness and Justice, and Recognition of Our Sin Trembling at His Sovereignty and Judgment to Come Reverent Submission to His Lordship and Decrees Continued Communion – Life of Piety

6 The Gospel According to Ecclesiastes
“God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes” (7:20, 29) “Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know it will be well with those who fear God” (8:12). “But it will not be well with the wicked…because he does not fear before God” (8:13). “Let your garments be always white” (9:8). Washed in the blood of the Passover Lamb (Ex 12:22; Rev 7:14). Therefore – “Fear God and keep His commandments” (12:13). Commandments included atonement sacrifices, repentance. Law was guardian that pointed to Jesus Christ (Gal 3:24).

7 Ecclesiastes 7:15 - 10:19: How to Enjoy Life
Ecc 7:15 – 8:14: Gospel Part I The Problem – Man’s Sinfuness 12 Practical Tips of Wisdom; Wisdom = Righteousness in Action Though Sinful, “It will be well for those who Fear God” Ecc 8:14 - 9:10: Gospel Part II -- The Joy of the Lord Be Joyful Always be clothed in White Garments, with head anointed with oil Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might Ecc 9:11 – 10:19: Right Expectations 3 Practical Tips of Wisdom Caveat – no guarantees “under heaven”

8 Ecc 11:1 – 12:3 Poem’s Literary Structure Imperatives for Being Ready
Clouds and Rain; “cast your bread”, “give”, “sow” while you can (11:1-6) Light and Sun; many dark days to come, “rejoice”, “remember” (11:7-8) All that Comes is “Breath”; “rejoice” in your youth, “walk” (11:9a) Center: “Know” that God will judge what you do (11:9b) C’. Life is but a Breath; “put away vexation” in your youth (11:10) B’. Light and Sun; evil days to come, “remember” God (12:1-2a) A’. Clouds and Rain; life will cease, it will soon be too late to sow (12:2b-3)

9 Christ Crucified: The Power of God and The Wisdom of God (1 Co 1:24)

10 Pilgrims in Exile “to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.” (1 Co 1:17) Lord Self or Lord God? Is God asking too much of me? God, as the author of all things, has a right to govern and dispose of them at his pleasure. Will I live for Him and His glory? Or will I fight for my “happiness” and “freedom”? Will I flail away in the river of grace, or die to self and swim with the current of my Lord? A communion life will help us know and do His will. But it’s the communion itself that God desires above all else. The Holy Spirit is not just the means to helping us be effective. The Father, Son and Spirit, our One Triune God, is the “end” in and of Himself. Almighty God doesn’t need our help to achieve His purposes. When we are blessed to see good fruit, what credit can we take? But it’s such an honor that He has chosen to use us as vessels of His grace. God wants me to grasp for holiness and a sold-out life, even though He knows I will fall short. Whatever feeble effort I offer, He can use it for His glory. Even if its only a few loaves and fishes, He can multiply it. So, will I try? Will I humbly submit? Will I ask? Will I be resolved? Will I follow in the footsteps of the One who gave so much as a living and dying sacrifice. When God raised Jesus Christ to life, He rendered the judgment that this offering was sufficient and good. What will He say about my offering? And what will He say about yours? Kelly Minter.

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