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ROLE of a BLACK BELT CANDIDATE 1. Introduction 5. Black Belt Leader Role 8. Process Discipline As a certified Black Belt employee, your role is the deployment & ownership of the Lean Enterprise Model throughout the PCI group. A Black Belt you are a key part of the Lean philosophy and should be committed to best practice, communicate well and model the way. You should continuously drive operational excellence at all levels, especially at senior levels The Black Belt is key to the overall success and driver for the projects and therefore generates enthusiasm towards the project outcomes. He or she will ensure that the teams are utilising the A3 chart and appropriate lean tools That they are focused on what needs to be done. It is the responsibility of a Black Belt to mentor the Project to ensure the key drivers and actions truly resolve the issues within the Balanced Scorecard / SQDC and customer issues. Ensure the board is kept up to date with the relevant data and charts displaying the actual progress. The Black Belt should demonstrate the following:- 9. Reviews On-going Review The Black belt is accountable for the updating of the Auditor for the on-going reviews highlighting any areas of concern or bottlenecks to the success of the project. The Black Belt will support the presentation and its delivery to the Management Team (SLT) General - Mentoring skill - Being Helpful - Open Communication - Good listener - Coaching & Training Meetings - Support facilitation - Available / Attend - Inspiring - Enthusiastic - Give Feedback 2. Project Start Up Support the validation of projects that are linked and aligned to business strategy channels (SQDC, Transition Plan, Top Loss, Customer Complaints etc). The Black Belt is responsible for supporting the creation of project proposal / charter. They will gets clear understanding of the key data / KPI’s to be delivered within the project Final Review 6. Leadership Lead new Project initiatives Pull support teams together to resolve project issues that cannot otherwise be resolved by GB Motivate and encourage teams Model the Way Draw on support functions Use the audit teams Connect with the CI Green Belt 3. CI project Acceptance Validate and approval for the project Agree resources required Makes personal contact with each project Leader Is present for the project kick off meeting 4. CI Meetings The Black Belt is responsible for mentoring the CI Project meetings, He/ She is accountable to ensure that the teams meet during the times specified and fully support the project and team members with queries and bottlenecks. Support the process and meeting to maintain momentum. Identify blockers and support teams to overcome obstacles to remove risk and stagnation. The mentor is seen as a key driver for project success. 7. Black Belt Responsibilities A Black Belt must take accountability for multiple CI Projects and ensure that all activities are being carried out to a high standard. A Black Belt should support and mentor each Green Belt and team members It is the responsibility of a Black Belt to mentor and coach the project in order to ensure true root cause is identified, solutions are implemented and the projects is sustained by meeting the original project objectives identified through the project charter. 10. Accountability Successful delivery of CI Project activity on time The A3 Charter is used correctly Ensure the true root cause is identified Mentoring and motivation of the team To connect with the SLT to ensure alignment The success of project using lean tools The sustainability of the project through the audit project.
