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User Group Meeting November 8th 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "User Group Meeting November 8th 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Group Meeting November 8th 2016

2 Cgnetwork 46ef8ae679

3 Welcome

4 VQManager Enhancements

5 General Enhancements VQManager

6 VQManager Sorting of File Library
You are now able to sort the documents in the File Library table in the same way other tables’ work, by clicking on the headings. VQManager

7 VQManager Sorting of File Library files into folders
We have now added the ability to sort the File Library into folders. All existing files previously uploaded will be in the default folder until moved elsewhere. Newly uploaded files will also initially go into the default folder, including those uploaded by your Centre Administrators/File Librarians. There is a new link at the bottom of the page which allows you to "Create new folder" option. VQManager Cont….

8 VQManager Once created click on the “move selected files here” link.
You can edit the new folders name, but the default one cannot be renamed. All columns have an up/down arrow so they can be sorted within the tables as required As the link implies, if you delete any folder, all the uploaded files will be automatically moved to the default folder. VQManager

9 Reports VQManager

10 VQManager Report Development
We have introduced several new reports in VQManager. They are available in the Reports area according to the various user roles and will replace the current Monday ed reports that go out to Centre Administrators. The new reports are:- Planned end dates – available to Centre Admin., IQA, Assessor, Line Manager, Other System User and EQA Within all the roles above, go to the Reports tab, this report is available in the Progress sub tab (Example of IQA view) VQManager Also available in a download version

11 Assessor performance – available to Centre Admin
Assessor performance – available to Centre Admin., IQA, Line Manager, Other System User and EQA Within the roles above, go to the Reports tab, this report is available from the User Activity Tab (Example of IQA view) Also available in a download version VQManager

12 Learner activity report – available to Centre Admin
Learner activity report – available to Centre Admin., IQA, Line Manager and Other System User Within the roles above, go to the Reports tab, this report is available from the User Activity sub tab (Example in Centre Admin view) VQManager

13 VQManager IQA sampling - planned and completed activity
This report is available to: - IQA, for themselves, EQA, for all linked IQAs Line Managers and OSUs, for linked IQAs Centre Admin, for all IQAs in the centre Select the type of report you wish to view: Planned and completed sampling Planned sampling Completed sampling Use the drop down selectors to identify the qualification, IQA/S Assessor/s and employer/s VQManager

14 Dashboards VQManager

15 Dashboards A new Dashboard tab is now available on the Home page for Assessor, IQA/ IV, Line Manager and Centre Administrator giving customisable and downloadable information relevant to each role. All: Are configurable, Downloadable Give access to learner portfolio directly via a hyperlink VQManager

16 VQManager Assessor Dashboard
Selecting the new Dashboard Tab will bring up a selection of graphs which include My Learners, Active Activity Plans- (also known as Assessment Plans or Action Plans – these are not Activity Logs) Progress Reviews, My Learner Log-ins. Please note that the information provided only includes learners with an ‘active’ status. The page layout can be configured to your individual preference and importance of the information provided (See Settings button below). You also have the option to hide a graph from view by clicking on the downward arrow in the top left corner of each graph box. This can be reversed at any time. VQManager

17 VQManager Hyperlink to learner’s EP

18 VQManager IQA/IV dashboard
For the IQA/IV the reports are slightly different, in so much as they show learners for all their assessors. VQManager

19 There is also another report available for the IQA and CA – “Total learners per assessor”.
It displays the total number of learners per assessor with a visual of the number of learners Active on target (green), Unspecified start or end date (amber) and At risk (red). VQManager

20 VQManager Line Manager/Other System User dashboard
In addition to the IQA/IV reports, the line manager is able to see the “My associates’ log-ins” too VQManager

21 Learner Enhancements VQManager

22 VQManager Learner - Improving pop-up message when deleting evidence
The message popup which appears when opting to delete evidence has now been made more robust to ensure the user is aware that the deletion is a permanent action. It now reads as follows: VQManager

23 Unit sign off - emphasis changed to encourage the learners to leave comments.
The 'if required' has been removed: A new pop up message box appears when the learner clicks to save, if the comments box has been left blank: VQManager

24 Learners: Notification on To Do page when another user adds or amends a Learner's Activity Log Users will now receive a notification if a new activity log has been added. A notification also appears if an existing Activity Log entry is amended. This will appear in a table on the To Do page, and have a 'remove' button so users can remove entries from the list after they've seen and actioned them. If the “Edit” link is selected the user will then be taken to that entry of the Activity Log, so they can read and further edit from there as necessary. VQManager

