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Harmonisation Working Group 4
Retail Market Harmonisation Working Group 4 NIAUR Offices, Belfast 16 November 2009
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Agenda Minutes from HWG3 2nd November Matters Arising & Outstanding from previous HWG meetings EU Third Package Presentation of Customer Data and Meter Point Characteristics Proposal Agreements for Fieldwork Data Processing and Aggregation – Advance Thinking Any Other Business Including Baseline and Change Control Next Meeting 2 Private and Confidential
Matters From Previous HWG - Resolved
NIE to issue message 303R when a CoS read provided on message 010 or 210 is rejected CoS Estimate Is Not Allowed Last Actual Read Date is included on messages 102 and 102P This field can be used to determine if an estimate would not be allowed 3 Private and Confidential
Matters From Previous HWG – Carried Forward
NIE MPRN Website Data Publication Legal Review CER Consultation & CoP on Objection & Debt EAC effective date available in aggregation audit trail – to Dec 1st ESB and NIE will investigate possible differences in the check digit algorithm and report back De-energisation CoP review – to detailed design Review of response messages when a CoS estimate is not possible Review of CoS cancellation time-out reasons Extension of CoS customer read window to D-5 (IGG status) 4 Private and Confidential
3rd Package Introduction Main provisions of the Third Energy Package
Retail market amendments
3rd Package Third Package: main provisions Retail market measures
Stronger powers for national regulators Effective unbundling of networks Regulatory Agency at EU level (ACER) Cooperation of network operators (ENTSO)
3rd Package New provisions for the operation of the retail market:
Published rules on the roles and responsibilities of all market players Information for consumers: European Energy Consumer checklist New deadlines on switching, 3 weeks, and receipt of final bill, 6 weeks Consumer access to consumption data in sufficient time periods Implementation of Smart Metering .Promotion of Smart Grids
3rd Package Uncertainty on 3rd package:
Only the directive is published. We still need the EU Commission Guidance Document. Governments use that to draft legislation. We comply with the legislation.
Customer Details and Meter Point Characteristics
NIE propose To introduce a separate process for Change of Legal Entity / Change of Tenancy similar to that employed in the RoI To introduce additional market messages for Suppliers as follows: 016, 116 and 116N (CoLE/CoT) 301N (Meter Point Characteristics Change notification) Note 014R, 114, 301, 321 introduced by Enduring Solution (014R was originally identified as N114R), To retain message N140 sent to a previous Supplier for previous tenancy tracking 9 Private and Confidential
Change of Customer Details (mod 1.1)
Change of Customer Details submitted by Supplier using message 013 Message 014R issued to reject changes Message 114 issued to confirm changes There may be a mixture of items accepted and items rejected Common address, name and contact data segment formats adopted as per previous HWG2 and HWG3 presentations Multiple messages required if more than one medical or special needs value Deletion flags will be introduced in NI for some data fields Medical and special needs vales to be deleted to be specified Previous tenancy data No longer supported on message 013 in Northern Ireland Will be processed on message 016 (CoLE/CoT) in Northern Ireland only MCR0169 agreed in RoI introduces new field on the following messages whereby a Supplier can indicate customer agreement to display medical equipment details via the MPRN web-site : 010, 013, 016 and 017 10 Private and Confidential
Change of Customer Details Message 013
Message additionally contains MP Address, Customer Name, Customer Contact, Notification Address and Technical Contact segments 11 Private and Confidential
Change of Customer Details Rejection 014R
Message does not currently exist in NI Message additionally contains MP Address and Customer Name segments 12 Private and Confidential
Change of Customer Details Confirmation 114
Message does not currently exist in NI (message N195 is used) Message will also be sent where networks detect MP address change Message additionally contains MP Address and Customer Name segments Other than MP Address, Customer Name, DUoS Group and Load Profile message 114 does not contain updated values 13 Private and Confidential
Change of Tenancy / Legal Entity
