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Eastern Washington – Idaho Synod October 2007

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1 Eastern Washington – Idaho Synod October 2007
The Great C2 Eastern Washington – Idaho Synod October 2007

2 What’s Your Story? We started out by using scripture, drawing and conversation to share a few things about our faith stories with each other.

3 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
God has a dream! We’re supposed to dream it too! In fact, we pray for it all the time. God is in the change business! God invites us into the work. It seems like many congregations miss this! We assume you are here to change that!

4 The “old” world “Normal” people go to church

5 The “new” world

6 Healthy was defined primarily based on the “church in a box” model

7 The New Church Life lived as “parables of the kingdom of God”

8 Healthy and Missional Congregations
8 NCD Quality Characteristics ` Eye for Justice Basic Building Blocks Mission clarity Flexible/Resilient Connected Purpose Willing to Change Ecclesiology Foundation for Ministry Jesus Christ “8.5” Quality Characteristics – 8 from NCD augmented with an eye for justice

9 Three Keys to Effective and Healthy Ministry (From an evangelism study of the ELCA)
Leadership – a culture of team leadership where clergy and laity work together as a team. Leaders help congregations develop the following: Purpose – a clear sense by the congregation of what God is calling them to do Willingness to change – a spirit of openness that is willing to initiate change to be faithful and effective

10 What the NCD pattern shows:
Passionate Spirituality: How intentional are we about cultivating a relationship with God? Need-oriented Evangelism: How intentional are we about cultivating a relationship with our neighbors? Holistic Small Groups: How intentional are we about cultivating a relationship with ourselves?

11 Conversion = faith + changed + Christian. in Christ life community. A
Conversion = faith changed Christian in Christ life community A.C. V A.C. VI A.C. VII Each of these elements of the Christian life are essential for all of us. None of us exhibit fullness of all (or maybe any) of these. For Lutherans, confessional conversion is a way of living a balanced Christian life – not just an event or moment in time. Grounded in baptism For good ministry – help people check up on where they are now and plan for personal growth. Sermons and education need to be aware of all 3 dimensions regularly Each is its own entry point for people. There is no longer any right order to this. Belief may precede belonging. Belonging may precede believing.

12 The Three Priestly Functions
Prayer – intercede with God on behalf of others Proclamation – speak the gospel sharing it with the neighbor Sacrifice – Living a cross-centered and servant oriented life.

13 Vision What’s Involved?
Vision Emerges 2. Contextual Engagement: Assets, passions and needs 1. Missional Identity (Purpose and Guiding Principles) 3. Faith Community: Assets, passions, and needs

14 Dissatisfaction + Vision + Concrete Action > Costs
D + V + CA > C Dissatisfaction + Vision + Concrete Action > Costs

15 Conflict Intensity Chart

16 Change through “tipping” the system
When a system is healty, leaders engage the whole system. This gives middle adopters, who are reasonable, a voice and ability to stay involved. If discussions allow for processing in open and transparent ways then the system can “tip.” Note that when middle adopters “get it” the sytem has 70% support in most cases! The late adopters will not be supportive yet (by definition they can’t adopt until after you do it) but you know they will adapt and be fine if processing continues in a good way. Laggards lose the power to speak for the “silent middle” and are neutralized to work in proportion to their number rather than in ways that allow them to speak for others and increase their power. When you engage the middle and read the system, everyone can be involved!

17 ELCA - A New Paradigm Multiplication RENEWAL OF EXISTING MINISTRIES
(Entry Point) Redevelopment Process(es) HEALTHY CONGREGATIONS (Entry Point) Development Process(es) STARTING NEW CONGREGATIONS (Entry Point) ELCA - A New Paradigm

18 At your tables What is one thing that we have discussed in the last few days that you can take home and apply? How might you get started?

19 What Would You Like to Talk About? Where Could You Use More Help?

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