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Classification Analytical methods classical methods

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Presentation on theme: "Classification Analytical methods classical methods"— Presentation transcript:

1 Numerical optimization methods Gintarė Viščiūtė Department of Applied Mathematics

2 Classification Analytical methods classical methods
mathematical programming liner programing nonliner programing game theory Heuristic methods

3 Optimization problem Generic minimization problem where
X is the search space f(x) objective function the value f(x*) is the minimum

4 Local vs. global minimum
, , Local minimum Global minimum Local minimum Global minimum

5 Optimality conditions
Necessary conditions for optimality Sufficient conditions for optimality Gradient of the function is zero Hessian matrix - positive definite

6 Optimization methods without limitations
Gradient method Newton method Reliable field methods Variable metric methods Conjugate direction methods

7 Nonlinear programming
Fines and barrier methods Methods of allowable directions Gradient projection and reduction methods Lagrange function method

8 Linear programming Geometric interpretation Simplex method
Ellipsoid method Interior-point methods

9 Mathematical programming applications
Production Planning Agriculture Distribution of resources Transport Planning Schedules Economic, Finance Human behavior modeling Chemical Technology

10 Conclusion There is no universal optimization method for resolving any task effectively. Initial value selection has a significant influence for the minimum value of the found function. Optimization techniques and its software is being actively developed branch of science. Recently, the genetic algorithms are especially popular in optimization problems.

11 Thank you for your attention
Define local and global minimum. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a minimum. Differences between linear and nonlinear programming. Formulate the optimization problem of your own practice. Philosophical task. Who is better for optimization: a computer or a human?

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