Change of Tenancy / Legal Entity submitted by Supplier using message 016 Message 116R issued to reject CoT / CoLE Message 116 issued to confirm changes Cannot receive both 116R and 116 for same transaction Message 116N issued to New Supplier if a Change of Supplier is in progress Responsibility with New Supplier to cancel; otherwise CoS continues Message 300 issued to confirm readings (if provided or, in RoI only, estimated) Message 303R issued to reject readings when invalid meter data Does not apply to future dated readings or invalid readings Messages 014R issued to reject change of usage Message 114 issued to confirm change of usage (i.e. a change of DUoS tariff) Message 701 (consumption) issued by ESB in RoI only for unmetered sites Message 140 issued to previous Supplier based on previous tenancy data supplied in Northern Ireland only Where 303R and/or 014R are issued, the CoT/CoLE itself will continue Note detail of messages 300, 303R and 701 will be covered in a future HWG on December 1st 14 Private and Confidential
Change of Tenancy / Legal Entity - Data
Common address, name and contact data segment formats adopted as per previous HWG2 and HWG3 presentations A request to change Meter Point Address cannot be submitted using message 016 A Supplier must follow up with additional 013 message(s) if more than one medical or special needs value if it is required to provide or change access instructions 15 Private and Confidential
Change of Tenancy / Legal Entity Required Data and Readings
CoT / CoLE may be future dated or past dated CoT / CoLE and any readings will be dated at a provided, valid required date If there is no date provided, then the message receipt date will be used for both the CoT/CoLE and any estimates. Readings will be ignored If date is prior to the last DUoS bill date, then the message receipt date will be used for the CoT/CoLE but any readings are ignored and an estimate is used in RoI for non MD sites below 30kVA NIE propose to introduce a check against dates that are significantly into the future Readings may be provided on message 016 Readings are ignored for interval, MD or unmetered sites Readings are ignored on a future dated CoT/CoLE Readings accepted will be advised using message 300 Readings rejected will be advised using message 303R This does not reject the CoLE/CoT and does not apply to future dated readings Where readings are invalid or no readings are provided: ESB will estimate readings, provided DUoS billing has not occurred, and provide these on message 300. If necessary ESB wait until the “future” date before estimation NIE do not propose to estimate readings 16 Private and Confidential
Change of Tenancy/Legal Entity Message 016
Message does not currently exist in NI (message N013 is used) Message additionally contains Customer Name, CoT History, Customer Contact, Notification Address, Technical Contact and Party Contact segments 17 Private and Confidential
CoT / CoLE Rejection Message 116R
Message does not currently exist in NI 18 Private and Confidential
CoT / CoLE Confirmation Message 116
Message does not currently exist in NI Message additionally contains Party Contact segment Other than DUoS Group and EAI code message 114 does not contain updated values 19 Private and Confidential
CoT / CoLE Notification Message 116N
Message does not currently exist in NI Message additionally contains Party Contact segment 20 Private and Confidential
Previous Tenancy Message 140
Message will continue to be sent by NIE only to the previous Supplier when a Supplier advises a CoT and provides previous Supplier data Message contains: MPRN Supplier ID (of the Supplier reporting the CoT) Customer Name segment Meter Point Address segment Change of Tenancy History details Customer Contact details Notification Address details Common address, name and contact data segment formats adopted as per previous HWG2 and HWG3 presentations 21 Private and Confidential
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Change of Usage Change of Usage may be submitted on messages 013 or 016 NIE also propose to infer a Change of Usage from a requested Meter Configuration where this can be done uniquely Refer to NIE data codes spreadsheet for allowable MCC to usage type combinations Where usage type cannot be uniquely determined, NIE will look for message 013 or 016 Change of Usage will take effect from: The date of any valid readings provided with the CoU message (016) The date of any fieldwork if the CoU is derived from or associated with fieldwork The day after any previous billable reading The day after the last DUoS bill, if none of the above apply The Change of Usage date may therefore vary from the CoT/CoLE date as estimates other than those used in CoS or DUoS Billing are not used for CoU 22 Private and Confidential
Message Matrix – Fieldwork & Customer Data
