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Accent & dialect Key Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Accent & dialect Key Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accent & dialect Key Terms

2 This is how we pronounce words – how we make them sound.
Accent This is how we pronounce words – how we make them sound. We all have an accent of some kind. (Watch Martin Shaw on Birmingham accents – YouTube)

3 Received Pronunciation
This is a phrase meaning the most widely accepted accent

4 Dialect These are the ways of speaking that involve different words, in sentences constructed differently and with different expressions. Watch Yorkshire dialect from BBC’s ‘Story of English’ (YouTube)

5 Standard English This is the most widely accepted dialect. It is not better or worse than any other, but it is the one used formally and the one you have to write in school most of the time. You can use it with any accent.

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