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The Majors and Masteries Program

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Presentation on theme: "The Majors and Masteries Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Majors and Masteries Program

2 What are “Majors and Masteries”?
Residents make training choices Pursue “passions” Advanced training (MBA, MPH, OB) 4-year residency model More longitudinal educational elements Evaluation based on competency Residents develop life-long learning skills Life-long Electronic Physician Portfolio

3 How?: Major Changes

4 How?: Major Changes

5 How?: Major Changes

6 How?: Major Changes Revamped core rotational experiences
Created major and mastery curricula Introduced Exploration Days Individualized instruction plans Computerized Learner’s Portfolios

7 Majors and Masteries Timeline
Block 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Selection date PG1 Core PG2 Core PG2 Major/Mastery PG3 Major/Mastery PG4 Mastery

8 Majors and Masteries Curriculum
First “1/2” will consist of core rotational training Full “basket of services” Residents will choose a Major or a Mastery: Majors Women’s Health Community Health/International Medicine Sports Medicine Hospital Medicine Traditional Individualized Masteries (must apply and be accepted) Advanced Obstetrics Community Health – MPH Practice Management - MBA

9 Majors and Masteries Curriculum
What we’ve learned so far… Choosing is hard Have already had someone change their major Variety is good 4 Women’s health majors 4 Community health majors 2 Sports medicine majors 1 Traditional major 1 Practice Management/MBA Master Individualized curricula seem very popular

10 Exploration Days ½ day per week during each rotation
Devoted to longitudinal topics Protected time Specific assignments/long term projects Required tasks/projects Early exposure to potential majors e.g., Sports med, Community health

11 Exploration Days What we’ve learned so far… Residents need structure
Need a good orientation & clear objectives Scheduling is difficult

12 Individualized Instruction Plans
Provide guidance for resident choices Involves closer relationships with advisor Inventories of skills and competencies Residents develop and track individual goals for every rotation Teaches goal setting Models life-long learning

13 Individualized Instruction Plans
What we’ve learned so far… We all need to learn how to create clear and effective goals and objectives Life coaching is difficult Good advisor/advisee relationships are crucial

14 Electronic Learner’s File (ELF)
Document competence Track experiences Document competency assessments Document diagnoses, procedures, CME, etc. Collect products Online collection of accomplishments, projects, talks Some public, some private Store knowledge Permanent online storage for readings, lectures, resources, etc.

15 Questions?

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