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NISD Grading Guidelines

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1 NISD Grading Guidelines
Spanish II Isabel Greuling Tutorials Tues – Fri @ Prime time Mon – 4:00 PM Room AC133 Semester 1 Breakdown First Six Weeks Review vocabulary from Spanish one. Review adjectives, ser, infinitives, verb conjugation, question and frequency words. Second Six Weeks Educational communities. -go verbs, hay que / se prohíbe, stem-changing verbs, affirmative / negative words, tan vs. tanto, saber vs. conocer. Third Six Weeks Families, Communities, and Aesthetics. Two verb phrases, ser vs estar, reflexive verbs. Class expectations Come to class prepared. Participate in class with respect and integrity. Respect other people’s learning opportunities. Behave appropriately for the learning environment. Supplies Composition notebook to keep in class College ruled notebook paper A folder for notes, handouts, & graded papers Pencil & pen, everyday Charged Chromebook, everyday GRADES every 6 weeks 2-3 Summatives Test/project/oral exam/timed writing 5+ Formative grades: Quizzes and practice Academic Dishonesty Cheating or copying are not allowed under any circumstances. This includes: Using a computer program to translate, accessing privileged information (cheat sheets, answer keys, pictures, test questions). Placing your name on an assignment that you did not do. Giving and/or receiving answers on individual assignments or during testing. Students will receive the following consequence for academic dishonesty: A disciplinary referral and one day of ISS. Suspension or removal from BNHS sponsored activities/organizations. Student must re-do the assignment under teacher’s supervision, for no higher than a 70. NISD Grading Guidelines 60% Summatives (Tests & Major Projects) 40% Formatives (Quizzes & Daily Work) LATE Formative work will be accepted for a grade (not to exceed 70%), until the Summative assignment for that content is completed. Once a grade is posted & for grades below 80, students have 2 school days to request a re-test for up to an 80. For this, students must complete ALL formatives leading to the test, attend tutorials, & submit written request signed by student.

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