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John 14:1-14 Whitfield Parish

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Presentation on theme: "John 14:1-14 Whitfield Parish"— Presentation transcript:

1 John 14:1-14 Whitfield Parish
Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town

2 The farewell discourse (Chap 13-16) Big themes for early chapter 14:
Jesus’ death (and what happens to us) Jesus relationship with the Father Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town

3 I am the way and the truth and the life
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Eternal relationship with God is only found in relationship with Jesus. The pathway of life, truth and very life itself are embodied in one remarkable person. Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town

4 The Way Words Works (miraculous/service) Walk Wounds
Embedded in the Father – a prayerful and scriptural relationship Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town

5 The Truth What is truth? (Pilate) Statements or facts or ideas Or
Relationship? Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town

6 Are you hanging out with the life giver to make you Good News?
Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town

7 Response WAY TRUTH LIFE RELATIONSHIP Whitfield Parish
Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town

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