ROLE of a GREEN BELT CANDIDATE 1. Introduction 5. Green Belt Leader Role 8. Process Discipline As a certified Green Belt employee, your role is the deployment of the Lean Enterprise Model throughout the PCI group. A Green Belt you are a key part of the Lean philosophy and should be committed to best practice, communicate well and lead by example. You should continuously drive operational excellence at all levels of PCI. Allocates and agrees tasks with each team member. Generates enthusiasm towards the project Maintains and posts an up to date project plan using the A3 chart. That they are aligned on what needs to be done. It is the responsibility of a Green Belt to maintain the Project overview to ensure the key drivers and actions truly resolve the issues within the Balanced Scorecard / SQDC and customer issues. The board must be up to date with the relevant data and charts displaying the actual progress. The Green Belt should demonstrate the following:- 9. Reviews On-going Review The Green belt is responsible for the update to the Auditor team for the on-going reviews highlighting any areas of concern or bottlenecks to the success of the project. The Green Belt is responsible for the presentation and its delivery to the Management Team (SLT) General - Problem Solving skills - Being Helpful - Open Communication - Good listener - Coaching & Training Meetings - In a timely manner - Supportive - Inspiring - Enthusiastic 2. Project Start Up Identify projects that are linked and aligned to business strategy channels (SQDC, Transition Plan, Top Loss, Customer Complaints etc). The Green Belt is responsible for creating the project proposal / charter. They will gets clear understanding of the “Problem statement”, “WDGLL” and project deliverables. Final Review 6. Leadership Lead new Project initiatives Pull support teams together to resolve project issues Motivate and encourage teams Model the Way Draw on support functions Use the audit teams Connect with the CI Mentor (SLT) 3. CI project Acceptance Gathers data needed for the project Identifies resources required Agrees and books a suitable venue Makes personal contact with each team member Prepares for the project kick off meeting Identifies and makes connection with key Managers, customers and audit team 7. Green Belt Responsibilities 4. CI Meetings A Green Belt must take responsibility for their CI Projects and ensure that all activities are being carried out to a high standard. A Green Belt should support and coach each and every team member It is the responsibility of a Green Belt to facilitate the project in order to identify true root cause, implement solutions that are sustainable are meet the original project objectives identified through the project charter The Project Leader is responsible for the CI Project meetings, He/ She is accountable to ensure that the teams meet during the times specified and in an agreed location to ensure the team are all present. Runs the project Ensures that the full team meets when agreed. Prepares for each meeting to maintain momentum. Allocates and agrees tasks with each team member 10. Accountability The delivery of CI Project activity on time The up keep of the A3 Charter. Identify and resolve true root cause Motivation and attendance of the team To connect with the Managers to ensure alignment The success of project using lean tools The sustainability of the project.
ROLE of a Continuous Improvement LEADER
ROLE of a Continuous Improvement LEADER 1. Introduction 4. CI Leader Role 7. Process Discipline Effective Leader of a team for the continuous improvement activity. A CI Leader has to control the working team and ensure that the team fully understands the objectives of the CI event. A CI Leader is a key part of the CI philosophy and should be committed to best practice, communicate well and lead by example. Allocates and agrees tasks with each team member Prepares for mid term and close out reviews Maintains and posts an up to date project board that they are aligned on what needs to be done. The Continuous Improvement Leader is responsible for all aspects of their CI and the use of the CI board. The board must be up to date with the relevant data and charts displaying the actual progress. 8. Reviews Mid Point Review The Continuous Improvement Leader is responsible for the update to the Audit team for the mid point review highlighting any areas of concern or bottlenecks to the success of the CI event. The Continuous Improvement Leader is responsible for the presentation and its delivery to the Management and Audit teams 2. CI Team The CI Leader should demonstrate the following The CI Leader is responsible for his/her own CI team. Each CI member is empowered to improve their CI project and the overall effectiveness of its running in line with the Project objectives Prepares for the CI project Gets clear understanding of the “Problem statement”, “WDGLL” and project deliverables. Gathers data needed for the project Identifies resources required Agrees and books a suitable venue Makes personal contact with each team member Prepares for the project kick off meeting Identifies and makes connection with key Managers, customers and audit team General - Problem Solving skills - Being Helpful - Open Communication - Good listener - Coaching & Training Meetings - In a timely manner - Supportive - Inspiring - Enthusiastic Final Review 5. Leadership Lead New CI Project Initiatives Pull Support Teams together to resolve CI Project issues Motivate and encourage Teams Model the Way Draw on support functions Use the Audit teams Connect with the CI Mentor 3. CI Meetings The CI Leader is responsible for the CI Project meetings, He/ She is accountable to ensure that the teams meet during the times specified and in an agreed location to ensure the team are all present. Runs the project Ensures that the full team meets twice weekly Prepares for each meeting to maintain momentum Allocates and agrees tasks with each team member 6. CI Leader Responsibilities 8. Accountability A CI Leader must take responsibility for their CI Projects and ensure that all activities are being carried out to a satisfactory level. A CI Leader should support and coach each and every team member It is the responsibility of a CI Leader to maintain the Project overview The delivery of CI activity on time The up keep of the CI board. CI Project Overview Motivation and attendance of the team To connect with the Mentor to ensure alignment The success of CI event The sustainability of the CI event and post audit results
ROLE of a Continuous Improvement DEPUTY
ROLE of a Continuous Improvement DEPUTY 1. Introduction 4. CI Deputy Role 7. Process Discipline The main Role of Deputy of a team for the continuous improvement activity is to deputise and support the CI activity. A CI Deputy has to support the working team and ensure that the team fully engages with the objectives of the CI event. A CI Deputy is a key part of the CI philosophy and should be committed to best practice, communicate well and lead by example. The Role of the Continuous Improvement Deputy is to enable and support the team at a local level during the CI event. He/She should help drive the CI activity. The Continuous Improvement Deputy should support all aspects of their CI and the use of the CI board. The board must be up to date with the relevant data and charts displaying the actual progress. The CI Deputy should support all CI Project activities and ensure that the work is being carried out correctly to maximise the CI Project objectives and team satisfaction. The CI Deputy should demonstrate the following 8. Reviews Mid Point Review The Continuous Improvement Deputy is to help and support the Leader for updates to the Audit team for the mid point review highlighting any areas of concern or bottlenecks to the success of the CI event. The Continuous Improvement Deputy is to attend the presentation and its delivery to the Management and Audit teams 2. CI Team General - Support the Leader - Being Helpful - Open Communication - Good listener - Deputise for Leader Meetings - In a timely manner - Supportive - Motivate the team - Enthusiastic The CI Deputy is responsible for his/her own CI team in the absence of the leader. Each CI member is empowered to improve their CI project and the overall effectiveness of its running in line with the Project objectives. It’s the deputies role to support the team where necessary Final Review 5. Leadership 3. CI Meetings Support New CI Project Initiatives Support Teams together to resolve CI Project issues Motivate and encourage Teams Model the Way Help to draw on support functions Use the Audit teams Connect with the CI Leader and CI Mentor The CI Deputy is responsible for the CI Project meetings, He/ She is accountable to ensure that the teams meet during the times specified and in an agreed location to ensure the team are all present. The purpose of the Deputy is to support the meeting and to ensure that the team connect with the objectives and that they are aligned on what needs to be done. The Deputy must ensure bottleneck are highlighted and agreed actions are followed through. 6. CI Deputy Responsibilities 8. Accountability A CI Deputy must take responsibility for their role within the CI activity and support all activities are being carried out to a satisfactory level. A CI Deputy should support and coach each and every team member The delivery of CI activity on time The up keep of the CI board. Support CI Project Overview Motivation and attendance of the team To connect with the Leader to ensure alignment Joint responsibility for the success of CI event The sustainability of the CI event and post audit results
ROLE of a Continuous Improvement MENTOR
ROLE of a Continuous Improvement MENTOR 1. Introduction 4. CI Leader Role Oversees the CI event ensuring that the team is focused upon its objectives and keeps to the process. A CI Mentor is a key part of the CI philosophy and should be committed to best practice, communicate well and lead by example. Supports the CI Leader in the preparation for mid term and close out reviews Monitors the publication of the CI project Board Demonstrates ongoing support by reviewing progress at least monthly. 7. Process Discipline The Continuous Improvement Mentor is responsible for the support to all aspects of their CI and the use of the CI board. The board must be up to date with the relevant data and charts displaying the actual progress. 