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Presentation on theme: "THE FIRST GALAXY FORMATION MODEL WITH THE TP-AGB:"— Presentation transcript:

BASIC REVISION OF THE MASS-LUMINOSITY RELATION Kingston, June 15th 2009 Chiara Tonini Red galaxies at high redshift are one of the most important tests of our understanding of galaxy formation. The red colours of these galaxies and the high near-IR luminosities have led to the interpretation of these objects as massive and passively evolving. The models struggle to reproduce these objects, because at high redshift the merger rates are high and the mass assembly is rapid, so objects in models tend to be too blue. Marie Curie Excellent Grant “UniMass” (PI: Claudia Maraston) in collaboration with Claudia Maraston, Daniel Thomas (ICG) Julien Devriendt, Joe Silk (University of Oxford)

GALICS: Hatton et al MNRAS 343, 75 GALaxies In Cosmological Simulations Hybrid model: N-body + SAM Box size: 150 Mpc Number of particles: from z=35.59 Galactic mass: Semi-analytics baryonic cooling onto disks merger-driven morphology+secular evolution star formation feedback from Sne metallicity evolution AGN feedback quenching of SF in satellites dynamical friction, tidal stripping dust stellar populations spectra

3 GalICS + M05 TP-AGB We tackled the problem with a semi-analytic model (galics) in which we introduce a new recipe for the stellar populations, the M05 models that include the TP-AGB phase of stellar evolution. The model originally was equipped with the PEGASE models, which in this respect are equivalent to the BC03 models widely used in the literature. Maraston 2005 MNRAS 362, 799 (M05)

4 Results Theoretical colour-magnitude relation: very red!
The predicted colour magnitude relation as a function of redshift There is a residual star formation in the model, which leads to the effect visible at low z: The SF dilutes the red colours if the TP-AGB is not present, but with the M05 run the red colours are still dominated by the TP-AGB, so that virtually disks are undistinguishable from spheroids in these colours This also tells us that the model produces very red objects that are not dead at all!!! CT, Maraston, Devriendt, Thomas & Silk, 2009 MNRAS 396L 36T

5 Results Theoretical mass-luminosity relation at same stellar mass
The mass-luminosity relation reflects the different IR emission if we include the TP-AGB For a given galaxy mass, the corresponding luminosity can be almost one magnitude brighter even at z=1 And expecially at the high mass end!!!! This affects the data comparison: Conselice at the high mass end finds a discrepancy But they mass-model with BC03, so they overestimate the mass So this helps relieving the problem at same stellar mass CT, Maraston, Devriendt, Thomas & Silk, 2009 MNRAS 396L 36T

6 Results Theoretical K-band luminosity function TP-AGB AGN FEEDBACK
PEGASE De Lucia & Blaizot 2007 Bower et al. 2006 Monaco et al. 2007 Menci et al. 2006 Cole et al. 2000 Baugh et al. 2005 TP-AGB AGN FEEDBACK The gap between the M05 (TP-AGB) and the PEGASE (no TP-AGB) runs is comparable to the spread induced by different recipes of AGN feedback CT, Maraston, Thomas, Devriendt & Silk, in preparation

7 Comparison with data: samples
Excellent quality of photometry: 7 nearly-passively evolving galaxies at 1.4<z<2.7 (sp) HUDF, singled out by BzK criterion Early-type morphology, not star-forming, not much dust, star age ~ Gyr Maraston et al ApJ 95 star-forming galaxies at 1.7<z<2.3 (sp) GOODS-S, singled out by BzK criterion Dickinson et al., in preparation CT, Maraston, Thomas, Devriendt & Silk, in preparation

8 Comparison with data at z=2
Colour-magnitude relation --> mass, age and luminosity Nearly-passive galaxies, ages ~0.2-2 Gyr 24 micron --> measured dust signal is low Dust: proportional to SFR as from SED fitting, and Bell&Kennicutt 2001 Calzetti Stellar masses: Model: extinction curve: Calzetti CT, Maraston, Thomas, Devriendt & Silk, in preparation

9 Comparison with data at z=2
Star-forming galaxies Colour-magnitude relation Highlight that pegase never reaches the luminosity, not only the colours!!!!! The slope is right, so we’re also checking that the SFR is right Pegase does not get the amplitude nor the luminosity extinction curve: Calzetti CT, Maraston, Thomas, Devriendt & Silk, in preparation

10 Comparison with data at z=2
Star-forming galaxies Colour-colour relation --> stellar populations Balance between stellar populations Notice that there are galaxies with high J-H, so they’re blue and star forming, but they are also red in H-Irac3 So we’re able to produce galaxies blue in the UV and red in the nearIR…. These galaxies are red and alive!!! CT, Maraston, Thomas, Devriendt & Silk, in preparation

11 Conclusions “Red & Dead” galaxies are alive!!!
The model reproduces high redshift galaxy data Red colours and high near-IR luminosities can be reached in the models without invoking high ages, large masses or large dust reddening both in nearly-passive and star-forming galaxies Happy with this result, we proceeded to analyze galaxies at higher redshift…. … and everything breaks down CT, Maraston, Thomas, Devriendt & Silk, in preparation



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