23 Private and Confidential
Meter Point Characteristics
NIE is introducing message 301N, aligned to ESB, to provide an advance notification of changes to Meter Point Characteristics Will be sent when a quote is issued to customer for changes Optional fields will communicate the data that is to be changed Completion of process may lead to issue of messages 331 and/or 332 If a change only requires a change in metering configuration the request should be made through the Supplier using message 030 NIE is aligning with the ESB format for message 301 notification of changes to Meter Point Characteristics Chargeable service capacity will be added but not used in RoI Will be used on message 301 in NI when annual CSC updates are made Full data is provided as it stands on system following the change, together with an effective date for the changes Message 301 was already agreed to be introduced within Enduring Solution 24 Private and Confidential
MP Characteristics Notification Message 301N
Message does not currently exist in NI Message additionally contains Meter Point Address segment 25 Private and Confidential
MP Characteristics Change Message 301
Message does not currently exist in NI (message N195 is used) Message additionally contains Meter Point Address segment Message does not contain MIC Start Date, to be reviewed 26 Private and Confidential
Read Cycle Change Message 321
NIE is aligning with the ESB format for message 321 notification of permanent changes to Read Cycle Message was agreed to be introduced within Enduring Solution Message does not currently exist in NI (Message N195 currently used) 27 Private and Confidential
Proposal Agreement - Fieldwork
We will briefly review Proposals presented on 2nd November Proposal changes made as a result of comments made and clarifications discussed on 11th November – highlighted in red We will then Seek general agreement List exceptions to agreement Work on the items agreed as outstanding – requiring further work Refer other exceptions to next HSG (26th November) for decision Issue message guides (date t.b.a.) Issue document summarising procedural changes (early December) NIE and ESB will issue separate documents There may be no changes and hence no document for ESB 28 Private and Confidential
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Fieldwork Summary What key items has changed since HWG3 Message 017 is not used for unmetered in Northern Ireland Extension to scope of message 260 in Northern Ireland Proposals on message 311 have been withdrawn pending review Clarification of fieldwork withdrawal message handling What remains the same Messaging Items not in red type What remains outstanding and is excluded from agreement Merging and agreement of various data code lists Technical facilities to allow integration of appointment booking systems and supplier systems (to be addressed in detail design) 29 Private and Confidential
Fieldwork – Appointment Booking
ESB Web-Site allows Supplier to identify available appointment slots Appointment date and time is entered on message Appointment ID is not appropriate as a firm appointment has not been made NIE Web-Site allows Supplier for book an appointment Appointment ID is entered on message Appointment date and time: can be used to indicate a preferred date where an appointment cannot be booked (e.g. HH metering) ; but should be omitted if an appointment ID has been made Suppliers have requested facilities to integrate web-site appointments with their own fieldwork management systems this will be considered during detailed design 30 Private and Confidential
Fieldwork – Messaging Introduction
NIE to introduce messages 017, 030, 252 and 260 Message 031 replaced by the above messages NIE to introduce response messages as per RoI design 106D/E; 117R/D; 130R/D; 137R; 352R Message 131 replaced for most purposes with a new version consistent with ESB MCR0171 31 Private and Confidential
Fieldwork – Messaging Fields General
NIE to carry Market Participant Business Reference through to response messages Review of code list contents to harmonise e.g. works type, observation codes, reason codes, rejection codes Change of Tenancy allowed on message 017 only Also will be allowed on 010 and 016 Message 017 is only fieldwork message to include customer name, contact address, notification address and technical contact All request messages include party contact segment 32 Private and Confidential
Party Contact
Meter Point Status Change (mod v1.1)
