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The European Strategy Outline Some reminders
Some key items discussed in the European Strategy Sessions of Council in 2009 Towards next Strategy Update – some of the main questions Final points 10/11/09
The European Strategy 2006: The CERN Council, in a special meeting held the 14th of July in Lisbon, agreed on the European strategy for particle physics. It is followed up in the European Strategy Sessions of Council, where the September sessions are the most significant: 2008: Council appointed a Strategy Secretariat with four members to prepare the European Sessions of Council, and follow up the Strategy in a continuous manner – since then (Sept 2008) there has been regular European Strategy Sessions of Council Special focus on future large European wide initiatives within the Strategy – to be reported to Council 2008: Rules for implementation of how to recognize and follow up projects as part of the European Strategy for Particle Physics was approved by the Council in December 2008 (CERN- Council-S/030) – the focus is on project in the initial phase, i.e. future projects. Strategy Update: The composition of the extended Strategy Group that need to be set up to prepare the Strategy Update is described in the Council documents from 2007 (Secretariat, members from SPC, ECFA and Director’s Meeting). The update should not happen more often than every 5 years. Usually 2011 is assumed, but it is probably too early to have LHC results – the timescale will be discussed in the March 2010 Council Meeting Steinar STAPNES 19/06/09
European Strategy Sessions of Council
Agendas at: (papers normally available (open) after the meeting) Typical “standing/standard” items: Presidents report, Scientific Secretaries Report, Possibility for members states to bring up issues. FALC and ICFA reports if applicable. ECFA report every September (note that ECFA also reports in Open Council in December). Reports of the CERN communication and the CERN Technology Transfer Networks – yearly. European Commission and ApPEC present. Three observes: Israel, Russia and Turkey. 10/11/09
The European Strategy Strategy Point Status General issues
Council will update the Strategy Statement of fact Scientific Issues LHC completion and SLHC R&D Accelerator R&D (TIARA project) Linear Collider Neutrino Physics Links to Astroparticle Physics (ApPEC) Flavour Physics (Super B) Links to Nuclear Physics Theory Several aspects of this: Future large infrastructures to be addressed in Strategy Updates or in-between updates Ongoing projects and their relation to the Strategy Process and Strategy Session of Council Preparation for next Strategy Update Additionally: Links to ApPEC developed, NuPECC next Organisational issues Strategy follow up and set up strategy secretariat Engagement with other regions (Council Enlargement Group) EU relationship (EC-CERN MoU) Non member states related to Strategy Many of these aspects are being addressed (European Strategy Sessions of Council and Secretariat, EU MoU, Enlargement Working Group) Complementary Issues Communication Network Technology Network and Transfer Being followed up in European Strategy Sessions of Council 10/11/09
Some selected topics – I
ApPEC: Agreement with ApPEC concerning contacts Maurice Bourquin is the representative of the ApPEC Steering Committee in Council Christian Spiering as leader of the ApPEC Peer Review Committee is the contact to the Secretariat ECFA chair and the Scientific Secretary invited to ApPEC Steering Committee Now need to focus in the potential future large projects in this field such that our next Strategy Update can be more precise CERN-EC MOU Signed in July 2009 Very important recognitions of the role of CERN Council as Responsible for the definition and follow up of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ERA development related to this field) The European Commission (with R-J.Smits) is represented in the European Strategy Sessions of Council A numbers of important point to point contacts between the Particle Physics area and EC, annual meetings to monitor progress Future development of this (“action plan”) will be prepared 10/11/09
Some selected topics – II
TIARA (several other EU projects also important – SLHC-PP, ILC-HiGrade, Euronu, EUCARD, EUDET and AIDA now being prepared … and many more) A preparatory phase project set up a distributed infrastructure for accelerator R&D, including facilities very relevant for several of the future project on our roadmap (see talk in the RECFA meeting this morning) Potentially a very interesting and important project for the future SuperB The SuperB project in Frascati addresses one of the Strategy Points (regional or national initiatives for flavour studies) and has been discussed several times in Council the last year The ECFA report about SuperB from last autumn very valuable Several issues that need to be solved before this project can be implemented, but the project has gone through the steps needed in the Strategy Sessions of Council to explore the European interest and make the Council aware of the plans and next steps Council will continue to follow the progress of this project during the TDR phase 10/11/09
The European Strategy Challenges I
Strategy Point Process Strategic Issues Scientific Issues LHC completion and SLHC R&D Phase I being implemented, detector TDRs being prepared. sLHC phase II Technical Proposal by 2012, also for detectors ? Need LHC operational and first results. sLHC phase II implementation (injection chain (SPL, PS2), interaction region implementation) and the corresponding Detector Upgrades. Accelerator R&D Developed with significant help of EU projects (for example EUCARD and TIARA). Implementation of TIARA. Linear Collider CDR for CLIC end 2010 TDR ILC end 2012 Increasing collaborative efforts Europe’s position wrt to a linear collider project based on LHC results and interactions with global partners. Neutrino Physics SPC neutrino panel report by end of the year. Neutrino workshop Oct 2009. Euronu and WP3 of EUCARD addressing design studies and future strategy (LAGUNA, KM3NET, double beta experiments, etc mentioned under astroparticle physics) Very significant European participation in T2K Pursue theta (13) measurements in several experiments. Future direction for Europe in general. SPL/PS2 plans and links to sLHC. Involvement in Japanese program. Involvement in US and Chinese programs important Strategic decisions. 10/11/09
