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The Borne Identifier Group 8: Ross Goodrum, Mary Hebert, Corey Trouard, Zack Wepasnick, Tyler Zimmer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Borne Identifier Group 8: Ross Goodrum, Mary Hebert, Corey Trouard, Zack Wepasnick, Tyler Zimmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Borne Identifier Group 8: Ross Goodrum, Mary Hebert, Corey Trouard, Zack Wepasnick, Tyler Zimmer

2 The Borne Identifier Demo

3 What Worked Well? Great teamwork Flexibility Different skill sets
Complete understanding of what the customer wanted Individual assignments Great teamwork was exhibited throughout the project. All milestones were completed in a timely manner. Each team member completed items both individually and as a group. Flexibility was a key success factor in this project. Each member was very willing to meet whenever necessary. Each member possessed a different skill set that aided in the completion and quality of the project. Visiting the end user (Mrs. Borne) on a weekly basis helped us completely understand what the customer wanted. Splitting up of certain individual assignments helped to complete the project in a timely manner. If more than 2 people were working on a part, it could get very time consuming with many ideas bouncing around. We feel that we delegated tasks in accordance with each person’s skills sets.

4 Areas for Opportunity/Lessons Learned
Plan in advance More experience using Visual Studio and Microsoft Access Ensure feasibility Document beforehand, utilize Visio Avoid scope creep We could have planned out each activity in advance. At times, some ideas were up in the air and it could have saved time if we had looked into it beforehand. More experience using applications such as Visual Studio and Microsoft Access always helps. As activity utilizing these applications increases, knowledge will evolve. Ensure that processes are feasible before we started working on them. If this happens too much, it could waste a lot of time. Document everything involved in planning before implementing. Utilize Microsoft Visio more. Avoid scope creep.

5 Post Project Rendezvous

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