MP Status Change using Message 017 Responses using 106D/E Interval Meter Point De-Energised or Energised 117R Request Rejection 137R Appointment Rejection (ESB only) 117D Delay prior to appointment date – no significant NIE use expected 131 Usage described in later section on message 131 306; 307; 331, 332; Readings, Meter Installs if removed on de-energising 700 Unmetered Inventory and 701 Unmetered Consumption in RoI only Message 700 will also be sent in NI after energisation/de-energisation Message 017 can be used to advise CoT/CoLE Required Date will refer to the CoT/CoLE Date (not fieldwork date) If omitted for CoT/CoLE then CoT/CoLE occurs on receipt Change of Usage Type can only be notified on message 013/016 34 Private and Confidential
Meter Point Status Change – Process Differences
Restrictions on domestic de-energisation in NI De-energisation for non payment not allowed De-energisation when there is no supply agreement is allowed Supply agreement flag must be set to “No”, site must be vacant. De-energisation is not completed if there is evidence of occupation Request cancelled using message 131 status C2 DUoS charges are not suspended NIE to review De-energisation Code of Practice Including repeat visits to de-energise when no Supply Agreement De-energisation suspends capacity and standing charges in NI In NI, message 017 will not be used for unmetered energisation/de-energisation There are no single point unmetered sites in NI Keypad tariff configuration can be changed on energisation Customer name is required in NI for HV Sites 35 Private and Confidential
Message 017 Change of Meter Point Status Request
Also includes party contact, customer name, contact address, notification address and technical contact 36 Private and Confidential
Message 117R Rejection of Request
37 Private and Confidential
Message 137R Rejection of Appointment
Message 137R in RoI is used for a variety of reasons Invalid call type Route/time invalid Timeslot not available Meter works delay Use of 137R in NI will be restricted to failure to provide a fieldwork request message after making an online appointment booking NIE will issue warning by prior to rejection Timeline for and rejection to be addressed in detailed design Applies to Change of Meter Point Status Meter Works Special Read Request (NI only) 38 Private and Confidential
Message 137R Appointment Rejected
39 Private and Confidential
Message 117D Fieldwork Delayed
Delay reason codes may be extended 40 Private and Confidential
Message 106D Interval Meter Point De-energised
41 Private and Confidential
Message 106E Interval Meter Point Energised
42 Private and Confidential
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Meter Works Meter Works requested using Message 030 Responses using 130R Request Rejection 137R Appointment Rejection (ESB only) 130D Delay prior to appointment date – no significant NIE use expected 131 Usage described in later section on message 131 331 (Interval), 332 (Non Interval, to be presented December 1st) Message 030 cannot be used to advise CoT/CoLE An updated set of Meter Works Types to be agreed reflecting the differing metering arrangements in NI and RoI Includes meter tests and, in NI, other problems where the Supplier knows an on-site appointment is required 43 Private and Confidential
Meter Works – Processing Differences
Differences between keypad and token metering Site visit may not always be required in NI Data to support request is different Validation of customer name in NI for HV Sites (not on message) NIE propose to imply change of usage type from message 030 Message 013/016 not required where usage type can be determined from metering configuration NIE will trap certain types of ‘implausible’ changes (e.g. non-domestic to keypad) NIE will look for message 013 or 016 if usage type cannot be determined Usage type remains as is if it is supported by new meter configuration Supplier to send message 013 or 016 if implied usage type is incorrect NIE propose to imply energisation is required when receiving an 030 message that requests a change of metering configuration Supply agreement must previously be set to ‘Y’ Typically supports installing/energising keypad at site de-energised for non-payment by using only one message (assuming no change of tenancy) ESB expect message 017 to energise in addition to 030 NIE will also support message 017 in addition to 030 but appointment ID must be the same on both messages 44 Private and Confidential
Message 030 Meter Works Request
Also includes party contact 45 Private and Confidential
Message 130R Rejection of Request
46 Private and Confidential
Message 130D Meter Works Delayed
Delay reason codes may be extended 47 Private and Confidential
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Special Reads Meter Works requested using Message 252 Responses using 352R Request Rejection 137R Appointment Rejection (NI only) 131 Usage described in later section on message 131 (NI only) 300S Special Read 48 Private and Confidential