25 Assessor Enhancements

26 VQManager Assessor - Improving pop-up message when deleting evidence
The message popup which appears when opting to delete evidence has now been made more robust to ensure the user is aware that the deletion is a permanent action. It now reads as follows: VQManager

27 When evidence is returned by an IQA/IV, create comments box for assessor to write to IQA/IV
Previously in the Log Evidence page when the evidence had been returned by the IQA for additional work by the assessor, there was nowhere for the assessor to write comments directly back to the IQA so that the comments were not visible to the learner. This is a new box in addition to the assessor comments box that the learner can see. VQManager

28 Assessors now have the Learner Details tab added under My Learners, previously seen only by the IQA/IV has under their Verify tab: The data available - Title, First name, Last name, DOB, Gender, ULN, Address, Phone numbers, address, Awarding body enrolment number, Date registered VQManager

29 Assessor: Add tab to assign multiple assessment plans at once
We have added a new tab to the Assessment Tools area called 'Apply multiple assessment plan templates'. (This could read activity plans or action plans depending on your centre settings). Single plan to single learner Single plan to many learners Many plans to single learner Many plans to many learners VQManager

30 Assessors: Notification on To Do page when another user adds or amends a Learner's Activity Log Users will now receive a notification if a new activity log has been added. A notification also appears if an existing Activity Log entry is amended. This will appear in a table on the To Do page, and have a 'remove' button so users can remove entries from the list after they've seen and actioned them. If the “Edit” link is selected the user will then be taken to that entry of the Activity Log, so they can read and further edit from there as necessary. VQManager This enhancement is optional and must be requested.

31 VQManager Assessor: Allowing reversing of sign off
At the moment, assessors can reverse their own unit sign off. We have now added the ability for Assessors to reverse their own qualification sign off too, provided the qualification is not signed off by an IQA/IV. If the assessor needs to reverse this sign off the box may now be unticked. When saved the sign off date disappears from the assessor sign off column in the table. NOTE: The Centre Administrator receives an notification to indicate that the qualification sign off has been reversed in both instances i.e. when the assessor or the IQA/IV reverse this. The sign off notification which appears in the Centre Administrator’s To Do tab also disappears. This enhancement is optional and must be requested. VQManager

32 VQManager Reversing an assessment plan sign off
The principle for this is the same, below is an assessment plan signed off To reverse it, untick the sign off assessment plan box VQManager This enhancement is optional and must be requested.

33 IQA Enhancements VQManager

34 VQManager Remove qual from IQA/IV Info tab when it's been signed off
This update relates to the Info tab for IQAs. Previously, in the table 'Qualifications signed off in the last 30 days', items remained there even when the qualification was signed off by the IQA (unlike the Units signed off table, where when signed off, the units disappear). The qualifications signed off by an IQA will now disappear from the list when signed off. VQManager

35 Move the 'write new report' button to the top of the IQA feedback reports page
After a while, the list of feedback reports can get very long and the user has to scroll a long way to find the 'write new' button. This button has now been duplicated so it can be found both at the bottom and the top of the table of reports, along with the 'edit' button. VQManager

36 Criteria in the gap analysis report is now removed when the unit is signed off by an IV/IQA.
In the Gap Analysis report once the IV/IQA has signed off the unit, any criteria from that unit will disappear from the Gap Analysis report. VQManager

37 VQManager IQA/IV: Allowing reversing of sign off
IQA/IVs are now able to reverse their own unit and qualification sign off. The process for reversing IQA/IV unit and qualification sign off is the same as before. Removing the tick will reverse the sign off.  [PG1] VQManager This enhancement is optional and must be requested.

38 IQA/IVs to be able to reverse assessor unit and qualification sign off where they disagree with the assessor's decision. The IQA/IV is now able to untick the assessor sign off box and should write comments in the Summative Assessment box at this point, visible to the assessor, saying why they have reversed the sign off. The date then disappears from the assessor sign off column in the summary table. NOTE: The Centre Administrator receives an notification to indicate that the qualification sign off has been reversed in both instances i.e. when the assessor or the IQA/IV reverse this. The sign off notification which appears in the Centre Administrator’s To Do tab also disappears. VQManager This enhancement is optional and must be requested.

