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Preparation for the exam!

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1 Preparation for the exam!
History GCSE Preparation for the exam!

2 Exam Dates Medicine – 1hr 45 mins – Monday 5th June
American West – 1hr 45 mins - Wednesday 14th June

3 Key Revision Focus Students will finish the course over the next 2-4 weeks all lessons will be revision lessons after that. Exam practise critical – the more exam questions they complete the better. Essay questions – 20 minute timed essays – as many as possible.

4 Key Revision Focus Medicine: Key names / dates / factors / time periods American West: 7 topics – roughly 2 essay questions possible per topic – if the students know these (and 4 answers to each) they are in perfect position).

5 Key Revision Focus Exam Technique absolutely critical.
On source questions – if properly prepared they can get 75% marks without even knowing much about the topic (American West)

6 Revision Materials All students should have a revision guide. If anyone doesn’t send them to their class teacher. GCSE Bitesize BBC TV show – ‘Blood and Guts – A History of Surgery’

7 Perfect Revision tasks
Flash cards for each key medicine individual Spider Diagrams of essay topics on American West Tested by parents on key dates / names Pnemonics for memorising Factors and Time Periods Google image search sources from any period and practise exam questions e.g. What does this source suggest….? / How useful is this source for learning about….? Watch documentaries on key topics. Read the newspaper and discuss how accurate, reliable or useful an article may or may not be. Past papers, and then more past papers. DO NOT LET THEM JUST SIT AND READ THEIR REVISION GUIDE/ EXERCISE BOOK

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