Message 252 Special Read Request
Also includes party contact 49 Private and Confidential
Message 352R Special Read Request Rejection
50 Private and Confidential
Meter Problems and Damage
Meter problems / damage reported by Supplier using message 260 NIE propose to include the following in the scope of message 260 revenue protection complaints meter reading complaints usage queries general meter reading enquiries Observation text can be used for any special customer contact details Response report using message 261 Message 261 will only issue in response to message 260 to close off process upon final resolution Message 131 can also issue as an interim, see later slide Meter problems and damage raised through message 260 (Supplier) may also lead to meter replacements reported using the normal messages 331 and 332 51 Private and Confidential
Meter Problems and Damage - Differences
Sending message 261 in response to message 260 NIE will always return a 261 message in response to a 260 message In RoI there are exceptions to responses using message 261 E.g. glass broken does not generate a response A full list is available with HWG4 materials on RMDS web-site 52 Private and Confidential
Message 260 Observation of Problem/Damage or Tampering
Also includes party contact 53 Private and Confidential
Message 261 Resolution of Problem or Damage
Also includes party contact 54 Private and Confidential
Message 311 Meter Problem Notification
NIE proposals for message 311 remain under review 55 Private and Confidential
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Fieldwork Withdrawal In RoI withdrawal messages should mirror request messages …..except that the request status is set to ‘W’ Matching of Market Participant Business Reference is key In NI withdrawal messages should also mirror request messages NI will check at least the following fields for a direct match: MPRN Market Participant Business Reference Appointment Id MP Status(017),Meter Works Type(030),Read Type/Reason (252) Where a withdrawal request is rejected, NI propose to respond using message 117R, 130R and 352R with a request status of ‘W’ 56 Private and Confidential
Message 131 Fieldwork Status
Message 131 implementation will be broadly consistent with MCR171 in RoI Message 131 will advise on cancellation, rescheduling, completion, non-completion of fieldwork initiated through messages 017, 030, 252 and 260) Message 131 will not be used to acknowledge acceptance of requests Suppliers have indicated this has little value Reason, observation, work type and other codes described in MCR0171 will be reviewed and additional codes relevant to NIE business practice added where appropriate 57 Private and Confidential
Message 131 Fieldwork Status Code
Use of status R in NI includes cases where NIE are unable to keep an appointment 58 Private and Confidential
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Message 131 Usage Matrix Table describes where each message 131 type is issued Status Code S and responses to 252 applies in NI only 260/R,S,X,C2 – No circumstance envisaged for use in NI 311 – Sending of message 131 apply to ESB only C1 – responses and alternatives detailed on next slide 59 Private and Confidential
Message 131 Usage Matrix – C1
017 Messages 106D/E, 306, 307, 700, 701 issues instead of C1 030 C1 – Issues for M02/M03/K03 special and major meter tests only Messages 331 and 332 otherwise issues instead of C1 252 Message 300S issues instead of C1 260 C1 – Issues as result of initial meter assessment and tests C1 will also issues in NI to provide enquiry status updates C1 issue in RoI is restricted to revenue protection
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Message 131 61 Private and Confidential
Message 131 – Process Differences
Status ‘S’ applies in NI only A supplier can arrange a new appointment through the on-line booking system using the same appointment ID. To be used where non-completion was due to customer fault (missed appointment, site not ready) Duplicate Request NIE will generally reject the request rather than issue 131X NIE propose to also use 131 message for special read request 252 62 Private and Confidential
Agreements and Exceptions
Supplier exceptions to proposals for changes to NI processes 63 Private and Confidential
Data Processing – Comment Requested