8. Reviews Mid Point Review The Continuous Improvement Mentor must support the update to the Audit team for the mid point review highlighting any areas of concern or bottlenecks to the success of the CI event. The Continuous Improvement Mentor must advise and support the presentation and its delivery to the Management and Audit teams 2. CI Team The CI Mentor should demonstrate the following Ensures that the leaders are clear with regards to the problem definition, WDGLL statement and deliverables from the event. Ensures that the team meets twice weekly and keeps on track. Makes personal contact with each team member Supports the team in removing hurdles and constraints to progress. Supports the team leaders in gaining approval from other managers to resources or to the change proposal Identifies and makes connection with key Managers, customers and audit team Ensures that the process owner is fully bought into the changes that the CI team have implemented. Ensures that standard work has been put in place to underpin any changes made and that all those involved in the process are fully and properly trained. Ensures that an appropriate measure has been put in place to track the ongoing progress. Ensures that local supervision are clear on the standard work and that they are committed to maintaining it General - Influencing skills - Being Helpful - Open Communication - Good listener - Coaching & Training Meetings - Good Attendance - Supportive - Inspiring - Enthusiastic Final Review 5. Leadership Mentor New CI Project Initiatives Provides coaching, training etc during the project. Support Teams together to resolve CI Project issues Motivate and encourage Teams Encourages the leaders in the preparation and close out phases Model the Way Draw on support functions Use the Audit teams and review progress 6. CI Mentor Responsibilities 8. Accountability A CI Mentor must take responsibility for their CI Projects and ensure that all activities are being carried out to a satisfactory level. A CI Mentor should support and coach each and every team member It is the responsibility of a CI Mentor to review the Project overview The delivery of CI activity on time The up keep of the CI board. CI Project Overview Motivation and attendance of the team To connect with the Mentor to ensure alignment The success of CI event The sustainability of the CI event and post audit results
ROLE of a Continuous Improvement AUDITOR
ROLE of a Continuous Improvement AUDITOR 1. Introduction 4. CI Auditor Role 7. Process Discipline The role of a CI Auditor is Prompt , identify and encourage suggestions from all employees for CI Events. Evaluate suggestions , these are filtered by greatest impact to business objectives and largest removers of waste. Supports the CI Leader in the preparation for mid term and close out reviews Monitors the publication of the up to date project Board Demonstrates ongoing support by reviewing progress Audits the project, informally during the project and formally at the end of the project The Continuous Improvement Auditor is responsible for the support to all aspects of their CI and the use of the CI board. The board must be up to date with the relevant data and charts displaying the actual progress. 8. Reviews 2. CI Audit Team Audit team gain agreement with Management team on which events are to run. Correlate teams and members , attempting “best-fit” for event success. Every event has an auditor assigned during its lifetime (maximum 6 months – incl. sustain audit) Review (discuss /improve upon) project suggestions. Propose CI projects to Senior Management for final approval. Appoint auditor for the life of the project Current State taken at beginning of 3 wk prep phase. Future State is agreed with Leader at this point to understand the scale of improvement and objective required. Following 8 weeks of teamwork the leader is to re- assess Future State , will it reach goal , better/worse. After the 3 week close , initial audit occurs on measurable to evaluate success. After a time period agreed by Mentor, Leader and Auditor the sustain audit takes place. Maximum time limit 3 months from 3 week close period. Audits that standard work has been put in place to underpin any changes made and that all those involved in the process are fully and properly trained. Mid Point Review The Continuous Improvement Auditor must support the update to the Management team for the mid point review highlighting any areas of concern or bottlenecks to the success of the CI event. The Continuous Improvement Auditor must advise and support the presentation and its delivery to the Management and Exec teams The CI Mentor should demonstrate the following General - Influencing skills - Being Helpful - Open Communication - Good listener - Coaching & Training Meetings - Good Attendance - Supportive - Inspiring - Enthusiastic Final Review 5. Leadership Mentor New CI Project Initiatives Provides coaching, training etc during the project. Support Teams together to resolve CI Project issues Motivate and encourage Teams Encourages the leaders in the preparation and close out phases Model the Way 6. CI Auditor Responsibilities 8. Accountability Feedback to team leaders and team mentors of any findings. Compile and issue audit report. Agree future date re-audit for sustain Track and report on sustain The delivery of CI Audit trail Good connection with the Mentor team and CI Teams Motivation and attendance of the team To connect with the Mentor to ensure alignment The success of the Audit results The sustainability of the CI post audit
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