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CE320 Unit 6 Seminar: Language Development in the Primary Years

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1 CE320 Unit 6 Seminar: Language Development in the Primary Years

2 Audio and Text Check I am aware that many of you are new to online learning and to using computers, so before we get started… lets conduct a quick audio check. If you can’t hear me, please confirm that the volume on your speakers are on and if you have external speakers confirm that they are plugged in. If you can’t hear me, please try logging out and back in. This often fixes the problem. If you are having difficulty typing into the text box, please try hitting the f11 key. If this does not work – please call Tech Support at

3 Updates and reminders In this Seminar, we will review the reading and discuss how we can engage a shy child in cooperative learning activities. We will also discuss creative dramas and how they facilitate language competencies. We will review a few of the key terms found at the end of Chapters 10 and 11 that are relevant to building language in the primary years. Tonight we will… Review definitions of key terms Discuss pragmatic Language Discuss creative dramas and view a creative drama in a field trip Review the Unit 6 Project and Rubric Questions and planning schedule to complete project

4 Unit Outcomes and Expectations
At the end of this unit you should be able to: Give a developmentally appropriate example of a creative drama based on a popular story book that you would use in a classroom or center setting Apply knowledge about the developmentally appropriate principles, language development and investigative play in creating a learning center for children in the primary age group Describe a variety of activities that help enhance language development in the child from infancy through the primary grades

5 Key Terms Onset Rime Invented spelling Anaphora Derivational morpheme
Gerund Indirect request Question-answer relationship (QAR) Inquiry Learning

6 Reading review: Pragmatic Language
Let’s review the article by Coplan & Weeks, “Shy and soft spoken: shyness, pragmatic language, and socio-emotional adjustment in early childhood.” What is pragmatic language knowledge?

7 Reading Continued How do shy children perform in relationship to communication competencies as compared to their peers who are not shy?

8 Reading Continued . What strategies would you employ to involve a shy child in a collaborative-cooperative project? Why have you chosen these strategies

9 Creative drama Addresses vocabulary and use of language (registers and contexts). Resembles pretend play children may have engaged in during preschool and kindergarten. What does a creative drama look like? Field trip - How does creative drama provides the opportunity to enhance each of the five aspects of language knowledge, in both receptive and expressive modes: phonetic, semantic, syntactic, morphemic, and pragmatic?

10 Unit 6 Project Directions
Planning a Mini-conference on Workshops that Promote Early Literacy and Language Development For the Unit 6 Project, imagine that you are the director of a childcare center and are planning for the “Week of the Young Child,” an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. As the director, you are planning a mini-conference on children's early literacy for caregivers, teachers, and parents.

11 Unit 6 Project: Newsletter or Power Point
As part of your task, you need to create a newsletter or PowerPoint presentation that describes the topics that will be covered in the workshop. Your newsletter or presentation should be focused towards gaining attendance to the workshops you are planning on the next slides…

12 Project 6: week of the Young Child
In Workshop 1, you will give a developmentally appropriate example of a creative drama based on a popular story book that you would use in a classroom or center setting. In Workshop 2, you apply your knowledge about the developmentally appropriate principles, language development and investigative play critical to creating a learning center for children in the preschool age group.   In Workshop 3, you will give a developmentally appropriate example of a read aloud activity based on a popular story book that you would use in a classroom or center setting for kindergarteners. In this workshop, please share the five guidelines for selecting books to read aloud to a group of kindergarteners and how to apply those guidelines to a popular storybook. (Note: The storybook of your choice should be identified in your newsletter or PowerPoint presentation.)

13 Formatting your Project 6
You should create this project in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, or Microsoft PowerPoint following APA guidelines. Use double spacing and Arial or Times New Roman Size 12 font for your newsletter, Include a title page and reference page. Power Points require a size 18 font, a title page or slide, a reference page with one-inch margins. For help with citations/references please refer to the APA Quick Reference Guide under Course Home and also visit the KU Writing Center.

14 Rubric Content - 154 points
Title slide for Power Point or Heading for Newsletter with byline for author—author should be identified Introduction to Workshop-explains and introduces the annual celebration of the Week of the Young Child as sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the purpose of the three workshops, and has a focus on how your center will promote the needs of the young child and the family. Workshop 1—give a developmentally appropriate example of a creative drama based on a popular book that you would use in a classroom or center setting Workshop 2—apply your knowledge about the developmentally appropriate principles, language development and investigative play critical to a learning center for children in the preschool age group Workshop 3—give a developmentally appropriate example of a read-aloud activity based on a popular story book that has been identified.  Story book should be appropriate in a classroom or center setting for kindergarteners.  Explain the five guidelines for selecting books to read aloud to a group of kindergarteners and how to apply those guidelines to a popular storybook.  Conclusion—Summarize the information shared in the Workshops and how this experience can help the child and the family in developing language skills.  References-- include at least 3 references relevant to language development, (i.e., textbook, story books used, and websites).

15 Rubric Continued Mechanics/Structure - 16 points
Newsletter or Power Point format submitted Use of bullet points/brief phrases for Power Point or appropriate sentence structure for newsletter Clipart should not take away from the content Appropriate Length (2-sided newsletter or 12 slides for a Power Point) Spelling, Grammar checked (Subject/Verb agreement, punctuation, capitalization, etc) 12 Point font Arial or Times New Roman for newsletter or 18 point font for Power Point (Note: headings can be larger) Includes an introduction and a conclusion References include unit materials and are in APA format

16 Time to Review: Questions?
Where are the templates for this project? When is this project due? How will you approach the work involved in this project? Have you planned enough time in your schedule? If not, what adjustments do you plan to make?

17 Don’t’ Forget A To-Do List is a great way to stay organized in your studies!
Readings Discussion Seminar (Congratulations, you have completed your week 6 seminar--you can check this one off your list) Graded Review Any questions, please ask! My is Thank you for Coming! 17

18 References Coplan, R. J., & Weeks, M. (2009). Shy and soft-spoken: shyness, pragmatic language, and socio-emotional adjustment in early childhood. Infant & Child Development, 18(3), doi: /icd.622 Otto, B. (2010). Language Development in Early Childhood, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Jupiter Images Corporation, (2010). Retrieved May 10, 2010 from

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