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Are these smart decisions?

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Presentation on theme: "Are these smart decisions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are these smart decisions?
Camping Scenarios Are these smart decisions?

2 Making Judgments What is a judgment?
When we read, we make judgments about what characters say or do. Did they make a good choice? A bad choice? Did they do the right thing? The wrong thing? Why? Explain by connecting details from the story with what you know!

3 Camping Scenario #1 Before going to sleep, some campers have a barbeque. They enjoy the food, but can not finish it all. So, they leave the leftover food by the campfire and go into their tents to sleep. Was this a good choice? Why or why not?

4 Camping Scenario #2 Two friends are going on a hike. They are looking for ancient trees. As night descends, one friend decides it’s time to go back to the campsite. The other friends decides to keep hiking. What do you think of their decisions?

5 Camping Scenario #3 Jane has been hiking up a mountain all day. Although her head is starting to hurt, the scenery is amazing. Then, she sees a man on the ground just ahead. He is breathing quickly and says he feels dizzy. Jane gives him some water and tells him to come with her down the mountain. Did she do the right thing?

6 Camping Scenario #4 A family leaves for a camping trip. It takes them 7 hours to drive to their campsite. It is late and everyone is tired. When they unpack their car, they realize they forgot their tents! Unsure of what to do, they get back in the car and start to drive home. Did they make the right choice?

7 Make your own scenario!

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