39 VQManager Adding more visibility in IV/IQA Feedback Report tab
IOA/IVs can now see the following in the IV/IQA Feedback report tab: An option to see all reports, regardless of which assessor they are for. The 'list all reports' button should take the user to a list of all reports authored by themselves. VQManager Cont….

40 When an assessor’s name is selected, the IV/IQA can see all reports, regardless of who wrote the report. When the assessor is selected, the IV/IQA sees a new button to show all reports for that assessor, with a column for the name of the authoring IV/IQA. The IV/IQA can only edit the reports they wrote themselves. Others are ‘view only’. VQManager

41 EV Enhancements VQManager

42 External Verifier: Routing of EQA/EV feedback reports - to go to IQA/IV, not assessor
We have changed the workflow in respect of the EQA/EV feedback reports. Following consultation it was established that the EQA/EV feedback report is really for the attention of the IQA/IV and not the assessor. All previous entries sent to the assessors will still be visible to the assessors but now also visible to any associated IQA/IV. You are able to select an IQA/IV and then if required an assessor, but there is the option to choose “no specific assessor” too. Selecting an IQA and an assessor will fresh the page and list all the reports for that IQA/assessor combination. Using the blue arrow, you may now list all reports (for all IQAs and assessors) to view all in addition to the existing buttons “Write new report” and “Edit or view”. If you select “write new report” there are a couple of amendments to this page. The EQA/EV can opt to share this report with the assessor if s/he chooses. And the review is clearly labelled review of IQA as opposed to assessor. The blue arrow now indicates that the report notification will go to the IQA/IV. VQManager

43 Centre Admin Enhancements

44 Centre Administrator: Moving two fields in Learner Profile from ILR extra fields to standard fields
Some information visible to the IQA/ IV on the “Learner Detail” tab in “Verify” relates to two User Details fields in the Centre Admin area. These fields were additional ones available upon request but have now been made into standard fields. They are as follows: VQManager

45 VQManager Changing 'sex' to 'gender' in Personal Details
We have changed the terminology in the Centre Admin user profile area. VQManager

46 Add IQA/IV sign off column to Centre Admin qual sign off table
We have added an additional column in the “qualifications signed off” table for the Centre Admin to include IQA sign off in addition to the Assessor sign off. Items should appear in the table at Assessor sign off, as now, but the IQA sign off date will pull through if and when that is added. VQManager

47 VQManager Add 'trainee assessor' label in User table for Centre Admin
In the User table, it wasn’t very easy to see who was a trainee assessor without opening individual user profiles. This will be most apparent in the 'linked to' column, so the Centre Admin can easily see that they have assigned a trainee and a qualified to the learner where that's appropriate. VQManager

48 Not able to develop VQManager
Remind assessor to sign off unit when all criteria covered Allow the IQA to filter the different quals in the unit sign-off notifications in the info tab Tab to show any IQA sampling plan for any IQA in the centre - we've made this available as a report. EQA able to see archived learners VQManager

49 Not developed - unpopular
Add hyperlinks to assessor comments Increase file size limit Add cloud storage facility Automatically sign off assessment plan when all evidence signed off Shortcut on To Do list to sign off assessment plan when all criteria ticked off Where assessor is assigned to learner, roll up list of quals assigned to assessor VQManager

50 Developments done in conjuction with another development
IQA to be able to see a grouped view of outstanding assessment plans, by assessor - dashboard The IQA to be able to see the number of items in limbo between trainee and qualified assessor, in progress but awaiting the qualified assessor's sign-off – assessor performance report VQManager

51 Not developed due to time constraints, either underway or due to start soon.
Progress reviews - learner confirmation box Notification that a new learner has been added via assessor home page When an IQA samples, update sampling plan with the date of the sample - actually in progress Notifying a learner when account is created with log-in information via VQManager

52 New development requests

53 Lunch! VQManager

54 Voting Voting

55 Trailblazers VQManager

56 Where are we up to? Increasing clarity - Government papers
- conferences - focus groups VQManager

57 Challenges - Standards are more vague
- Need to track competency, knowledge and behaviours - Hard to judge readiness for end point assessment VQManager

58 Conducting a pilot VQManager

59 VQManager

60 VQManager

61 VQManager

62 VQManager

63 Website FAQ’s VQManager

64 Thank you VQManager

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