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“Economic statistics”

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1 “Economic statistics”
12/13/13 “Economic statistics” What does Gross Domestic Product (GDP) mean? Total value of all goods & services a country produces Which of your countries had the highest & lowest… GDP GDP per capita One other statistic of your choice On desk: Country Economic stats wksht.

2 Economic Statistics GDP GDP per capita % living below poverty line Unemployment rate Debt owed to other countries

3 12/13/13 Econ. Agenda What determines your life expectancy? (class notes) What are you most likely to die from in countries around the world? (online research) HW: World life expectancies wksht.

4 Class notes – Life Expectancy
12/13/13 Class notes – Life Expectancy Life expectancy: # of years a person is expected to live based on social & economic conditions Life Expectancy 8 out of 10 children are poor 3 out of 20 children have medical care GDP per capita is $50,

5 Class notes – Life Expectancy
12/13/13 Class notes – Life Expectancy How long do people live? World’s population is living longer than it used to. early 1800’s: world’s average life expectancy was around 40 years 1800’s – mid-1900’s: life expectancy changes: High Development Countries – populations begin to have longer life expectancies Low Development Countries – life expectancies grow slowly Mid-1900’s – present: rest of the world starting to catch up! (but still not there yet) WHY? (

6 Class notes – Life Expectancy
12/13/13 Class notes – Life Expectancy High Development Countries – populations have longer life expectancies Low Development Countries – life expectancies growing slowly Because… Life expectancy = $$ Wealth $$ Determinants of long life expectancy: Medical care Proper nutrition Shelter Clean environment

7 What are you most likely to die from in other countries?
Choose 6 countries (2 high econ. dev., 2 mid. econ. dev., 2 low econ. dev.), INCLUDING TWO YOU CHOSE FOR ECON. OVERVIEW Research top 10 causes of death for each. Answer questions at the end.

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