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ALN Review February ALN Review February 2017.

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2 ALN Review February 2017

3 FORBAIRT Action Learning Network 2016 - 2017
A Support ... to help schools explore how they might improve their Teaching and Learning experience for students (1), with particular reference to one of the transitions at Junior Cycle level (2) using the SSE-type process of the ALN (3), and to increase Leadership capacity across the school (4)

4 ALN Actions Transition from P to PP; teaching strategies (12) Student behaviour, attendance, homework, wellbeing (10) Cooperative and collaborative teaching (5) Student Active and self-directed Learning (3) Transition from Junior to Senior cycle (3) Numeracy, incl. transition from First year maths to second year higher level maths (3) Communications, Office 365 (1)


6 PL Training Content 2 full-day modules
Leadership and Management Leading and Facilitating meetings  Communications and Facilitation  ICT and Data- gathering Reporting and presenting the ALN resume for Module 5 Emotional Intelligence as a PL

7 Leadership & Management
Participants: Compare and contrast the key skills and characteristics of both management and leadership. Communication & Facilitation Reflect on their understanding of effective/ineffective communication and explore their own communication style Develop an awareness of the principles of effective communication Understand different modes of communication and facilitation within their school setting Leading Meetings Examine good practice and skills in the preparation and execution of meetings, pre, during and post Examine the creation and importance of establishing meeting norms Develop and maintain productive relationships through effective meetings. Explore managing conflict.

8 Forbairt Report & Presentation
Participants: Reflect on the Forbairt process examining the project, data gathered, supports and resources used. Identify the main challenges addressed during the process. Explore key leadership skills and characteristics developed as a positional leader. ICT and Data Gathering Explore digital tools for gathering and organising data within their schools. Compare the merits of various data gathering techniques. Emotional Intelligence as a Positional Leader Examine the concept and competencies of Emotional Intelligence. Rate their own Emotional Intelligence. Explore the application and development of EI at school.

9 Positional Leaders How did you (s)elect your PLs?
What role(s) are your PLs performing? How do staff regard the PLs in their roles? What training needs can you identify for your PLs?

10 Process and Project Report
… to improve Leadership Capacity in your school Brief Description of Project (Max 100 words) How did you identify your target area and your area of need? (Max 100 words) What Data gathering instruments were used? (Identify 3) How was the data analysed? (Max 100 words) What supports and resources were used? (Max 100 words) What main challenges were addressed? (Max 200 words) How successful was the Project in bringing about the changes you targeted in your School? (Max 100 words) The purpose of this slide is to clarify the need for BRIEF reports, but also to emphasise the importance of the PROCESS


12 Forbairt Calendar 2016 - 2017 Module 1 Sept 12th, 13th, 2016
Module 2 Positional Leaders, Sept 28th Module 3 (ALN) Week of Oct 3rd, 10th or 17th School Visit 1 Module 4 Feb 1st, 2nd, 2017 Module 5 (ALN) Week of Feb 27th or Mar 6th Module 6 Positional Leaders March 2nd 2017 School Visit 2 Module 7 Sept 15th, 16th, 2017

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