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What is our concept?

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Presentation on theme: "What is our concept?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is our concept?
Show the clip from the Big Bang Theory of Sheldon thinking he is addicted to caffeine to introduce our concept. Ask student if they can guess what it is.

2 Addiction Learning Objective: To explore the effects on drugs.
I can understand the term addiction, different types and causes. I can explore the effects of addiction to alcohol. I can create a social media campaign for the work of the Salvation Army with drug addiction.

3 What sort of things can people become addicted to?
Gambling Internet Work What can people become addicted to? Explain that addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could become harmful to you. Then pose the question, what sorts of things can people become addicted to? Ask students to draw a mind map in their books and write down as many as they can think of. Take feedback and go through some of the suggestions on the PPT. Keyword: Addiction Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you. Shopping Drugs & Alcohol

4 What sort of things can people become addicted to?
There are lots of reasons why addictions begin. In the case of drugs, alcohol and nicotine, these substances affect the way you feel, both physically and mentally. These feelings can be enjoyable and create a powerful urge to use the substances again. Gambling may result in a similar mental "high" after a win, followed by a strong urge to try again and recreate that feeling. This can develop into a habit that becomes very hard to stop. Being addicted to something means that not having it causes withdrawal symptoms, or a "come down". Because this can be unpleasant, it's easier to carry on having or doing what you crave, and so the cycle continues. Often, an addiction gets out of control because you need more and more to satisfy a craving and achieve the "high". Gambling Work What can cause these addictions? Then pose the question ‘what causes these addictions?’ Take some feedback and use the information from the NHS on the PPT to explain this to students. Shopping Internet Drugs & Alcohol

5 What is the difference? What is the difference between recreational drug use and dependent drug use? Recreational drug use is the social or casual use of a drug. For example, during a music event, a social event or simply going to a bar or nightclub. Recreational drug use may also be done by an individual by themselves, outside of a social event. It can refer to any type of drug, e.g. alcohol. Many people who have a drug dependency issue may have begun to use drugs in a casual or social manner. However, because of the addictive nature of the drugs, the casual or social user can easily fall into a pattern of addiction. They may begin to take drugs in a binge, use a number of different drugs at the same time or even take drugs on their own. They may begin to seek out the drug at times when it is not just for ’fun’, they may begin lying to people to cover up their obsession, lose or gain weight, skip work or engage in risky activities all for the sake of drugs. Then pose the question ‘what is the difference between recreational drug use and dependent drug use? Go through the two definitions on the PPT so students are clear on this.

6 Addiction Learning Objective: To explore the effects on drugs.
I can understand the term addiction, different types and causes. I can explore the effects of addiction to alcohol. I can create a social media campaign for the work of the Salvation Army with drug addiction.

7 The effects of addiction
In order for students to understand the serious effects that drug addiction can have, show the clip of the Channel 4 news report of young people addicted to alcohol.

8 Addiction Learning Objective: To explore the effects on drugs.
I can understand the term addiction, different types and causes. I can explore the effects of addiction to alcohol. I can create a social media campaign for the work of the Salvation Army with drug addiction.

9 Addiction – Help and Support
If you are worried about addiction, whether this is for yourself or someone you know, there are lots of places you can go for help, advice and support. Inform students that addiction need not have the serious consequences they saw in the news report as there are lots of places people can go for help and support, whether it is for them or someone they know that they are worried about. Show the examples on the board (NHS, Beating Addictions, Frank, Addaction, Samaritans). If you have time you might like to look at some of their websites with students.

10 The Salvation Army The Salvation Army are a Christian charity who put Christian teachings such as ‘love your neighbour’ into practice by supporting people with drug and alcohol addiction. Watch the clip to see the work they do… We are now going to focus on the Salvation Army as an example of a Christian charity that supports people with drug and alcohol addictions – explain how they put Christian teachings such as ‘love your neighbour’ into practice. Watch the clip so students can see the work they do.

11 The Salvation Army How many of you knew about the work of the Salvation Army before this lesson? You are going to create a social media campaign to raise awareness of the work of the Salvation Army for people your age. E.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. Design a page/posts either on paper or Google Docs/Slides that you think would grab the attention of people in your age bracket. Ask students whether they knew about the work of the Salvation Army before this lesson in helping those with drug addiction. The likelihood is many students won’t have heard of this particular line of their work. Explain that students are going to create a social media campaign to raise awareness of their work for people in their age group. This can be any platform they like, e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. They can design their page/posts on paper or electronic devices such as Chromebooks. Explain they may like to complete further research into the work using their website. You can complete further research into the Salvation Army using their website. Google: Salvation Army Drug Addiction

12 Addiction Learning Objective: To explore the effects on drugs.
I can understand the term addiction, different types and causes. I can explore the effects of addiction to alcohol. I can create a social media campaign for the work of the Salvation Army with drug addiction.

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