Will be discussed in detail on December 1st To align with ESB, NIE provisionally propose removal of usage factors at register level ESB provide this data at Meter Point/Timeslot level but not Register level Introduction at register level is not a feasible option using SAP ESB have a working practice (005) to address issues that may arise NIE currently provide this data at Meter Point/Timeslot and Register level This is relevant only where multiple instance of same timeslot Multiple instances of same timeslot are relatively rare Note that estimated consumption will continue to be provided on message 320 at register level to help in first bill calculation How do Suppliers use AUF and EUF at Register level in NI? What would be the impact of removal in NI? 64 Private and Confidential
Data Aggregation – Comments Requested
Aggregation files ESB provide analysed aggregation data on messages 591 (NQH import), 595 (QH import), 598 (non-participant generator) NIE provide this data through a secure server How do Suppliers use this data What would be the impact of removal If the data is required, should messages 591, 595 and 598 be used in NI Messages 594 provides analysed data on distribution connected participant generators which may be sent to associated Suppliers Suppliers may receive such data where generator does not have MPCC Do any Suppliers need this data through a market message in NI Messages 596 and 597 provide copies of SU and participant GU aggregated data sent to SMO Message 597 (GU) available to Suppliers under similar arrangement to 594 Do Suppliers need this data to be provided through either or both of these market messages in NI NI alternative to market messages is to remain with the secure server approach DUoS group and MCC breakdown will be lost if market messaging is used Will be discussed in detail on December 1st 65 Private and Confidential
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Technical Workgroup NIE intend to provide functionality whereby A Supplier will be able to access an NIE web-site to view messages they have sent to NIE and which NIE have received a Supplier will be able to view only those messages that have completed processing and were successful. A Supplier will be able to access an NIE web-site to view messages NIE have sent to them NIE and ESB are continuing to review options to enable a Supplier with MPCC/EMMA or equivalent to send messages on behalf of another Supplier (e.g. a retailer) that does not have MPCC/EMMA or equivalent 66 Private and Confidential
Update on Harmonisation Baseline and Change Control
Retail Market Harmonisation Working Group 4 Update on Harmonisation Baseline and Change Control NIAUR Offices, Belfast 16 November 2009
An update on current proposals…
What is the Harmonisation Baseline? How will it be authorised? How will change control work?
What is the Harmonisation Baseline?
Formal record of all changes to schema and processes needed within both jurisdictions to achieve harmonisation Those elements common to both jurisdictions, or relating solely to NI, will need to be documented, authorised and baselined by early January 2010, in order to form part of the contract documentation for the Enduring Solution Those elements relating solely to RoI can be authorised after this date, provided that such authorisation does not change any aspects of documentation relating to NI Authorisation will initially be through the HSG Once authorised, all documentation will need to be placed under strict change control
Contents of the Harmonisation Baseline
What is included in the Harmonisation Baseline: Message Schema spreadsheet Message Guides Agreed Changes documentation summarising agreed changes to Market Procedures in both jurisdictions What contributes to the Harmonisation Baseline: HWG presentations and minutes What will become part of the Harmonisation Baseline in due course: Updated Market Procedures (both jurisdictions) Updated Operational Framework (NI)
Genesis of Harmonisation Documentation
Part of Harmonisation Baseline; under change control once authorised Message Schema ESB / NIE workshop documentation Will become part of Harmonisation Baseline; under change control once authorised HWG presentations / minutes Order of production Message Guides Authorised document; not under HSG change control Changes to Market Procedures Contributory document NI Market Procedures* / Operational Framework * Position on RoI Market Procedures tbc
Baseline Documentation (1)
Message Schema spreadsheets Excel files setting out content and format of all messages Highlight any changes needed in either / both jurisdictions Reviewed and approved by HWG as part of HWG presentations Will be held on RMDS website Message Guides Set out message content and structure, and message validation (which may vary by jurisdiction) Separate sets of documentation NI and RoI ESB production for RoI as-is situation in hand To be passed to NIE as a basis for NI version early Dec – to be completed by christmas Further ESB updates to reflect RoI to-be situation can be completed during early 2010