The European Strategy Challenges II
Strategy Point Process Strategic Issues Scientific Issues continued Links to Astroparticle Physics Links to ApPEC established and project overview being prepared. Key astroparticle projects included in ApPEC roadmap and several of them being prepared with EU projects (Design Studies or Preparatory Phase Projects). Several future projects to consider and also potential projects outside Europe (not complete list): KM3NET, Future large underground facilities (LAGUNA), Double beta decays – beyond present ones, Dark Matter Searches – emerging larger projects, Auger and CTA, Gravitational waves and Dark Energy … this area need a lot more work if we aim to have more firm statements in next Strategy document Flavour Physics SuperB discussed in European Council sessions. SuperKEKB participation important - also due to its link with Japan. Precision physics not yet addressed. Super B, participation in SuperKEKB Links to Nuclear Physics and CERN fixed target Establishing link to NuPECC CERN workshop May 2008 Tune with NuPECC roadmap Theory Not worked out. ApPEC theory connection important. Overall comment: Must be a goal to define a more firm list of European Strategy Projects for the next update or during next period List of potential future large projects is manageable – but each potential project is usually large, some border to astrophysics and cosmology, most are in planning phase, and resources will also provide limitations 10/11/09
Final points – I We need to keep in mind; there are two key physics results mentioned in the Strategy LHC results – today we have seen a major step towards such results Neutrino results – theta(13) among them In both cases there are lots of work ahead before the results can guide us towards decisions Role of ECFA wrt strategy – this was also discussed in the RECFA meetings in Moscow and this morning: Some roles already discussed in Council document in 2007 ECFA has a key role related in incubation of ideas – ECFA studies and workshops Various review committees (example SuperB in 2008) Community/personnel reviews Country visits – and reports directly to the Strategy Session of Council about them. ECFA members to be involved in the Strategy Upgrade Preparation Group when we get to that phase 10/11/09
Final points – II There are several other roles I hope can be fully exploited in the coming years: Tomorrow we have several presentations related to neutrino physics – hopefully to be continued - and it has also been discussed to have ECFA play in role in receiving and reviewing the CDRs coming out of EUROnu for various future options in the neutrino oscillation area. More can be envisaged but let us hear from the SPC neutrino panel first. The area of common interests between nuclear physics and particle physics - future facilities could be very useful to have explored/discussed by ECFA There are already links between ECFA and ApPEC and these will/should continue to develop. One is discussing having ApPEC presenting some key future projects in the SPC in March, but several follow ups and more detailed studies might be needed, and a similar presentation could well take in P-ECFA at some point. To be discussed in Spring. Other points I’m sure … some discussed this morning (detector R&D for example) In general I believe that active broad P-ECFA meetings are essential in the coming years to start preparation the next Strategy update, and the examples above show some of the topics that can be explored in some details in these meetings (but let us coordinate carefully with other bodies). 10/11/09
Spare 10/11/09
The European Strategy 2006: The CERN Council, in a special meeting held the 14th of July in Lisbon, agreed on the European strategy for particle physics. It is followed up in the European Strategy Sessions of Council, where the September sessions are the most significant: 2007: Council decides to recognize European Strategy Projects that are particularly relevant for the implementation of the European Strategy or further updates of the strategy Focus on large future European investments (scientists, funding) with important scientific and strategic goals with respect to European Particle Physics (i.e. not limited to the CERN program) – reported on in the large September sessions Recently (2009) we also have agreed to give topical overview (per strategy point) in these sessions 2008: Council appointed a Strategy Secretariat with four members to prepare the European Sessions of Council, and follow up the Strategy in a continuous manner – since then (Sept 2008) there has been regular European Strategy Sessions of Council 2008: Rules for implementation of how to recognize and follow up projects as part of the European Strategy for Particle Physics was approved by the Council in December 2008 (CERN- Council-S/030) – the focus is on project in the initial phase, i.e. future projects. Strategy Update: The composition of the extended Strategy Group that need to be set up to prepare the Strategy Update is described in the Council documents from 2007 (Secretariat, members from SPC, ECFA and Director’s Meeting). The update should not happen more often than every 5 years. Usually 2011 is assumed, but it is probably too early to have LHC results – the timescale will be discussed in the March 2010 Council Meeting Steinar STAPNES 19/06/09
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