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You know the score by now  Far too much chatting last week…

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Presentation on theme: "You know the score by now  Far too much chatting last week…"— Presentation transcript:

1 You know the score by now  Far too much chatting last week…
8 9 7 6 10 I lost a number the other week. Did it fall into anyone’s bag? 4 5 3 1 2 17 16 18 20 19 23 22 24 25 21 14 15 13 11 12

2 Exam Question – A Very common topic
Outline and discuss five factors which might influence the way people vote during a General Election. (30 marks)

3 Peer Marking Exercise I’ll go through some of the potential answers.
Score yourself on the sheet. Swap with someone who also marks your work. Give each other feedback – 2 medals and a mission 30 minutes

4 1. Political Ideology Manifesto with values, beliefs and policies which reflect the individual idea of socio-political order Traditional behaviour when in government Conviction politicians and figureheads Re-branding – New Labour

5 2. Tradition Family and friends Professional interests
Liberalism – gay marriage/equality issues Religion – Northern Ireland

6 3. Media Agendas of the owners and a lack of objectivity
24-hour news coverage Recent development of TV debates and the implications for image Editors influence how the news is presented

7 4. Successful policies Strong Economy/low taxation
Fall in poverty/increase in living standards Military campaigns – compare Iraq to the Falklands war Strong NHS/emergency services/education/industry

8 5. Personality: Compare…

9 5. Personality: …with…

10 Peer Marking Exercise Score yourself on the sheet.
Swap with someone who also marks your work. Give each other feedback – 2 medals and a mission 25 minutes

11 Alternative Voting Systems

12 The Alternative Vote Voters rank the candidates on the ballot paper in order of preference. If candidate gets 50% of the vote they are elected. If not, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated and their second choices are given to the other candidates. This will continue until one candidate has 50% of the vote (overall majority) (Gray, 2010,p22)

13 Proportional Representation
Tries to match the proportion of votes cast with proportion of seats a party receives. Under PR if you received 35% of the votes you would get 35% of the seats. PR is used for British Elections for EU Parliament except NI. Open list PR – voters choose individual candidates. Closed list PR – voters vote for the party and candidates elected from the order they appear on the list (chosen by the party) (Electoral Reform Society, 2014b)

14 The European Union and the In-Out Referendum
General Studies Unit F731

15 Learning Objectives: You will be able to…
Write about the origins of the European Union Use the definition of the term ‘referendum’ in an exam question Know the merits and pitfalls of Britain’s membership of the EU in the context of the upcoming referendum so you can write a balanced exam essay about staying or leaving

16 Members of the EU The Flag Challenge
There are currently 28 member states of the EU You will see the flags of all 28 members states. It is your task to name as many as you can in your groups. Prize for the most correct answers. 5 minutes now but I’ll leave it out until the end.


18 The Origins of the EU Answer the questions on the worksheet. The answers will give you the key dates from, and key ideas behind, what we know today as the European Union. EU Video Clip

19 The Origins of the EU Rationale
European integration was seen as the way of avoiding the national extremism which had devastated the continent. Cooperation to facilitate the rebuilding of Europe after WWII Promote economic growth of the continent through trade deals and a customs union

20 What is a Referendum? A general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision.

21 The In-Out European Referendum
The Conservatives' election manifesto promised to hold a referendum (a nationwide vote) on whether or not the UK should stay in or leave the European Union. They unexpectedly won an overall majority… The UK is therefore set to have a referendum by the end of 2017 on whether or not to remain a member of the European Union.

22 Exam Question Member stats of the European Union have suffered from a range of problems over recent years. In the light of this, discuss whether the UK should leave the European Union. [30 marks]

23 Table think time What might affect our decision to stay or leave the EU? 5 minutes and then feedback some ideas

24 Stay or Leave? Stay! Millions of jobs are linked to our EU membership
It has been claimed that three million jobs rely directly on our membership of the European Union. Some of Britain's biggest trading partners are in the EU More than 50% of our exports go to EU countries. It's easier than ever for us to work and travel abroad Around 1.4 million British people live abroad in the EU. Crime fighting The European Arrest Warrant cuts out the need for long and complicated extradition procedures. Influence in the world The EU is the world's biggest market.

25 Stay or Leave? Leave! Border control back in our hands
People from other EU countries are free to travel to and live in Britain. We could make a large membership fee saving Like most clubs, the EU charges a membership fee, and it has been claimed that the cost is around £55m per day. Institutions are seen as lacking democracy The European Commission, which proposes legislation, is not elected. Because many of these laws supersede legislation made by individual states' parliaments, this is undemocratic. Other countries successfully go it alone Norway and Switzerland. Get rid of any threat to Britain's military freedom There is a push within the ranks of the EU's leaders for it to have its own army.


27 Quick Quiz: on your own What is the term for the type of election where the number of seats gained is directly related to the number of votes received overall? What is the name of a political party’s ‘plan’ for the country? Who is the leader of the Liberal Democrats? What is the name of the type of government where two or more parties share responsibility for the country? What type of election do we have in this country?

28 Quick Quiz: on your own Which was the last member to join the EU?
What is the name of the document that allows British police to capture criminals in Europe? Name three reasons for staying in the EU? Name three reasons for leaving the EU? Name two European countries not in the EU? Out of 15 marks - Swap

29 Quick Quiz: on your own Proportional representation Manifesto
What is the term for the type of election where the number of seats gained is directly related to the number of votes received overall? Proportional representation What is the name of a political party’s ‘plan’ for the country? Manifesto Who is the leader of the Liberal Democrats? Tim Farron What is the name of the type of government where two or more parties share responsibility for the country? Coalition What type of election do we have in this country? First Past the Post

30 Quick Quiz: on your own Croatia European Arrest Warrant
Which was the last member to join the EU? Croatia What is the name of the document that allows British police to capture criminals in Europe? European Arrest Warrant Name three reasons for staying in the EU? Trade/Exports, Jobs, Freedom to travel and settle, Crime Prevention, Big Team/Influence Name three reasons for leaving the EU? Border control, Membership fee saving, increased local democracy, military power Name two European countries not in the EU? Norway and Switzerland Out of 15 marks - Swap

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