Baseline Documentation (2)
Agreed Changes to Market Procedures Separate documents for each jurisdiction, summarising changes which will be made to each individual market procedure Possibility of no changes, and therefore no documentation, for RoI In NI, documentation will serve two purposes: An interim record of changes prior to update of Market Procedures next year (see next slide) An aide-memoire for Enduring Solution (ES) bidders to help understand the impact of harmonisation on their proposals NIE will prepare this document (as part of ES project) by end December Document needs to be included in Harmonisation Baseline (and therefore authorised and change controlled) as bidders may rely on its information in preparing their proposals for ES delivery RoI position tbc (depends on need for such a document)
Other important documentation
HWG presentations Essential summary of all harmonisation-driven changes to market processes and schema in both jurisdictions Walked through in detail at HWG meetings, with full opportunity for Supplier input, comment and update Approved by HWG at relevant meeting Minutes of HWG meeting form record of approval NI Market Procedures Will need to be fully updated to reflect impact of harmonisation Enduring Solution design process may also drive further detailed change Work to be completed during 2010 Agreed Changes document (see previous slide) will need to be read in conjunction with existing Market Procedures in the meantime NI Operational Framework Draft developed as basis for Enduring Solution project, published September 2009 To be updated and authorised in parallel to Market Procedures (above)
Document Authorisation – Harmonisation Baseline
HSG is responsible for authorising the Harmonisation Baseline (Message Schema, Message Guides and Agreed Changes to Market Procedures) HSG meeting on 26 November to agree how the required authorisations will be completed: HSG authorisation likely to be through presentation of evidence of internal review (NIE / ESB as appropriate), and clear recommendations from HWG For NI-related material, authorisation needs to be completed in time for inclusion in NIE procurement documentation end January 2010 Message guides (and Agreed Changes documentation, if any) for ROI subject to later running process and likely to be authorised early 2010
Document Authorisation – Other Documentation
NI Market Procedures and Operational Framework: All activities to update, review and authorise these documents to be covered as part of Enduring Solution Stage 3 planning Position on ROI market procedures tbc
Future Evolution of the Harmonisation Baseline
Baselined market processes (Jan 2010) Timeline not to scale Start of ES Design Phase Start of ES Test Cycle Start of Market Test Start of ES Build Phase Go Live (c. +24 months) ES Delivery Timeline Contract let ES Design ES Build ES Test Market Test E: Updated Harmonisation Baseline agreed G: All participants ready to enter market test B: Harmonisation Baseline agreed A C & D F H: ESB Schema Drop I: ESB Schema Drop
Approach to Change Control
Proposals for change control procedures for the Harmonisation Baseline currently under development Outline proposals to be presented to HSG 26th November; detailed proposals (+ authorisation of these) to HSG 18th December Proposals need to be in place early January 2010 to manage the approved Harmonisation Baseline Some principles: Change control procedure for Harmonisation Baseline likely to be based on the existing RMDS procedure Will only be used for changes which impact on the Harmonisation Baseline – all other jurisdiction-specific changes will continue to go through existing channels (RMDS in RoI, CDA in NI) Procedure will need to involve all market participants … … including the Enduring Solution delivery project, recognising its particular scope / timescales / pace of delivery
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Any Other Business 79 Private and Confidential
Comments on Todays Proposals
To be forwarded to By Friday November 20th 2009 for Customer and MP Data By Monday November 23rd 2009 for DP/DA usage factors and aggregation files 80 Private and Confidential
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Next Meetings Tuesday December 1st, 11am to 3pm At CER offices, Tallaght Proposal agreement on customer and meter point characteristics data Presentation Data Processing & Aggregation Unmetered Supplies DUoS Billing Message 311 Market Message Infrastructure 81 Private and Confidential
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